would like feedback on my levels
Archive: 13 posts
Hi everyone ![]() Im new to LittleBigPlanetCentral and i'm not really sure what i'm doing lol. I've got 17 levels that 'ive published and would love some feedback on them.They took me a bit of time to do and the feedback would help me in making them as good as they could be(hopefully the reply wouldnt be to start again lol) I've attempted 11 lord of the rings levels,spanning the whole trilogy,starting in the shire and finishing at the grey havens.I know it would be a slog to go through them(just like the books lol).But hopefully they are enjoyable enough to keep you interested.The levels are a representation of both books and films with a little of my interpretation put in.The 12th level is a gallery of stills moments from these levels. I have also got a music icons level,in which you come across music imagery such as the beatles, pink floyd, kurt cobain and the velvet underground.Ive also made an attempt at the start to put a little created music of my own. There is a tinkerbell level that was made for my sister because she wanted a "sweet" level. Then there are 2 dungeons and dragons levels where i've tried to incorporate "old skool" type platforming..kind of influenced my ghouls n goblins....the 1st level has had some feedback that it is too hard and would love to know at what points the level can be made easier.The 2nd part seems to have better feedback,but not as many hearts. The final level ive published is a quick score/survival challenge which involves bouncing for bubbles and dodging bombs. Like i've said,its a lot to go through,but i'd REALLY appreciate the feedback(the more honest the better) and then thanks to you guys I can make the levels worthy of the time I put into them...if that can be achieved. PSN - scatterbrainjon Many thanks | 2009-06-10 02:24:00 Author: scatterbrainjon ![]() Posts: 13 |
Hello. Well I played most of your levels today. Couldn`t really give proper feedback from the PS3 though. Anyway, when I get the chance I`ll go through the LotR series one by one (the ones I can complete anyway!) and give more indepth feedback. Right now it`s 3 in the morning and I`m rather tired. Goodnight! | 2009-06-10 03:02:00 Author: Matt 82 ![]() Posts: 1096 |
Played just the #1 so far - +Gandalf looked really cartoony, like an LBP-person should. ![]() +95% good visuals, and then some Bilbo. xD -Bilbo looked... like... a hobbit in a caterpillar costume. I have no idea what was going on there. -I have no idea how to get to the bell the little birdie talks about, except by 'corner-jumping' up the side of the wall - the first platform is too high to jump to unless one knows about glitchy jumps. Maybe I just missed some movable object? Playing others laters. | 2009-06-10 04:48:00 Author: Loius ![]() Posts: 342 |
Hey,thanks for your feedback ![]() You have a point about bilbo,and have made him less of a caterpillar now lol.My idea was to dress him so he represented the shire..i.e,nature.ive gone for something more subtle now. Regarding the bell,Bilbo tells you to go to the fountain.And then to come back to where he was. In the fountain there is a switch that needs to be pulled,and that activates the "magic wall". The wall will be moving providing you access to the top of it. There is a grabable bush next to the wall so here you can drag it up to it and get to the first platform using that. There you will see the bell in the window and then just jump to it and pull it to the ground(doesent have to be all the way down). This then activates the front gate,giving you access to the end of the level ![]() Hope this helps,and once again,thanks for your feedback,i'd love to have more. | 2009-06-10 10:54:00 Author: scatterbrainjon ![]() Posts: 13 |
Just started your hobbit series (what have i gotten myself into now? ![]() For starters, i reccomend setting the bucket system up differently, preferably with a proximity switch controlling the up/down of the bucket. It took a while for me to get into it BC of the difference in the timing of the jumps and the drop of the bucket. There was some visible dissolve a little later, stickering it makes it look better. Bilbo didn't entirely dissolve... it looked like only his face did, which was rather odd. Not sure i really cared for his look either. I didn't see the "bell" at first... it also isn't very bell shaped, you should probably fix that. I'll have to play more later, right now its late (or is it early? ![]() | 2009-06-10 11:33:00 Author: Burnvictim42 ![]() Posts: 3322 |
