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ModNation Racers Site (Pre-Production)

Archive: 117 posts

There's some new information on ModNation Racers which was originally posted (http://www.joystiq.com/2009/06/09/impressions-modnation-racers/) on Joystiq.com. Emphasis (in the form of an underline) has been added to notable sections:


What game doesn't get better with a bit of customization? Gamers love infusing a little bit of their own personality into their games; whether it's changing your character's appearance in Mass Effect (http://www.joystiq.com/tag/mass-effect), making your own adventures in Neverwinter Nights or just editing all the names in the latest Final Fantasy to swear words. LittleBigPlanet (http://www.joystiq.com/tag/littlebigplanet)'s entire business model is based on selling customizable costumes which don't affect gameplay -- and it works. ModNation Racers (http://www.joystiq.com/tag/modnation-racers) -- Sony's newest entry to their Play, Create, Share genre -- looks to take the idea even further.

In ModNation Racers every part of the gameplay experience is customizable to the Nth degree and the DIY features seem really quite powerful, from what we were shown during the extended demonstration. While LittleBigPlanet allows you to dress up your Sackboy with new costume parts and facial features, ModNation Racers allows you to move, rotate and scale these individually, as well as changing the color scheme of individual items, or the entire costume, in order to keep everything color co-ordinated with the click of a button.

The style of the game, and the characters in particular, is based off a modern art movement called Urban Vinyl Toys. Artists start with a basic character shape, as you will in ModNation Racers, and then layer details on top. In doing so, countless artists can create hugely varying designs, despite starting from the same basic idea. The same principle is present in ModNation Racers, as you're given countless features to add to your character, some of which have 3D elements and some of which are more like 2D stickers.

The art style itself is very cartoony, with bold colors and lines. It's a shame Home (http://www.joystiq.com/tag/home) wasn't designed by United Front Games -- it might have turned out a lot more fun. Perhaps in the future, when the ModNation brand has been proven, we'll see these characters acting as our PSN avatars. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, Racers has only just been announced and we've yet to talk about anything even remotely racey.

Of course, the karts are also completely customizable and, using the Urban Vinyl philosophy, all start off with the same basic chassis. This didn't seem limiting, however, as the two lads from United Front showed how varied the karts could by creating different cars, trucks, and even a vehicle made out of a cardboard box. They were keen to say that what we were seeing was only the tip of the iceberg in terms of customization options in the full version. We have a feeling they'll keep feeding us more after the game is out, via DLC as well.

Finally, character and vehicle customizations complete, we moved on to the real meat of the game -- the track builder. Unlike with LittleBigPlanet -- despite them making similar claims -- the level designers for ModNation Racers use the in-game track designer to create all the levels in the game. With the game devs themselves playing the game in such a way every day, they are constantly adding new tools and features so that not only they can make the levels they want, but so that you can too.


Levels are made using themes. Think of these as related collections of items, tools and features. The theme they showed off at E3 was the countryside theme, but expect many more to be in the full version, each with unique components. The demonstrators insist that the themes are so varied that you'll be able to make "just about anything you imagine." A bold promise.

The track editor is really quite powerful. You layout your original track by simply driving around a blank area, though the devs said you could start with the environment first if you like -- there are no barriers. Once your basic track is laid down you can go in and tweak it, add shortcuts, change the environment, add background features and powerups, etc.

This is all done using "brushes," with which you can paint in roads and background elements like trees or entire towns. With these brushes you can lay the broad strokes and then individually edit specific elements to your liking. For example, the developers created a hilly area covered with trees and, elsewhere, a village surrounding the track. They decided they didn't like the location of an individual tree, so they moved it amongst the others and proceeded to take a single house in their procedurally generated village and scale, rotate and move it however they liked.


It's this ability to focus down and concentrate on an ever shrinking section of your track, perfecting it as you go, that will allow you an incredible amount of freedom in the game. Once completed, your level can be uploaded to be rated, downloaded and edited by others. At any time, as you're building, you can test out the track and immediately you're in there, racing against automatically generated AIs. No waiting, no loading.

