Bad Memories
Archive: 24 posts
Ugh. I was reading this (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=12503) thread and had a flashback all of a sudden. I remembered an incident when I was three, and I had one of those novelty glowsticks that you can get from those quarter vending machines at restaurants and stores. I always wondered what made them glow, (remember, three years old) so I got a pair of scissors and VERY forcefully cut off the end. When the scissors managed to finally slice through the plastic, the glowing liquid inside squirted all over my eyes and into my mouth. That stuff BURNS. BADLY. My throat burned for about two hours, but my eyes did for only one. I got in a lot of trouble too. To this day, I hate glowsticks. ![]() | 2009-06-10 10:45:00 Author: iiiijujube ![]() Posts: 594 |
! I did the same thing (though the stuff only got into my eyes) I remember how much that stuff stung even today. It was one of those ring-type glowsticks and I was messing around bending it when it reached its limit and broke. The stuff inside really squirts out fast, it took me by surprise. I remember at the time thinking I might go blind because of it. | 2009-06-10 11:20:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
Remember those bracelets we had in the 80s? You know, those that wraps around your arm automatically? Used to be for girls but at some point I just wanted to look smart of something and I did hit my right hand with one. IT DOES wrap around your hand but it also did cut my palm badly. Seriously, blood was everywhere and I almost was almost in panic. :/ . | 2009-06-10 16:17:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
Ugh. I was reading this (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=12503) thread and had a flashback all of a sudden. I remembered an incident when I was three, and I had one of those novelty glowsticks that you can get from those quarter vending machines at restaurants and stores. I always wondered what made them glow, (remember, three years old) so I got a pair of scissors and VERY forcefully cut off the end. When the scissors managed to finally slice through the plastic, the glowing liquid inside squirted all over my eyes and into my mouth. That stuff BURNS. BADLY. My throat burned for about two hours, but my eyes did for only one. I got in a lot of trouble too. To this day, I hate glowsticks. ![]() ! I did the same thing (though the stuff only got into my eyes) I remember how much that stuff stung even today. It was one of those ring-type glowsticks and I was messing around bending it when it reached its limit and broke. The stuff inside really squirts out fast, it took me by surprise. I remember at the time thinking I might go blind because of it. Geez... I'd imagine that must burn like hell. | 2009-06-10 16:24:00 Author: Bear ![]() Posts: 2079 |
did it make your eyes glow in the dark?:kz: | 2009-06-10 16:48:00 Author: groble ![]() Posts: 223 |
That stuff must of hurt. I haven't really done anything as bad as that by an accident. Probably the worst accident I had was when I trapped one of my fingers in a door. | 2009-06-10 19:19:00 Author: lk9988 ![]() Posts: 1077 |
Here's what I got off of wikipedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glowstick#How_it_works Dangers Glow sticks contain hydrogen peroxide, and phenol is produced as a by-product. Therefore, it is advisable to keep the mixture away from skin, and to prevent accidental ingestion, if the glow stick case splits or breaks. If spilled on skin, the chemicals could cause slight skin irritation, and swelling or, in extreme circumstances, cause vomiting and nausea. However, many ravers will cut or break open a glow stick and apply the glowing solution directly to bare skin in order to make their bodies glow. It has been said that glow stick chemicals cause cancer,[10] although no research has suggested that they might. Also it is wise to avoid all contact with thin membranes such as the eye or nasal area. Despite reports to the contrary, it is not safe to smoke or ingest glowing phenol, and it will not produce any drug-like effects. The fluid contained in glow sticks can also dissolve some types of plastic. Yeah... as an expert with hands-on experience, I'll say you should keep that stuff away from your eyes. ![]() | 2009-06-10 19:24:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
Here's what I got off of wikipedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glowstick#How_it_works Yeah... as an expert with hands-on experience, I'll say you should keep that stuff away from your eyes. ![]() so it would totally make your eyes glow :kz: | 2009-06-10 21:44:00 Author: groble ![]() Posts: 223 |
Wow another thing that causes cancer, who'da thunk it. But on topic, OUCH! Chemical burns are always the worst. Once in chemistry year 8 I think, we were testing pH's of chemicals and a complete and utter moron threw antifreeze in someone's eyes. Of course the other guy was similarly moronic and wasn't wearing goggles... | 2009-06-10 22:20:00 Author: Shermzor ![]() Posts: 1330 |