I`ll start at the beginning I think. Thoughts as they happen. Level 1: The Shire - I like the look. Not just a take on the film. Has a real 'other wordly' feel to it. - When you pull the switch/button. It might be an idea to add in a quick cutscene to show what they`ve done. It helps players navigate a bit easier, and rewards them with a little 'moment'. - Down in the cave. Looks good. I`d darken it down a touch with the GLT, maybe adding in some lanterns to guide, and to add atmosphere. - In the cave there are a couple of times right at the entrance where the foreground blocks your view of Sackboy. not so bad when all you`re doing is walking along, but at that moment, players are jumping over spike pits. Also, just after the second set of spikes, there`s a bit in the ground that players will get caught on that is hidden by a pillar. Players getting stuck on things they can`t see is a good way to get them frustrated. - For the turtle. 1st time I played this I landed in it flawlessly. However this time I see why players might have some problems. The turtle is actually quite hard to stand still on and it results in getting fired off at all angles. Then of course it`s just pot luck whether the basket is waiting for you. Stick a prox sensor (set to directional) on the basket so that it only goes up once players are in it. That'll eliminate the luck part of it. - Bilbo. He does look weird. Certainly not as good as the Gandalf from earlier in the level. I wouldn`t rely on people remembering details you mention in speech bubbles either. These things are easily missed. - The next part is where everyone is having problems. It`s simply not clear. When you go to the gate, it`s shut, but there`s nothing to suggest that the way to open it is back the way. The bell is pretty much hidden. The quirky stain glass is nice, but I`d move that to the side. Bell towers are open to allow the sound out and in this case, to let players see what they`re doing. I searched around for ages before I noticed the sponge through the window. I also agree that making it bell shaped would help a lot. - I`d also change the mechanic of the bell. At the moment it goes up and down, which is fine, but it can lead to it getting stuck, as it did for me, on the platform to the right hand side. This meant i couldn`t finish. What I`d do is add the gate to a permanent switch so that when you grab the bell, the gate opens and stays open. That way the bell can get caught on whatever it wants, but players can still get out. - That fountain thing is pretty awkward to get past. I dunno if the idea is that you have to go down and up every time, but that could do with being re-done. Anyway, hope it didn`t sound like I was being too harsh on your level. Believe me, if I didn`t enjoy your levels I wouldn`t have written so much about them. There are just some things that make navigating the level awkward. That`s when a level goes from being challenging to frustrating. I`m off out this afternoon, but if I`m in later, I`ll try do some of the others. | 2009-06-10 12:28:00 Author: Matt 82 ![]() Posts: 1096 |
You guys were all correct about the problems looking back in hindsight..this was my first ever level,and I think it showed in certain areas. Ive been editing it today and I think ive finally cracked it thanks to you guys. Changes i've made 1) cutscenes after the switches are triggered 2) more hints of objectives with cutscenes 3)darkening the underground part W/candles 4) improved view on the underground part 5) more stability on the turtle 6) proximity sensor on the bucket 7) new secret location with score bubbles 8) photo booth on the bridge 9) a new improved Bilbo WOOHOO(I think he looks a lot better now) 10) clearer direction about the fountain and then to the wall W/improved movement on the fountain 11) a clearer bell and cutscene to the gate 12) a reminder by the gate to pull the bell 13) an extra item for completing the level phew,hopefully thats sorted out all the problems.Please let me know if they have improved the level and if there are any other changes needed. Cheers | 2009-06-10 16:46:00 Author: scatterbrainjon ![]() Posts: 13 |