We could talk all day about the level creation tools they showed us, but suffice to say they're exhaustive. Change the texture of the track to vary driving styles. Create mountains and lakes, either to drive over or just as scenery. Edit the time of day, weather and ocean height in real time. Stick a bunch of sheep in the middle of the road to drive over. Some tools and props will be made available as you progress through the singleplayer game, just like in LittleBigPlanet.

It's hard to imagine that a kart racer could impress us so much -- notice we say nothing here about how the actual racing part of the game plays, it's very similar to every kart racer you've ever played -- but the level editing and the potential that ModNation Racers gifts the player really excites our creative side. Even despite realizing how many copies of Mario Kart levels we'll be seeing a week after release.
Suffice to say, I'm convinced that the editor will be in-depth enough to support a community. Over 50% of you said you were interested (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=12157) in a new site, so once I have the cash I'll purchase the vBulletin License and get to work. We're looking at about $180 for the "owned" license (meaning we will own the software indefinitely - we don't have to renew with a yearly $100 payment), so we've got a good ways to go in terms of funds. If you'd like to help, donate!
2009-06-09 22:38:00

Posts: 3729

Sounds good. I will join, of course. :kz:

... I can't donate myself... So I'll have to... um... sneak my way... via ads...

Viva la ads!

... anyway, I'm guessing it will be the same set up as this forum, i.e. no new real features in regards to mods or so?

anyway, good work with the new workload >_<.
2009-06-09 22:41:00

Posts: 10882

Sounds good. I will join, of course. :kz:

... I can't donate myself... So I'll have to... um... sneak my way... via ads...

Viva la ads!

... anyway, I'm guessing it will be the same set up as this forum, i.e. no new real features in regards to mods or so?

anyway, good work with the new workload >_<.

Exactly the same here...
2009-06-09 22:43:00

Posts: 2068

Sounds cool, at first I thought there was no way I would buy this game...but the idea is growing on me.2009-06-09 23:12:00

Posts: 542

Oh my... that article made me so excited for this game. Except they said that in this you can add and scale shapes onto your character unlike LBP, except you CAN do that in LBP with decorations.

I will try to donate sooner or later, as it's going to be worth it.
2009-06-09 23:26:00

Posts: 2358

Just to let you know that I'm also 100% behind Cartman doing this project, and will provide the server and bandwidth he needs to have a secure setup to run the site from here on in.

I too was a bit unsure about the amount of creating and tweaking that you could do in this game, but the preview more than shows how deep and amazing this custom stuff can be.

I think ModNation Racers will be an awesome title and once again provide creative gamers like ourselves with great opportunity to push our ideas to new levels.

2009-06-09 23:34:00

Posts: 423

I'm really excited again after reading that

I haven't even played another game since about 6 months before LBP came out because I was/am that hooked with LBP (and that's coming from someone that has never had less than 50 games per console I've owned and usually played every big game that came out)

But this game is getting me hooked already like LBP did.
So it looks like I'm gonna have to share my time between 2 games now

I will join and be a devoted member, as I am with LBPC (and it won't even feel like I'm cheating on LBPC, as it's gonna be mostly the same community )

I'm proper skint atm but I will donate some money Tuesday when I get paid
2009-06-09 23:53:00

Posts: 2767

I'm still not sure about the game...the description sounds exactly like what I thought it was so far. I knew the characters were more customizable, and I figured the carts would have the same level of detail, but to me, you're still just building races in the end. No variety from that, limited ability to tell a story (if any), so I think I'll stick with lbp for now.

But don't let my opinion change yours (anyone who reads this). If you think it's worth it, go for it. I'll certainly be keeping a close eye on the game until release.
2009-06-09 23:54:00

Theap Pleman
Posts: 670

Just to let you know that I'm also 100% behind Cartman doing this project, and will provide the server and bandwidth he needs to have a secure setup to run the site from here on in.

I too was a bit unsure about the amount of creating and tweaking that you could do in this game, but the preview more than shows how deep and amazing this custom stuff can be.