Wow another thing that causes cancer, who'da thunk it. But on topic, OUCH! Chemical burns are always the worst. Once in chemistry year 8 I think, we were testing pH's of chemicals and a complete and utter moron threw antifreeze in someone's eyes. Of course the other guy was similarly moronic and wasn't wearing goggles... We had someone set one of the gas taps alight, so it was shooting out flames, the teacher acted pretty fast and turned it off before the room exploded. This was the same genius who turned the (water) taps upside down and then turned them on full blast so they squirted all over the walls and the ceiling, it was hilarious until we all realised he'd actually ruined everyones course work. :kz: | 2009-06-10 23:06:00 Author: groble ![]() Posts: 223 |
Oh jeez. I HATE when things squirt into your eyes with such impeccable aim >_> that reminds me..... how did they do this video without having their eyes melted down. YouTube - Klaxons - Magick | 2009-06-10 23:44:00 Author: Pitcard ![]() Posts: 779 |
I can vividly recall myself drowning as a three year old. I was riding my tricycle around my grandparents pool, then I started to speed up and ended up falling in the deep end. D: I remember drowning for 20 seconds or so, then my dad jumping in with his clothes on, and pulling me up. After that my memory is hazy, but I remember crying a lot afterwards. | 2009-06-11 01:25:00 Author: Code1337 ![]() Posts: 3476 |
The worst memory... I dunno, Im still young (13) But...probably falling down the stairs. I sprained my ankle. It was last year, actually. Also, I nearly drowned when I was about 5 in a swimming pool...the life guard had his hands full with...something else, so a member of staff came and rescued me. I was drowning for about...15 seconds. But the WORST memory of all, by a clear margin, was dying. (joke...?) | 2009-06-11 17:08:00 Author: BlackHairedGoon ![]() Posts: 160 |
Maybe when my crush was revealed to most of the sixth grade in a matter of seconds.... good times... | 2009-06-12 02:51:00 Author: Astrosimi ![]() Posts: 2046 |
I can vividly recall myself drowning as a three year old. I was riding my tricycle around my grandparents pool, then I started to speed up and ended up falling in the deep end. D: I remember drowning for 20 seconds or so, then my dad jumping in with his clothes on, and pulling me up. After that my memory is hazy, but I remember crying a lot afterwards. ZOMG! I almost drowned in a wave pool! I was like, 9 or something and I was just swimmin swimmin swimmin and then the waves turned on. ![]() ![]() But my worst memory EVAR had to be when my mom hit a rabbit Monday morning. ![]() | 2009-06-17 02:01:00 Author: qrtda235566 ![]() Posts: 3664 |
I've found lifeguards do nothing myself, I got cocky years ago and went up the deep end, and let go of the side accidentally and start splashing about for like 20 seconds really panicking trying to grab onto something, the lifeguards did nothing despite me clearly struggling! | 2009-06-21 00:40:00 Author: mcgrory1991 ![]() Posts: 49 |
Stabbing a weed puller (manual metal ones) straight into my eye socket. Luckily, I can see fine, but the huge gash above my right eye was freakin' huge and hurt like crazy. 'Specially when you are four. . . | 2009-06-21 06:30:00 Author: TheMarvelousHat ![]() Posts: 542 |
ouch that sounds really bad when i was 2 i cleverly climbed out of my crib, triumphantly walked down the hall and promptly fell down the stairs cracking my head funny bit was my mom was on the phone schedualing a doctors oppointment for me at the time | 2009-06-21 07:17:00 Author: redmagus ![]() Posts: 667 |
Hmmm... I think it would be unwise to post all of my bad memories. Partly because I just don't like making people sad ![]() Some memories that weren't really bad so much as funny, but still were painful/embarrassing: - I was around 10 I think, swinging on a swing standing up. I jumped off, and ducked as the swing passed me from the front. Then I stood up, completely forgetting that the swing was still coming back from behind. It thumped me pretty well on the head, and I had to get stitches. Not so funny then, but in retrospect it makes a good story ![]() - One of the funniest moments in my entire life, just a couple days ago on Thursday. Me and a few of my friends had just finished exams, and went to see a movie (Star Trek). When we finished, and were waiting outside the theatre for our ride back, I went to go back inside to throw out my ice cream cup. I walked right into the glass door. I think the smudge mark from my nose is still there. It was quite hilarious. On the same day a bit earlier I had my first driving lesson. I had gotten into a car in a parking lot for about half an hour about a month earlier, and that was the extent of my driving experience until my first lesson. Anyways, I guess I did well because I ended up driving on main roads all the way to the movie theatre about 20 minutes away. It was pretty **** scary, but thrilling ![]() | 2009-06-21 07:38:00 Author: hilightnotes ![]() Posts: 1230 |
