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How do you create your levels?

Archive: 42 posts

My question to all LBP creators alike!

How do you create your levels?

Do you first start off with an idea and draw a plan of it before making it?

Do you first come up with a theme and and create the enviroment and then add puzzles to it?

Do you just get crazy ideas floating around which you just cram into when you think of one?

I want to know! How do you create your levels!?

I personally just come up with a theme and then go with the flow from then on. Puzzles, enviroments, all of them are just made up on the spot with the flow but somtimes when i have a crazy idea, i just build it on LBP and then see if i can incorporate it on any of my other levels after woulds.
2009-06-18 10:32:00

Posts: 509

Pretty much same as you. I just have an idea then I just start building. Once I get going, the ideas start to flow.2009-06-18 10:59:00

Posts: 641

I have a notebook where I write down all the mechanisms and how everything works and the order that I'm going to build everything. It helps from running into unexpected problems down the road, because you work out all the kinks on paper first. Then I just use the notebook to build the level as I wrote it down. Each level usually takes up a couple pages. The first page is the concept and a title and description, the second page is the integral parts page, the third is assembly, etc. I almost always use the grid to build the level, because everything is just much easier that way.2009-06-18 11:21:00

Posts: 2325

I personally see different ideas differently some levels i will draw out first. Sometimes i will just let the idea come.

I find it helps thinking about your levels while you aren't actually playing then when you get on you know what your doing.

Sometimes it just would not be possible planning it out with my current project i have spent about 30 hours and i have really only desingned 20% of the level.

But you can't really generalise LBP players they will all work differently.
2009-06-18 12:02:00

Posts: 2662

I didn't intend on generalising people. I just wanted to know how people went about creating their levels. Wanted to see how people create and think diffrently from others 2009-06-18 12:19:00

Posts: 509

I'm a professional designer (theatre, not video games) so I'm pretty good at visualizing everything in my head. So far I haven't sketched anything out. In fact with "Dark/Light", I only really knew the basic concept of it going in, and more or less worked on one "room" at a time, and then moved on to the next one when I got a new idea.2009-06-18 14:32:00

Posts: 208

I didn't intend on generalising people. I just wanted to know how people went about creating their levels. Wanted to see how people create and think diffrently from others

I don't meen it in a bad way what i meen is that everyone has their own styles i don't meen it in any offence if thats how you take it. there wont be two people that will work exactly the same thats what i meant by the comment. Sorry if you took it the wrong way.
2009-06-18 14:33:00

Posts: 2662

I generally just mess around in create mode, changing things around and testing random stuff. If I like something I do, or another level inspires me then I'll pick up an idea and build out from there.
It's easier for me to go with how things are moving
2009-06-18 18:52:00

Posts: 2645

It usually starts with some kind of inspiration for me. A material or a story will spark something that if I think about it long enough will give me a general idea for a level. The actual level building usually starts with character creation for me. Once they are done I try to get a general landscape built. I do have a notebook where I jot down notes for switches and platforming challenges. It's a pretty organic process when I'm in create mode though. Stuff on paper doesn't always transfer to LBP very well so I improvise some things as I go.2009-06-18 20:51:00

Posts: 5983

i always seem to end up first getting an idea in my head. like for my savanna run level, my idea was to make a type of jungle, and for my the sombrero level, i wanted a city type theme. turns out, there is never really a certain theme for all of my levels (they end up with a whole lot of themes XD )

for the basic layout, i just go with the flow.
2009-06-18 21:12:00

Posts: 886

For me, it depends on the level. Usually, I draw out as many ideas as I can think of. I'll take the best ones, and put them in some kind of order to make a level. Once I get a theme, I'll do what I can to make the ideas fit. Occasionally the themes will come first and I'll do what I can to make a level out of them. Either way, I'll end up with a few pages of drawn out blueprints of what my level will be like.2009-06-18 21:30:00

mr Radical 5601
Posts: 515

I stare at the screen and meditate for hours until my hands start moving on their own like a Ouija board. Then I black out, and wake up a week later with a level finished and no idea how it happened.