Okay, got back to the series. Level 2: the rider was cool, but not entirely deadly, you could jump over his fire, a gas cloud might work better. Level 3: There was a hole right after the scoreboard, i ended up walking off the cliff when my brother lagged behind =/ Level 4: Gandalf doesn't always open the mines, and you can walk past him. I ran into the explosives XD. Its also not good that the 2x door makes it so the second person has to be killed... just making the door mechanism run via an OR switch and adding an extra button would solve that problem. What were the orcs throwing? I couldnt think of a curved object lol. Ninja stars? um.. okay, sure. Not sure how they fit LoTR though. The last ball on the bridge doesn't move directionally when you grab it. Level 5: The orcs look like they're holding garden rakes to me haha. Level 6: ...what? I don't remember a giant spike maze in LoTR... am i missing something? lol also, you really need better doors, 4 lives when theres spikes everywhere? yeah right. Especially with my brother playing XD Level 7: The ghosts looked odd carrying the red balls... make it part of the ghost perhaps? The bouncy platforms were also annoying at times, some of them were just too fast. They were all good levels, the first two (2 and 3) felt a little short though. | 2009-06-11 00:59:00 Author: Burnvictim42 ![]() Posts: 3322 |
Thanks for the feedback ![]() Looks like i'm going to be busy lol.I'll get onto it straight away. Regarding the mines of moria level,you can open the door using just one player..pull the lever infront of the door,and that raises the platform to the left,notice the sackboy drawing on the fallen snow?There is also a sackperson drawing above the sensor switch.Thats the clue to drag the material onto the switch,making the door open. Lol,with the giant spike maze(Amon Muil),its described in the books as a labyrinth of razor sharp rocks,basically like a maze where it seems inpassable.I thought you couldnt get more razor sharp than putting spikes on the rocks haha,and plus I thought it would break up a bit of the platforming nicely ![]() Thanks for giving your time in playing the levels so far..they do end eventually honestly lol. For users that would like to have an idea of the levels,i've added pictures of the first 5 levels and the others are on their way. pic1-first chapter,the shire pic2-chapter 2 road to rivendell pic3-chapter3 pass of caradhras pic4-chapter 4 mines of moria pic5-chapter 5 lothlorien,andurin river and isengard | 2009-06-11 01:35:00 Author: scatterbrainjon ![]() Posts: 13 |
haha, again, no problem. I almost wish there was more story though... a lot of your levels don't have any dialogue at all =/ Perhaps that can be worked in while you update ;p and thats what you get for posting your levels, i found that myself when i posted mine... this is going to be a bit larger can of worms though ![]() | 2009-06-11 06:57:00 Author: Burnvictim42 ![]() Posts: 3322 |
lol,tell me about it ![]() I've taken on board the recent comments you made and have made some adjustments to the mines of moria level and the dead marshes.I think now both have improved loads. The main improvements are more interactivity and storytelling so hopefully they make the levels easier to navigate. So been busy again..not that I mind,any excuse to play on little big planet ![]() Also managed to get some more level pics up.. These include :- 1)Chapter 6-Amon Muil 2)Chapter 7-The Dead Marshes 3)Chapter 8-Helms Deep 4)Chapter 9-Cirith Ungol 5)Chapter 10-Mordor | 2009-06-11 19:50:00 Author: scatterbrainjon ![]() Posts: 13 |
The maze with the spikes level I actually quite liked. Died a million times mind you haha! The only 2 suggestions I have for that level would be to try integrate teh spikes with the level a bit more. At the moment, they`re just kinda stuck on and look a little out of place. Maybe add a bit of decoration around them to make them blend in, without actually hiding them. The other thing I`d say is to add in some camera zones. At the moment, if you`re heading up the way, you can see where you`re going, but heading down is a different matter. The camera keeps Sackboy just below centre of screen so you get less of a chance to avoid spikes below you. Add in that the smoke from the rocket obscures things in its wake as well leads to more than a few irritating deaths by unseen spikes. I quite like the level though. Dunno if Tokien would have approved of a rocket pack sequence, but I think a series that`s 12 levels long needs the odd break from the norm. | 2009-06-13 02:31:00 Author: Matt 82 ![]() Posts: 1096 |
Glad you liked it ![]() I made the changes you suggested to the spikes Level(Emyn Muil) and I think the level looks better now. I've also set the camera to be more user friendly aswell and I think this helps. Thanks for the suggestions mate ![]() Also,here are more level pictures for my other levels.. 1)The Lord Of The Rings-Final Chapter-The Grey Havens 2)Scatterbrainjon's Lord Of The Rings Gallery 3)Dungeons and Dragons part 1 4)Dungeons and Dragons part 2 5)Music Icons aaaalmost there with the pics lol | 2009-06-16 11:48:00 Author: scatterbrainjon ![]() Posts: 13 |
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