Complicated Shape?
Archive: 4 posts
What exactly is the criteria the game uses to determine of an object is too complicated? I recently got the message after making a, get this, a solid piece of metal. That's it! No stickers or decorations, no other materials, it's not even that big, just a piece of metal and the game thinks it it too complicated ![]() I just used a star tool and played around with it to make the floor of my level. I wanted lots of sharp edges and dragged the star tool in funky ways. So I'm a little confused. Can someone make sense of this? | 2009-06-10 04:22:00 Author: gulliver49 ![]() Posts: 106 |
'too complicated' means number of vertices is too great. You've got too many corners ![]() I find a good solution is to make several squares, glue them together, then chop away at them. You can hide the seams with other geometry, and you still get the crazy shapes you're wanting. ( ![]() | 2009-06-10 04:34:00 Author: Loius ![]() Posts: 342 |
You need to use and practice lots with the corner edit tool. Too many "points" on your shape makes an object too complex, even if it's tiny. | 2009-06-10 04:34:00 Author: mindphaser74 ![]() Posts: 349 |
I see. Well, that shape definitely had a lot of corners, so that would explain it. Thanks for the answers! | 2009-06-10 23:42:00 Author: gulliver49 ![]() Posts: 106 |
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