Buzz Quiz Tv - Questions
Archive: 5 posts
Hey ![]() is buzz quiz tv any good? watched some youtube videos but the reviews and gameplay dont seems very, Well thought out if u know what i mean... it looks like a cool party game xD | 2009-06-10 20:53:00 Author: 01philip01 ![]() Posts: 545 |
Had a friend who brought this over, we played some 3-player. It is undoubtedly a fun party game. Bust it out at a party with tipsy friends people who've never played it, and you are pretty much guaranteed to have a ball. Beyond that, you're not going to get much out of it. After you've played it a few times, it starts to seem kind of the same after that. Every game you play has the same flow, and same "games". The trivia questions differ obviously, but everything else remains the same each time. Not sure if I'd recommend it or not. It was so much fun that I can't write it off, but I can't possibly see myself busting it out very often if I owned it. | 2009-06-12 08:52:00 Author: Teebonesy ![]() Posts: 1937 |
i own it, games pretty fun, but it's pretty much just cool for parties. It's actually awesome for parties that and SINGSTAR! that's a better party game IMO, but i'd say if you want to get this game, wait for it to go down. Not worth 60$ | 2009-06-12 20:40:00 Author: Frank-the-Bunny ![]() Posts: 1246 |
i own it, games pretty fun, but it's pretty much just cool for parties. It's actually awesome for parties that and SINGSTAR! that's a better party game IMO, but i'd say if you want to get this game, wait for it to go down. Not worth 60$ yea ![]() 60 is alot | 2009-06-12 20:58:00 Author: 01philip01 ![]() Posts: 545 |
yep, that's why i'd say wait some time,there's a new one coming out so that will mean a lower price for this one, but if it gets cheaper oh yes, get it, really fun, but for 60$ not worth it at all | 2009-06-12 21:58:00 Author: Frank-the-Bunny ![]() Posts: 1246 |
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