Miner's Mountain by Warpok
Archive: 4 posts
I want to recommend this level to you all. It is a friend's level who I play online with all the time. While it may not be as polished as many other levels, this is a creator who is 12 years who works VERY hard on his creations. He uses story objects and things he's won in other levels, but I have said a million times before that that should not deter anyone from their enjoyment of a level. He is CONSTANTLY working on and improving things (especially in this current level) He gets really excited about what he creates and very crestfallen when his level receives no plays. That makes me so incredibly sad. So, I ask you guys to give this a go if you want to. It would make him really really happy! This is the level: PSN: Warpok Level: Miner's Mountain Thanks guys! I hope you enjoy it! He is a person who just really loves to create, and that's what this game is all about!! | 2009-06-11 14:13:00 Author: xkappax ![]() Posts: 2569 |
I just played it Sara, I really should be getting some work done ![]() Nice level, you can see the effort he put into it. Made me laugh at the ice slide, "Is that it? Oh well!!" I left him a comment and 5*'s, if he's only 12 and a little unhappy at how the levels doing it won't hurt ![]() | 2009-06-11 14:38:00 Author: GruntosUK ![]() Posts: 1754 |
Sounds pretty cool, i will check it out soon! | 2009-06-22 19:47:00 Author: grayspence ![]() Posts: 1990 |
I played and left a comment for him. ![]() | 2009-06-24 11:18:00 Author: julesyjules ![]() Posts: 1156 |
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