2009-06-19 00:37:00

Unknown User

I still have yet to make a "good" level, but this is what I do right now...
I think of an idea, and when I finally feel bored enough to start drawing out that giant square, I make the level. Section by section every day. Then I go back and polish off the level with decoratives and the corner editor.
2009-06-19 00:49:00

Posts: 657

I think of a storyline and then just start creating from that2009-06-19 02:05:00

Posts: 712

I try to build my levels around one or two ideas.
My current level is based around exploration. I sketch most mechanics out first on paper.
2009-06-19 02:19:00

Posts: 2513

LAtley, i have been having trouble thinking of a level/ puzzles to build, any ideas? (Usually, during french class i draw plans for my level im working on when i get home)2009-06-22 19:57:00

Posts: 1990

I think of an idea.

I crush the starting point.

I just keep adding things that relate to teh level theme and that work.

2009-06-22 19:59:00

Posts: 542

I usually start off with the idea, then think of the theme, then the visuals, then the platforming, enemies, puzzles etc., I then think about how I could make it work, then I start to build the level. I don't draw any plans and skeches, it's done in my head.

When I'm creating the level, first I create important objects and enemies, and then build the level from start to finish.
2009-06-22 20:21:00

Posts: 1077

I start with the main object i want in the level,
since so far i've stuck to boss levels only,

I create the shape of the boss out of a square (square is the best!) of cardboard and mold the rightish shape.

then i think how the boss is going to attack, and move and work them into his design. sectioning his arms and legs usually.

then i build a basic room for him (since my bosses are usually pistioned to the floor somehow for better overall movement.)

then i work on the start of the level and when i get to his spot i slot that square of a room in and improve upon it's look.


... who the fudge is Presto? :S
2009-06-22 21:02:00

Posts: 172

I completely improvise, do everything as I go along, then make it look pretty afterwards.

Then I realise, crap, this doesn't work, or I could do that waaaay better, or, why didn't I add/do this before and how can I add it in without screwing up?

Then I make it look even prettier and publish. Then I have to change loads of things once again!
2009-06-22 21:15:00

Posts: 1424

eveything justs flows for me sometimes i work a section out on paper though to get an idea of it because usually what i draw out doesnt fit into lbp very well2009-06-22 23:46:00

Posts: 126


Ok, from the beginning:

Dante's Temple - just started building.... eventually I was done. I can't touch it because everything will fall apart if I do because every single thing is glued into one huge mess.

Jacques the Acadian Warlord - Planned the entire level around a single conveyor belt I designed.... Offended a bunch of random Canadians.... people here found it and all the Canadians here loved it.

Splat Invaders Saga - Built a mini game and thought I was done. Got a message from Aeroblue that said it was way too short. Quickly built a full level around it and got a spotlight!

Splat Invaders II - Designed out the entire thing before I started building, but built it in sections and rearranged them afterwards.

Tiger Woods Mini Golf - Built a really cool golf swing mechanic, then decided I wanted holes to hit the ball into. Tried a community project that never got off the ground - built the holes myself and ended up with my most popular level.

Vertigo - Designed the idea and the mechanic, then built the entire level around it.

Starship Troopers - Designed it, built it - then started banging my head against the wall hoping it would go away. It didn't, so I deleted it off the servers so I could turn it into a good game hopefully.

Does anyone care, or has anyone reading this fallen asleep by this time?
2009-06-22 23:58:00

Posts: 4430

I don't think anything through. I get yelled at a lot for that by my husband. I just start haphazardly building. 2009-06-23 00:41:00

Posts: 2569

Personally, i either A) get inspired by something, then build around that, or B) fudge around in create mode until i make something i want to use or C) play levels for inspiration, THEN i go into actually making a level.

For the overall design, i just figure out a theme based on A, B, or C then start creating. I keep a bunch of papers in front of my PS3 of various designs, contraptions, monsters, etc that i make in my free time (ie: during lectures) and typically borrow from those when making a level. I just get the basic outline of plot and design down, then work my way from there.
2009-06-23 06:26:00

Posts: 3322

I stare at the screen and meditate for hours until my hands start moving on their own like a Ouija board. Then I black out, and wake up a week later with a level finished and no idea how it happened.


Don't believe you!!!!!!!!!

I usually have no clue at all what I'm doing when I'm building a level!

