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Password your level

Archive: 12 posts

Programmable digital keypad for restricting access to levels.

use it as a key level for players to get the key to your level.

Or use it as the entry point itself.

use any sticker on the keys to activate them and then sticker the green button.

to reprogram it - in create mode tweak the sticker swithces to either inverted or normal - inverted will mean required for password, normal= not required supports pass word 2 -8 numbers long.

level name "Password your level" psn id XVS1100
2009-06-13 03:10:00

Posts: 59

I really like this idea. No more sending keys in the mail. Will have to check this out.


2009-06-13 06:01:00

Posts: 1567

Kind of defeats the purpose of locking levels and getting keys in a much more convoluted way? I may be missing something here, but I'm thinking people go to play the level... can't get in... and immediately give your level one star and tag it as rubbish.2009-06-13 06:19:00

Posts: 1737

Kind of defeats the purpose of locking levels and getting keys in a much more convoluted way? I may be missing something here, but I'm thinking people go to play the level... can't get in... and immediately give your level one star and tag it as rubbish.

thats right you are missing something.

it not meant for finished levels, it would be used for online testing etc, when testing is finished republish finished level and your right
2009-06-13 09:10:00

Posts: 59

Ahhh... gotcha'. Now that I understand it's application I see this as a great idea indeed! 2009-06-15 00:58:00

Posts: 1737

I've seen this idea a billion times. =/
Still, it is useful. But I would just make mine myself.
Thanks anyways
2009-06-15 01:17:00

Posts: 657

cool i need this.2009-06-15 04:33:00

Posts: 542

i like this idea, it will be useful wen i wanna show my friends my progress2009-06-26 00:26:00

Posts: 2

yes i could use this for when i want people to test out my level or start a beta on this site. so instead of letting the whole world play it, i could just call it a beta and give post the password on this site for testing. I am gonna do this with my Moon Encounter level!2009-06-26 01:32:00

Posts: 37

yes i could use this for when i want people to test out my level or start a beta on this site. so instead of letting the whole world play it, i could just call it a beta and give post the password on this site for testing. I am gonna do this with my Moon Encounter level!


I might do this with the LBPC Warehouse!
2009-06-26 01:49:00

Posts: 59

Lol why didn't I ever think of that. I'm currently in a beta period right now so this will be useful2009-06-26 03:35:00

Posts: 108

i did it and the pad stoped working so i deleted both levels but now i am just gonna have the keypad inside the level itself.2009-06-26 05:25:00

Posts: 37

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