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Another Found Material

Archive: 31 posts

I found this material a while back and have been searching to see if anyone else had posted it. I didn't find it posted so...

It has the look of grabbable but is not. To get a more complete look I had to glue two pieces together (which produced a glitchy look in the center). A single piece can be made thin or thick.

I have not been able to edit it with either the corner editor or with another material. Any suggestions?

Sorry about the picture quality.
2009-06-14 22:25:00

Posts: 3458

That's weird. Looks kinda like one of the sponges alright. Where did
you find it?
2009-06-14 22:28:00

Posts: 258

It's not grabbable? That's really weird... Did you find that in one of the templates or something? I'd like to mess around with that a little.2009-06-15 06:32:00

Posts: 1318

Yes, since the last patch i think, none of the "Special" materials can be obtained anymore. 9Well, they can be obtained, but you can't do anything with them, like editing and such.)2009-06-15 08:29:00

Posts: 6707

Delete your game data (not SAVE, just DATA) - this puts you back at version 1.0.

DON'T update.
Use an alternate account to acquire the whatever (which may require playing through story mode)

NOW update.
Publish a level with whatever in it, and you can access whatever with your main account (which should be unaffected throughout this, but back it up just in case if you do try this)

This is the method I used to acquire the half-thickness layers.
2009-06-15 08:57:00

Posts: 342

Let me rephrease what i wanted to say, you can't get the "special materials" anymore by regular means

Of course you can get stuff that's already been patched if you go to the version before it was patched >_>
2009-06-15 09:02:00

Posts: 6707

Aha, well, I wanted to be sure if someone really really wants this... 'interesting' material they'd have some way of acquiring it... maybe.

I find it sad that MM is taking away the ability to acquire these hidden materials... it's really kind of fun ripping their objects apart to see what little trinkets they've hidden away in there
2009-06-15 09:46:00

Posts: 342

I find it sad that MM is taking away the ability to acquire these hidden materials... it's really kind of fun ripping their objects apart to see what little trinkets they've hidden away in there

I completely agree. It's not really in keeping with their Play, Create, SHARE motto. I know it doesn't say Poke Around, Rip Apart, Exploit... but still, it doesn't really hurt anyone by us finding these great little eggs.
2009-06-15 17:35:00

Posts: 1737

it looks like zigzag material and beige cotton had a baby, weird that its not grabbable.

I love how people find these though
2009-06-15 22:45:00

Posts: 223

I completely agree. It's not really in keeping with their Play, Create, SHARE motto. I know it doesn't say Poke Around, Rip Apart, Exploit... but still, it doesn't really hurt anyone by us finding these great little eggs.

I agree too. Stuff like this is interesting!

Im always surprised at MM leaping at these things with a flyswatter whenever they're found. Since some of them were pretty useful or just neat.
2009-06-15 23:20:00

Posts: 334

@Chicago51-It's King Zola's body

@brnxblze - no its not grabbable. Found it under story characters-Zola

@Loius - thanks for the info. I thought this material was interesting however that's a bit more then I want to do for this particular one.
2009-06-16 02:30:00

Posts: 3458

This is another excellent find by you Lady_Luck__777! I'm very surprised no one has thanked you yet.

2009-06-25 01:03:00

Posts: 1567

Is it heavy or light? Does it bulge out like sponge or is it pointier like polyestrene or wood? Can you blow it up with explosives?2009-06-29 18:47:00

Posts: 3251

Is it heavy or light? Does it bulge out like sponge or is it pointier like polyestrene or wood? Can you blow it up with explosives?

It is heavy. It is more like wood. I don't know if it can be blown up.
2009-07-02 15:41:00

Posts: 3458

Delete your game data (not SAVE, just DATA) - this puts you back at version 1.0.

DON'T update.
Use an alternate account to acquire the whatever (which may require playing through story mode)

NOW update.
Publish a level with whatever in it, and you can access whatever with your main account (which should be unaffected throughout this, but back it up just in case if you do try this)

This is the method I used to acquire the half-thickness layers.
I'm not used to all the materials yet, be intresting going threw all the templates and searching for materials with this methods.
And makeing them into a circle,square, all shapes for that matter.

I have the flower sponge and another type of secret material all in the shapes.
2009-07-13 23:32:00

Posts: 744

how do you only delete ur data? what else does it delete? doesn't that mean u can get the thin thick glitch? that sounds worth it, but then u will have to have like 3 hours of updates2009-08-06 16:15:00

Posts: 5078

I'm surprised they've used something we can't collect at all in the first place.2009-08-06 18:18:00

Posts: 2391

I'll have to get on LBP and take a look at some of the Story Characters/Objects. Since most people here don't really use the story characters, it's worth a look to find hidden materials such as these. *Goes on LBP*2009-08-07 01:14:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

While looking to see for myself, I had a look at Calavera the Wrestler. They`ve hooked up multiple grab switches to a single speaker. Probably been noticed before, but I hadn`t heard of it.2009-08-07 02:46:00

Matt 82
Posts: 1096

Wow, sounds interesting...

Im on my PS3 typing this, so ima go have a look at the story characters
2009-08-07 06:08:00

Posts: 224

I can't take a part ANY MM objects. How did you get the material off him in the first place?2009-08-13 19:41:00

Unknown User

I can't take a part ANY MM objects. How did you get the material off him in the first place?


2009-08-13 20:03:00

Posts: 744

nice find 2009-08-13 20:10:00

Unknown User

I can't take a part ANY MM objects. How did you get the material off him in the first place?
Change it to dissolve.
2009-08-13 21:53:00

Unknown User

Change it to dissolve.

or you could simply glue it to the ground, choose a part that isn't glued directly to the ground, detach from floor with that one, deselect, and ta-da! Every piece is detached!
2009-08-14 02:27:00

Posts: 1054

This thread is like two months old -.-2009-08-14 03:15:00

Posts: 3251

Just out of curiosity ... has anyone been able to actually make anything out of this? I like these things as much as the next person, but this one doesn't seem particularly useful.

Much respect to anyone who can actually utilize this effectively.
2009-08-15 05:29:00

Posts: 1154

Do not delete ur game data unless you have regularly back up your data, it gets rid of loads of data from ur save 2009-08-15 11:15:00

Posts: 5078

I don't get it...isn't this from the canyons?2009-08-15 15:19:00

Posts: 4291

I don't get it...isn't this from the canyons?

Yeh, the material itself isn't really secret, it's just glitched somehow... but people started talking about the other secret materials, which I would assume meant the otherwise unobtainable sponge and stone found in the islands and temples templates respectively. And then theres the other hidden stuff, like the tweakable laser, of course (It really baffles me why they didn't just make the laser gadget tweakable anyway o.0)

It's not just Mm, all game producers patch the good glitches and secret unintended things... I can't understand why they want to spoil everyone's enjoyment like that, especially when the glitch / secret is very popular among people. Lets just hope Mm WON'T be patching the layer glitch anytime soon :O (Or at the least make it a proper tool!!)
2009-08-16 00:24:00

Posts: 31

yeah that layer glitch is cool. im currently making a street level and it looks kinda cool having dead end allyways in the background. if they ever (i really hope they do) make it a real tool, they should let you in addition to making the objects go further back..should also let you swap their layers too like you can do within the normal 3 layer bit. it would make making background things easier2009-08-16 00:37:00

Posts: 207

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