I think ModNation Racers will be an awesome title and once again provide creative gamers like ourselves with great opportunity to push our ideas to new levels.


Did... did lbp just post...?


... lol.

But my personal problem is that, if this DOES become a genre like Sony wants... will we make a new forum for each game? Because, like you said before, that would pretty much be financial suicide.
2009-06-10 01:02:00

Posts: 10882

But my personal problem is that, if this DOES become a genre like Sony wants... will we make a new forum for each game? Because, like you said before, that would pretty much be financial suicide.
That's a decision we'll have to make when the time comes. At the moment, we can support a new community centered around this game, so we'll do our best. If another game comes around and we don't have the money, bandwidth, server space, etc to support it, then we won't. Since no game has been announced, we're just going to make decisions based on the current situation.
2009-06-10 01:20:00

Posts: 3729

But my personal problem is that, if this DOES become a genre like Sony wants... will we make a new forum for each game? Because, like you said before, that would pretty much be financial suicide.

Alright, first, it all depends on the game. How fun it is, how it looks, how customizable, etc. Second, there has to be interest. Yes, XYZ game might have a big following, but that's nothing compared to an awesome community, such as LBPC. You guys support us and each other with donations, sponsor-visiting, and overall awesomeness. Third, there has to be a willing staff for the game fansite in question.

Although, I don't think it'll be happening for every PlayCreateShare game Sony tosses at us... But that's just me.
2009-06-10 03:00:00

Posts: 1603

Sounds good. I would donate but I'm flat out broke, so I'll just click some ads.

And after you guys make the money, I'll be sure to join the site.
2009-06-10 06:12:00

Posts: 3476


I'm interested to see what you do with the new site and I'll be sure to join
over there as well when it officially launches.

I'll look into my wallet to see how much I can spare this month.
Just be sure not to neglect us over here!!
2009-06-10 10:40:00

Posts: 2173

This is cool! I hope the game lives up to the hype, then I will probably buy it, and if the community grows then this new site is set to be the hub of it. Now, as for the matte- wait, wait, I'm sorry...hold on one moment...


We interrupt this post to bring you some urgent news. Creator of the amazingly awesome fansite LBPCentral.com has made a post! Creator lbp AKA Skulpt "on the street" hasn't made a post in two months. This is what he had to say:

"Just to let you know that I'm...deep and amazing."

That is all.
2009-06-10 14:55:00

Posts: 3280

You know, at first I was unsure about this idea. I thought that perhaps less time would be spent on this site over some old game.
Then, I actually realised that I hadn't the slightest clue what ModNation Racers was about so I watched a few videos. Yes, I'm very impressed.

In fact, I can't wait to not only play this game but for the site to be opened. I'll be sure to click on some ads in the future.
2009-06-10 16:17:00

Posts: 2079

Not too hyped myself but I'll probably donate a bit just to help you along.2009-06-10 16:22:00

Posts: 1330

I'll see what I can do as far as donations go.

If you ever need a mod, I have lots of experience.
2009-06-10 16:52:00

Posts: 1287

You know, at first I was unsure about this idea. I thought that perhaps less time would be spent on this site over some old game.
Honestly? I'm actually finding myself with more and more free time as of late, and I don't like free time. I'd rather have something to work on. I definitely won't neglect LBPCentral due to the new site.
2009-06-10 18:04:00

Posts: 3729

ohh man this game looks crazy i can't wiat, as i've said before i'll help anyway possible, way to go guys2009-06-10 19:07:00

Posts: 1246

So when are you planning to release this new site, because i've heard the game doesn't come out until next year

And will there be a banner designing contest pre-launch?
2009-06-10 19:51:00

Posts: 2100

So when are you planning to release this new site, because i've heard the game doesn't come out until next year

I can't give a definite answer on the first as it depends how long it will take to gather funds, set it up etc. Though I'll take a guess and say the next couple of months.

And will there be a banner designing contest pre-launch?

