Heart me please!
Archive: 3 posts
Could you please heart me as an author, and heart my gravity-defying car level please? For the share trophy! ![]() I got LittleBigPlanet about a week ago, so I can't create anything too amazing YET, but I'm getting there (I'm impatient, and really want the share trophy!!)! I would really appreciate it if you hearted me and my level! Thanks in advance!! ~Jello715~ Off topic: I turned 13 yesterday ![]() | 2009-06-13 23:17:00 Author: Jello715 ![]() Posts: 1 |
Here in LBPC we don't do H4H or things of the such, its actually quite disliked. You could of course EARN your hearts, just post your level in the level showcase, people might have a look at it and heart it if deserved, but H4H and such isn't allowed in here m8. | 2009-06-13 23:23:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Here in LBPC we don't do H4H or things of the such, its actually quite disliked. You could of course EARN your hearts, just post your level in the level showcase, people might have a look at it and heart it if deserved, but H4H and such isn't allowed in here m8. What Silverleon said. Locked. ![]() | 2009-06-13 23:25:00 Author: Whalio Cappuccino ![]() Posts: 5250 |
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