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3 Laser tracking beam.

Archive: 8 posts

Just created this mucking around today.

Once activated, three seperately controlled targetting lasers track the players location. Once located, it charges up and unleashes a blast vertically on the position he was when they locked on. The blast will only fire if all 3 lasers have locked on.

If anyone wants to use it for a level just send me a mail.

PSN: Defmunky666
2009-06-13 15:26:00

Unknown User

Fricken yes! I need something just like that for a level I am starting! I am a terrible creator, so PLZ SEND IT TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does it have any MGS or other Bought Items? 'Cause I haven't bought anything...
2009-06-15 23:31:00

Posts: 44

You can send people stuff!?

I never knew that I'm very much interested in this. From the picture it looks really complicated.
2009-06-16 01:11:00

Posts: 106

Ah, this would go very nicely with the defence mechanism i'm building. 2009-06-16 10:05:00

Posts: 6707

i won this in your desert survival challenge its quite cool so i decided to make my own but instead i make the beam follow you while dropping bombs. only thing is the further away you get from the lasers the less accurate they become which is quite annoyoing.hOW did you make the so accurate?2009-06-20 12:33:00

Posts: 485

So that's who made that. I have to thank you, that design helped me with a tracking problem I had a while back for a new level I'm making2009-06-23 00:56:00

Posts: 108

Sounds sick, can't wait to use it. Somethin' like this will come in handy. Is the level just called "Desert Survivor"?

Thanks, NOface
2009-07-28 20:36:00

Posts: 2

I think Defmunky is leaving the LBP game, so I'm not sure if you're going to get your hands on it. Sorry... but welcome to the forums anyways.2009-07-28 21:15:00

Posts: 5338

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