Most likely, it will probably have to wait a while until more images are released.
2009-06-10 20:06:00

Posts: 2575

So when are you planning to release this new site, because i've heard the game doesn't come out until next year

LBPcentral was founded a while before LBP came out as well.
Wich was a good call on lbp's end. Start up the community ahead of time.
2009-06-10 20:06:00

Posts: 2173

MNRcentral anyone?2009-06-10 20:28:00

Posts: 1432

So when are you planning to release this new site, because i've heard the game doesn't come out until next year
The success of the site depends largely on it's popularity, and a site doesn't become popular overnight. We will have to work for a while to build up a reputation among the MNR community, so beginning early is the best way to ensure we'll be the "go-to" forum/fansite by the time the game launches. Plus, we really want to be high up on search engine results - giving the search crawlers time to archive our content is key to ensuring we're one of the top results when you search for "ModNation Racers fansite".
2009-06-10 20:31:00

Posts: 3729

Maybe someone suggested this already, but I think there should be a parent site that links to both of these sites(and in the future more?). It should contain the front page news items for both the sites as well as come basic information on the games etc.

Something along the lines of PlayCreateShare Central?

I don't think it would need to be anything fancy, but I think it would be good for the sibling sites to have something above them for the sake of organization and linking new people into them.
2009-06-10 22:35:00

Posts: 542

Yeah, that's not a bad idea.
Just a nice simple "gate site" that incorporates the RSS newsfeeds of both sites and such.
2009-06-10 22:39:00

Posts: 2173

Something along the lines of PlayCreateShare Central?

I don't think it would need to be anything fancy, but I think it would be good for the sibling sites to have something above them for the sake of organization and linking new people into them.
The problem with that is we would seem as if we were planning on supporting all games in the PCS genre. While that is a fantastic concept, in reality we simply don't have the server space, bandwidth, manpower, or funds to do so. The only way that would even be conceivable would be if we had official support from Sony, including both server space and financial support. Since Sony probably has no plans on recruiting an outside fansite manager to helm the community management of the new genre, it's not really an option at this point, so it wouldn't be a good idea to create a central hub.
2009-06-10 22:53:00

Posts: 3729

The problem with that is we would seem as if we were planning on supporting all games in the PCS genre. While that is a fantastic concept, in reality we simply don't have the server space, bandwidth, manpower, or funds to do so. The only way that would even be conceivable would be if we had official support from Sony, including both server space and financial support. Since Sony probably has no plans on recruiting an outside fansite manager to helm the community management of the new genre, it's not really an option at this point, so it wouldn't be a good idea to create a central hub.

Well, there would have to be some links on both LBPC and MNRC... Maybe it could be some "affiliate section" while it's actually just those two and whatever other sites you may make in the future? Hm... well, I'm sure you'll think of something
2009-06-10 22:56:00

Posts: 10882

How far are we so far on funds? How much money has been raised?2009-06-10 22:56:00

Posts: 2068

How far are we so far on funds? How much money has been raised?
Since the announcement was made yesterday? None. However, we do have about $40 in donations that I'm keeping for the new license, along with a check from Google Adsense next month for about $100. Given that we don't run into any problems with getting our money from Google Adsense, $40-$50 more in donations should do it.
2009-06-10 22:58:00

Posts: 3729

Awesome, i'm so excited! I'm sorry I can't donate, I feel so bad just waiting here waiting for someone to pay.2009-06-10 23:03:00

Posts: 2068

Awesome, i'm so excited! I'm sorry I can't donate, I feel so bad just waiting here waiting for someone to pay.
Realistically, it will take anywhere from 2-3 months before the new site is ready to go. Don't hold your breath.
2009-06-10 23:09:00

Posts: 3729

Realistically, it will take anywhere from 2-3 months before the new site is ready to go. Don't hold your breath.

Yeah... I don't know why but everytime I log in I hope that I see a banner that says "ModNation Racers site now open!" I know now that i'm just a little over excited. But best of luck to all of you guys when you raise enough!
2009-06-10 23:14:00

Posts: 2068

Since the announcement was made yesterday? None. However, we do have about $40 in donations that I'm keeping for the new license, along with a check from Google Adsense next month for about $100. Given that we don't run into any problems with getting our money from Google Adsense, $40-$50 more in donations should do it.