I get button dislexia, snow blindness, overheating thermo and have been known to bite the controller!
2009-06-23 08:47:00

Posts: 1057

For me, I do one of two things, I either:
1. Have an idea, a very absic one and start building random things until I get an idea for the full blown level. From there I work on the level and design the objects and puzzles on the spot, no real planning involved.
2. Will grab a random material and start making designs in mid air until it starts making some sort of plan.
I used number 1 for my level "Temple of Ecirb" and number 2 for my in development level "The Black Obalisk"
2009-06-25 09:51:00

Posts: 45

Thanks guys! i couldnt find this thread and i missed a bit, but thanks alot! i am going to be making a sly 3 level and i am having trouble on deciding what level i am going to base it on, could you give me some ideas on what level/ area you liked best?2009-07-03 00:39:00

Posts: 1990

How do you create your levels?

Do you first start off with an idea and draw a plan of it before making it?

Do you first come up with a theme and and create the enviroment and then add puzzles to it?

Do you just get crazy ideas floating around which you just cram into when you think of one?

Can I say all of the above ? Usually I start off with a theme that I think I could decorate nicely then I draw up a plan so I can think of obstacles easier. Most of my obstacles just come to me out of nowhere and half the ones I think of don't make it to the final product.
2009-07-03 01:57:00

Posts: 1318

I try to think of a theme and then find 3 or 4 materials that could suit that theme. When I have the right materials I mess around with them for a bit and then ideas just automatically come to me.2009-07-03 20:39:00

Posts: 2266

Good thread...

Okay, I'll copy Cub's approach...

Little Big Aquarium - One of my first, I wanted to do an underwater level, so the idea was very simple (as is the level).

Darkness Falls - All I knew beforehand was that it had to be spooky, and dark. Thus, it took me a few day to build the level, and a week to produce the lighting!

Dragon Rider - an early level, so I was learning how to do things. I crammed all my ideas into the level, tidied it up, and then had to delete some because of overheat. Ditto both sequels!

Hyper Cube - Definitely a paper plan for this one. A simple concept, and simple structure, but then I had to fill 16 rooms with different puzzles and platforms. Back to paper plan... Ditto the sequels!

Project G3N3515: Prelude - I wanted a mysterious story, coupled with a space-themed intro. I've got a few pages of storyboard for the series, but they're possibly for the future.

2009-07-03 22:16:00

Posts: 1492

It just happens really, i dunno. I get an idea for what i'd like too see and what others might enjoy. Make it up as i go along, thinking up of ideas at work or elsewhere.2009-07-04 01:49:00

Posts: 1477

Well, my style has evolved over my time as an LBP creator. Here's a breakdown, level by level:

Mulberry Woods - All started with the sawdozer. After spending an afternoon building it, I decided I wanted to use it in my first level. I came up with the story, theme, and some general ideas for characters, but didn't plan anything out. The level is kind of a mess behind the scenes and will fall apart if I try to change certain areas.

Basilisk Bog - This all started with the basilisk that pounds his fists. Originally, it was going to be an ape, but I found him to be a bit boring, and changed him into the lizard like creature. After that, I made a very small sample environment, played around until I found a swamp theme I liked, then built from there. This had a bit more planning, but mostly in my head, not much written down. With the exception of the basilisk chase, this one turned out exactly how I imagined it.

Zephyr Valley - This level had the most planning, but also developed from other ideas. Originally, the sky pirates were built for a James Bond like espionage level, but after playing the new Prince of Persia, I was inspired to created a similar level in LBP. So, I developed a theme and changed up the pirates a bit to create a steam punk environment. Once I got the theme down, I drew up a few plans:

Here is the first drawing I made while coming up with the concept:

Early boss designs:

Planning the windmill:
Here are some miscellaneous designs as well as a few notes for the boss:

Obstacle ideas:

Planning the final boss mechanics:
2009-07-06 14:20:00

Posts: 1335


and i make concept sketches on grid paper while providing phone support. these, however, rarely work when translated to the creator.
2009-07-09 21:54:00

Posts: 730

http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/8606/guitarheroiiilogo.jpgI don't really make levels, but I'm an expert at making custom stickers. First I think of what would make a good sticker, then I search for it on Google Images, then I make a cardboard square, get the eyetoy, and make a low-quality sticker on the cardboard. Then I get the corner editor and make an outline of the shape. The next thing I do is get a piece of glass over the cardboard outline and trace the rest of the sticker, with front view of course. After that I have a few finishing touches, I take away the eyetoy snap, color it, change the glass to cardboard, and finally, publish it. I have many stickers made in my level: "Free Stickers and Stuff (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=13479)"

That's what I do when I try to make a level... I start building it, add some great mechanics, and it turns out a great level... But it's not finished. Then I run out of ideas and delete it.
2009-07-09 22:10:00

Posts: 1054

Oh, I actually have an strange bug from which I take benefit.

