The Treasure Chest: Part 1
Archive: 4 posts
Hi there, Im new to this forum as a member, but I have been lurking around as a guest for some time, looking at all of your amazing levels. So I finally finnished a project that me and my girlfriend have been working on for some time. I know that "The Treasure Chest" is a really lame name for a level, so if you have a suggestion for a better name please hit me up. My PSN name is WSV-CVMN and the level is called The Treasure Chest (temporarilly). The level is part one out of two and at the moment it is kind of short but I think it is alot of fun and we have put alot of time making it look as good as we can without LBP telling us that our shapes are to complicated. We have made two levels previously but you really should just ignore them. The plot is that a man, you may call him what you want, has found a treasure chest but slips into some troubles on his way to get the treasure. Imaginative huh? But all in all I would like to get as much feedback as possible, we are working on part 2. I think that I understand the F4F idea and I think it is a great idea. Hope you enjoy our level! Here are some screenshots (taken on my cellphone) http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/1165/lbpcentral.png http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/9760/lbpcentral2.png http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/8111/lbpcentral3.png PSN: WSV-CVMN Level name: The Treasure Chest | 2009-06-18 01:25:00 Author: Caveman ![]() Posts: 22 |
Just played through it and its not bad. The visuals are pretty good and it was quite fun to play through. It was good that you put a couple of puzzles in there too. You were right about it being quite short though which was a shame. You should definately make a part two. Four stars from me. | 2009-06-18 14:51:00 Author: SneakySteve1983 ![]() Posts: 121 |
So, Caveman. You`re one of these people that has a girlfriend that embraces videogames and participates rather than seeing it as a rival for your attention? Interesting! I really enjoyed your level. As Stevo mentioned it was very short, but sometimes quality is better than quantity. A sequel is definately required. It`s like Uncharted meets Treasure Island, great stuff. It`s a lovely looking level and I love the way you put the glass on pistons to make the waves and the use of the emitter (I think that`s what you did) to make the bubbles cascade down one of the waterfalls earlier in the level, superb. I wanted to do something similar on my 1st level but my level was in meltdown at the time so I couldn`t do it, maybe next time. Anyway, well done to you and your gf. Good job! ![]() | 2009-06-18 15:56:00 Author: killbot ![]() Posts: 25 |
Thank you both for playing! The part 2 I am working on is going to be longer, I promise! And yes I am lucky enough to have a girlfriend that happens to like videogames, and especially LBP ![]() Thanks again! | 2009-06-18 17:06:00 Author: Caveman ![]() Posts: 22 |
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