Well I'll donate $20 on Tuesday when I get paid. So that will get the ball rolling. Come on peeps, I know some of you are rich....... don't be shy and splash the cash lol
2009-06-10 23:15:00

Posts: 2767

Cool, I'll probably be picking this up if all turns out well. The E3 demo is a very impressive representation atm, it looks truly fun, exciting, as well as being realistic, and lots of room for creativity, I hope the game lives up to it.

I'll probably join up when the sites up, whether I get the game straight away or not ^^
2009-06-10 23:36:00

Posts: 779

i'll donate next week when i get my paycheck finally!2009-06-11 01:24:00

Posts: 1246

Just an update: we've got a preliminary logo design ready for the new site. Once we're sure it's a final design, we'll post it here for you guys to take a gander at. 2009-06-11 07:25:00

Posts: 3729

How much could you do with the track editor, anyways? Having a forum where you can "show off all the cool tracks you uploaded" seems kinda stupid...
Right now the only reasonable thing would be "show off all the cool characters and karts you uploaded..."

I'm not against the making of the site or anything, I'm just saying.
2009-06-11 16:53:00

Posts: 657

How much could you do with the track editor, anyways? Having a forum where you can "show off all the cool tracks you uploaded" seems kinda stupid...
Right now the only reasonable thing would be "show off all the cool characters and karts you uploaded..."

I'm not against the making of the site or anything, I'm just saying.

The same thing could be said about LBP but here you are
2009-06-11 18:32:00

Posts: 2767

The same thing could be said about LBP but here you are

Yeah, but LBP let's you make LEVELS. You can make any type of level you want!
Modnation only lets you make tracks, there isn't very much variety.
2009-06-11 18:38:00

Posts: 657

Yeah, but LBP let's you make LEVELS. You can make any type of level you want!
Modnation only lets you make tracks, there isn't very much variety.

All I was trying to say (and if you read some of my earlier posts in this thread) is that when we first saw lbp, most people might of reacted in the same way you have, towards lbp. Saying all you can do is make platforming levels....So WHAT!!!!!
But as the game progressed and got nearer and nearer to launch (and after, until even now) the game developed more and more and people are doing things no one ever thought possible.

Not saying ModNationRacer is definitely gonna have the same freedom as that, but it is still early in development and they could surprise people if they are ambitious enough
2009-06-11 19:10:00

Posts: 2767

Modnation only lets you make tracks, there isn't very much variety.
LBP is too open-ended for a lot of people. There are tons and tons of options, but sometimes too many options overloads those who are just "OK" at Creating. The idea of an in-depth editor that only allows you to make one type of level might sound restrictive compared to LittleBigPlanet, but those same restrictions will likely cause creativity to flourish for a good number of people. It's like being given a blank canvas and having someone tell you that you're only allowed to paint nature - instantly, you have a source of inspiration while still having a lot of freedom to be creative.
2009-06-11 19:16:00

Posts: 3729

Again, I'm not against the site or the game.
I'm just worried because it's a completely different genre. In my point of view, making a race car track and watching it get a lot of plays doesn't seem as pleasing as getting a ton of plays on a level on lbp.
But that's just my thinking, it's probably different for other people. It all depends on which genre you like, I guess...
2009-06-11 19:35:00

Posts: 657

I'll be buying it and going to the site =] I'm just gonna recreate all the 2010 F1 tracks anyways lol2009-06-12 01:03:00

Unknown User

Heh... I'd say there could be an option to group yours AND other peoples tracks into a Tournament or Playlist as such. That could be very nice for collaborating. Also... It seems as though racing on any old user created track will be fun. It doesn't look like LBP where there can be lots of bugs and problems with user made levels, with Mod-Racers, it looks like the game tools DOES everything for you. Which is good and bad. I dunno, we'll have to see to what kind of standard you can really build levels to. That demo level was done in less than 5 minutes.... so I'm sure theres a lot more depth than that.2009-06-12 01:40:00

Posts: 779

Heh... I'd say there could be an option to group yours AND other peoples tracks into a Tournament or Playlist as such.