I simply build all the platforms and important structures, and make all the architecture-ish like stuff. After that, I shut down the TV -not the PS3- and put the controller near any object, in a way that the button R2 stands still pressed. Then, I go to sleep. The day after, all the mechanics, characters, enemies, even the story has been implemented into it.

Now that I think of it it might not be a bug. You guys should try it too, it may work.
2009-07-09 22:23:00

Posts: 628

Oh, I actually have an strange bug from which I take benefit.

I simply build all the platforms and important structures, and make all the architecture-ish like stuff. After that, I shut down the TV -not the PS3- and put the controller near any object, in a way that the button R2 stands still pressed. Then, I go to sleep. The day after, all the mechanics, characters, enemies, even the story has been implemented into it.

Now that I think of it it might not be a bug. You guys should try it too, it may work.

I don't get it... Do you think of the ideas while you're asleep or what?
2009-07-09 22:28:00

Posts: 1054

Usually I get an idea for a level from something simple...like when the Monster Pack DLC came out it had the red and white stripped horn 3d sticker that made me think of "The Jabberwocky"...don't really know why.

First I just make a list of some critters/objects/elements that I think would work well in the level.

Now I start making area/critter sketches...sometimes these are quite detailed...but I usually end up changing things quite a bit in the final level.

Next I like to go into the level editor and block out the entire level from start gate to score board in dark matter, I even make dark matter stand-ins for the critters and such. This helps me space out the level and I can play through to see if I like the basic layout. I usually mess with some initial lighting here as well.

Then I start making the critters/assets...this is really my favorite part. I'll fully model these and plunk them down in their respective dark matter region.

After this I start replacing the dark matter section by section (jumping around to which ever area I feel like working on at the time). Usually during this process I get other ideas and end up creating more critters and changing sections around.

Once the dark matter is all gone I just go back over everything and add/tweak stuff thermo permitting. But mostly I just spend the time in create mode yelling at my sack-person to get out of the way!
2009-07-09 23:51:00

Posts: 1214

I don't get it... Do you think of the ideas while you're asleep or what?

No, I don't think of anything. My PS3 seems to do all the work when I'm not in front of it. Just that. Quite awesome, I assure you.
2009-07-10 00:09:00

Posts: 628

No, I don't think of anything. My PS3 seems to do all the work when I'm not in front of it. Just that. Quite awesome, I assure you.

Weird, I do the same thing. I just wrap a rubber band around the controller so that it presses R2 constantly. It actually adds extra polish as well if you can keep L1 depressed.

In all seriousness, I try to work around a theme. Currently, I'm designing a whole series of levels around the theme of classic games.
2009-07-10 00:38:00

Posts: 2325

I try to think of what would appease the LBP masses. Then I try to make a compromise between how much I'm willing to sell out for popularity and what people seem to like. I've yet to sufficiently sell out, however.2009-07-10 05:03:00

Posts: 60

Weird, I do the same thing. I just wrap a rubber band around the controller so that it presses R2 constantly. It actually adds extra polish as well if you can keep L1 depressed.

In all seriousness, I try to work around a theme. Currently, I'm designing a whole series of levels around the theme of classic games.

I definetely gotta try the L1 thing, now finally there's something that will help me to do better levels.

I do work around a theme too. My way it's to study the story mode levels and "steal" those aesthetics. After that, I simply let it be, ideas keep coming, the hard part it's to make them real.
2009-07-10 15:37:00

Posts: 628

I first begin by choosing which materials I'm going to use. After making a level with 25 materials (that should be a crime imo, lol) I have decided to limit every level I make to only 10 materials, if I have extra room I'll add extra materials, but that's rare. From there on it's really just making the level and testing and testing over and over again.2009-08-10 07:05:00

Posts: 787

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