hilight, that must've been hilarious with the glass door Anyway my worst memory was probably when i was out fishing with my two brothers and my dad. I was walking over to a different spot and as i was walking behind my older brother he brought is fishing pole back to start his cast. Well, he brought it back with some speed and it caught my ear of the way by. He then assumed it was caught on tree or something so he began to tug on it, nearly pulling me to the ground. He did even bother to look back and see that he was ripping my ear near off. My dad had left, he said he be gone for less than a minute, well that couldnt have been a worse time -.- My twin brother just sat there fishing, completly inept and unaware of my situation just like older brother who was still yanking my ear not aware i was behind him bawling. My man nearby noticed and brought me to my dad. Some hick of a guy, he was drinking and fishing about 30 feet away on another spot. Atleast he was sober enough to realize what was going on. My dad found us walking towards him, and he brought me to the ER The doctor pulled the hook out (My dad cut the line, i didnt walk into the ER holding the fishing pole) I still have the hook, my dad kept it for laughs, the jerk. Anyway i still fish with my bros and dad, i just pay attention to who i am around. | 2009-06-21 22:42:00 Author: King_Tubb ![]() Posts: 435 |
Coming into primary school one morning to be told to my utmost surprise that I was the scum of the school for making a girl eat mud the day before. I hadn't even done anything! No matter how much I explained that I hadn't been within three hundred feet of her and mud at the same time in the last week, they wouldn't believe me. I was forced to write a goddam note of apology for something I didn't even do! Completely ruined my faith in the system. Let's see...other bad memories...walking down stone steps bare feet, catching my heel, and ripping a fairly sizeable shaving (about 2 mm thick) out, and from there on in being unable to walk for aaaaages? Then of course there were the three hellish years of Chronic Fatigue. Blech, glad they're over. | 2009-06-22 23:52:00 Author: dawesbr ![]() Posts: 3280 |
Ugh. I was reading this (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=12503) thread and had a flashback all of a sudden. I remembered an incident when I was three, and I had one of those novelty glowsticks that you can get from those quarter vending machines at restaurants and stores. I always wondered what made them glow, (remember, three years old) so I got a pair of scissors and VERY forcefully cut off the end. When the scissors managed to finally slice through the plastic, the glowing liquid inside squirted all over my eyes and into my mouth. That stuff BURNS. BADLY. My throat burned for about two hours, but my eyes did for only one. I got in a lot of trouble too. To this day, I hate glowsticks. ![]() I broke one about 8 years ago when I was 7. I put it on a plastic surface and it melted through. :eek: Glad I didn't touch it. Night everyone! 00:02 | 2009-06-23 00:02:00 Author: moleynator ![]() Posts: 2914 |
Coming into primary school one morning to be told to my utmost surprise that I was the scum of the school for making a girl eat mud the day before. I hadn't even done anything! No matter how much I explained that I hadn't been within three hundred feet of her and mud at the same time in the last week, they wouldn't believe me. I was forced to write a goddam note of apology for something I didn't even do! Completely ruined my faith in the system. Oh god, I know what you mean about being blamed for stuff you haven't done. I get that all the time (and I don't mean I get punished for not doing my homework). | 2009-06-23 18:22:00 Author: ARD ![]() Posts: 4291 |
A few years ago I walked into my first French class in grade 9, whistling happily. Apparently the teacher wasn't a big fan of whistling... He started yelling at me and called me a brat. Then he sent me outside and came out, furious. He started lecturing me about how he knows my type, how we always think we can do whatever we want and cause trouble. He called me a brat a few more times. A few other names as well... By the time he was done I hated him, but decided I wanted to prove him wrong (since I was a pretty good kid in school, and still am). I became his best student and about 4 months later he told me that he had no idea why he would ever have been angry at me for anything, I'm the best student he'd ever had, and he doesn't even remember why it was he was screaming at me at the beginning of the year. ...I still remembered >.< | 2009-06-23 20:26:00 Author: hilightnotes ![]() Posts: 1230 |
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