I have plans on possibly doing a contest based on this idea, if it's even possible. We'll see what the future holds for (FANSITE NAME).
2009-06-12 01:44:00

Posts: 1603

LBP is too open-ended for a lot of people. There are tons and tons of options, but sometimes too many options overloads those who are just "OK" at Creating. The idea of an in-depth editor that only allows you to make one type of level might sound restrictive compared to LittleBigPlanet, but those same restrictions will likely cause creativity to flourish for a good number of people. It's like being given a blank canvas and having someone tell you that you're only allowed to paint nature - instantly, you have a source of inspiration while still having a lot of freedom to be creative.

Very well said.

I just can't wait to see what other themes they're planning on shipping with the game. We've only seen one so far.
2009-06-12 05:30:00

Posts: 74

Hm... I unno, a bit random question, but...

If someone gets banned from one site... would they automatically be banned from the sister site or? I dunno, was just bothering me O_O.
2009-06-12 21:05:00

Posts: 10882

Hm... I unno, a bit random question, but...

If someone gets banned from one site... would they automatically be banned from the sister site or? I dunno, was just bothering me O_O.
Hmm, that's a good question. Short answer: no. Long answer: maybe. It all depends on the circumstances, really.
2009-06-12 21:11:00

Posts: 3729

Hm... I unno, a bit random question, but...

If someone gets banned from one site... would they automatically be banned from the sister site or? I dunno, was just bothering me O_O.

Hmm, that's a good question. Short answer: no. Long answer: maybe. It all depends on the circumstances, really.

I spoke to clank yesterday on PSN and it made me think of this exact same question
2009-06-12 21:16:00

Posts: 2767

I spoke to clank yesterday on PSN and it made me think of this exact same question

Yeh... I miss Clank. What will happen to already banned people?
2009-06-13 13:00:00

Unknown User

I only read a tiny piece on this game. Going to go surf the web for more info and check out the E3 presentation. It does seem like it could do some things better than LBP did. I especially like this snippet from a written preview:

Unlike with LittleBigPlanet -- despite them making similar claims -- the level designers for ModNation Racers use the in-game track designer to create all the levels in the game.

If LBP had a better level editor, I believe I'd still be actively making levels.

I'm glad you're so active and do such an awesome work with this site and hopefully that of Modnation Racers. All I can say is keep up the good work, and that you guys have definitely earned all the recognition you get. I'll definitely donate to this cause.

I hope the right place to donate was to LBPCentral from the top of the forums, even though the money goes to the new site license as well?
2009-06-13 14:13:00

Posts: 607

Yeh... I miss Clank. What will happen to already banned people?

My opinion: They should be given a second chance. Honestly, its a new game, its potentially a new community. They can always banned when they're caught trollin' again ?_?
2009-06-13 17:04:00

Posts: 779

My opinion: They should be given a second chance. Honestly, its a new game, its potentially a new community. They can always banned when they're caught trollin' again ?_?
Regardless of the specific case (after what Clank did, I will never allow him to access any community I head up), here's our basic policy: If they were IP banned at LBPCentral (such as Clank), they'll be IP banned at MNRCentral - if we went out of our way to ensure that user cannot ever view the site, logged in or not, then we don't think they deserve a second chance. However, in the case of bans that were only accounts (not full IPs) we'll decide on a case-by-case basis.

Still, you guys shouldn't be focusing on how we'll be banning users - we almost never do, so there's nothing to worry about.
2009-06-13 17:17:00

Posts: 3729

I hope the right place to donate was to LBPCentral from the top of the forums, even though the money goes to the new site license as well?

Yeah, that's the right place.
2009-06-15 19:59:00

Posts: 1603

I could donate... it'll be a small amount, monthly until you have enough.
2009-06-16 20:33:00

Posts: 284

I could donate... it'll be a small amount, monthly until you have enough.

Anything, no matter how big or small, will make a difference.
2009-06-17 07:18:00

Posts: 1603

cool. but cant donate soz2009-06-17 16:14:00

Posts: 22

Anything, no matter how big or small, will make a difference.

That reminds me of this polar bear motivational poster we have in my school.
Says pretty much the same thing.
2009-06-17 16:27:00

Posts: 284

Hey guys! Just a little update: we only need about $10 more before we have enough to buy the new license. If you've been holding out on donating for any reason, now's the time! Also, thanks again to all current and past donors - you guys help drive the site, whether or not you know it. 2009-06-19 07:53:00

Posts: 3729

Just a quick question, any update on that logo you were going to show us? 2009-06-19 08:43:00

Posts: 2173

Just a quick question, any update on that logo you were going to show us?
We think we've got a final design, but we're also letting others play with it a bit to see what they can come up with. When we're absolutely sure we're happy with the design, we'll unveil it.
2009-06-19 09:01:00

Posts: 3729

Hey guys! Just a little update: we only need about $10 more before we have enough to buy the new license. If you've been holding out on donating for any reason, now's the time! Also, thanks again to all current and past donors - you guys help drive the site, whether or not you know it.

I was gonna donate $20 at the beginning of next month when I got paid, I've literally spanked all my money for this month. Guess I'll be too late to be the guy who tipped the balance by then....
2009-06-19 10:43:00

Posts: 6497

If I get home and the last $10 aren't filled, I'll get right on it.2009-06-19 12:27:00

Posts: 284

So... do we still need that 10 dollars? How long after the license is bought do you think it'll be up after you work on it or whatever?2009-06-19 18:58:00

Posts: 10882

So... do we still need that 10 dollars? How long after the license is bought do you think it'll be up after you work on it or whatever?
Yep, we still need the $10. I'd assume anywhere from 2-3 weeks would be a good time frame. There's always the chance that it would go up a ton faster than that, but I don't want to promise and not deliver!
2009-06-19 21:26:00

Posts: 3729

Yep, we still need the $10. I'd assume anywhere from 2-3 weeks would be a good time frame. There's always the chance that it would go up a ton faster than that, but I don't want to promise and not deliver!

There's your $10

I just donated it now

Was gonna donate 20 but I'm realllllly skint lol
2009-06-19 21:39:00

Posts: 2767

There's your $10

I just donated it now

Was gonna donate 20 but I'm realllllly skint lol


... thanks... now, to wait for the actual thingmajig...

Speaking of which, is EvilTikiGod helping with the layout for this? I know... well, someone else is, but not sure I can say... Anyway, I'll shut up :|
2009-06-19 21:40:00

Posts: 10882


lol, this is awesome! Someone actually gave up TEN DOLLARS!!! O_O
2009-06-19 21:42:00

Posts: 657


... thanks... now, to wait for the actual thingmajig...

Speaking of which, is EvilTikiGod helping with the layout for this? I know... well, someone else is, but not sure I can say... Anyway, I'll shut up :|

I think Tiki's style is still being used. Though it will obviously be altered to suit ModNation Racers.
2009-06-19 21:42:00

Posts: 2575

I think Tiki's style is still being used. Though it will obviously be altered to suit ModNation Racers.

Tiki's style but his let Lil-Pingin loose on it and it's all PINK
2009-06-19 21:50:00

Posts: 2767

I want to donate, I mean, MNRC needs it and the size limit for avatars to people who have donated is HUGE, and I need that for my avatar.
I'd really love to donate, but unfortunately I'm REALLY poor.
2009-06-19 21:50:00

Posts: 1054

Thanks a ton Dorien! The license has been purchased - I'm getting the forums installed right now.2009-06-19 22:16:00

Posts: 3729

When will they be ready?2009-06-19 22:18:00

Posts: 2068

MNR looks lord.

At first I was like what the hell is this, and also disgusted that MediaMolecule weren't developing, but if the driving gameplay is good enough this will be another winner I believe.

How long before Micro$oft get some kind of Play Create Share game on that ugly box of theirs.
2009-06-19 23:19:00

Posts: 49

When will they be ready?
I should have the forums up by tonight, but we won't be opening them up for registration for a while. I'd say 2-3 weeks is a good, safe estimate.
2009-06-19 23:27:00

Posts: 3729

I should have the forums up by tonight, but we won't be opening them up for registration for a while. I'd say 2-3 weeks is a good, safe estimate.

Can't wait man, be sure to give me the heads up when it's all kicking off mate
2009-06-19 23:32:00

Posts: 2767

I should have the forums up by tonight, but we won't be opening them up for registration for a while. I'd say 2-3 weeks is a good, safe estimate.

Ahh cool. I'm excited!
2009-06-19 23:41:00

Posts: 2068

The forums are opening tonight? Great! I want to join. The game looks very promising. :arg:2009-06-20 23:57:00

Posts: 6

The forums are opening tonight? Great! I want to join. The game looks very promising. :arg:

No no. The vBulletin license is bought and the basic forums are up but aren't fully functional yet. As Cartman said, they may not be open for 2-3 weeks.
2009-06-21 00:10:00

Posts: 2575

No no. The vBulletin license is bought and the basic forums are up but aren't fully functional yet. As Cartman said, they may not be open for 2-3 weeks.

Oh ok, thanks for the clarification!
2009-06-21 00:24:00

Posts: 6

Sounds great, I will be one of the first to give you my membership and traffic! Hopefully we will be one of the first MNR communities out there.2009-06-21 00:32:00

Posts: 49

Will there be a spam can there?

... Please...
2009-06-21 02:33:00

Unknown User

Will there be a spam can there?

... Please...

... what do you think? >_<

It's being run by CC, so it's pretty much going to be run the same way as here... why would they add that back there? >_>
2009-06-21 02:40:00

Posts: 10882

Is it mnrcentral.com? If it is, pretty cool that you posted the E3 vid as a temporary placeholder while the site gets built.

I'll keep watching how the game evolves before I decide whether or not to join though.
2009-06-21 02:51:00

Theap Pleman
Posts: 670

Will there be a spam can there?

... Please...
I doubt it will ever come back, nothing good ever came out of it. :/

Just go to a chatroom or something, it's basically the same thing but in real time.
2009-06-21 04:56:00

Posts: 3476

What do you do during "pre-production"? Do you like, start a lemonade stand to make money or something? And wouldn't that still be contributing towards the production?2009-06-21 06:38:00

Posts: 3664

What do you do during "pre-production"? Do you like, start a lemonade stand to make money or something? And wouldn't that still be contributing towards the production?
Pre-production is, well, exactly what it sounds like: the phase right before the actual production. We weren't producing anything at the time, we were just allocating the resources that would allow us to produce. Now that we've got those resources, we're actually producing, which brings us from "pre-production" into just plain "production". It's usually associated with the film industry, but it applies to almost anything that can be "produced". See: Pre-production - Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pre-production).
2009-06-21 07:37:00

Posts: 3729

MNR looks lord.

At first I was like what the hell is this, and also disgusted that MediaMolecule weren't developing, but if the driving gameplay is good enough this will be another winner I believe.

How long before Micro$oft get some kind of Play Create Share game on that ugly box of theirs.
YouTube - Microsoft at CES 2009: Kodu Demo

hehe, they're doomed
2009-06-21 20:27:00

Posts: 657

Just a quick update:

I put in about 12 hours of work today, and I've got the forums up, I successfully migrated the style over, all of the plugins/addons that we have here are now installed there (other than a couple that don't work with vB 3.8, but they weren't the important ones), and the basic forum structure is in place. Now I just have to do a ton of work with the templates and get things working the way they're supposed to, as well as work on revamping the style so it's a bit more "ModNation Racers-ey". Optimistically, the site will be good to go in a week, but don't count on it - I can't guarantee I won't run into roadblocks from here on out.
2009-06-22 09:29:00

Posts: 3729

Nice one CC, let me know if you need a hand with testing anything.

Cheers QuozL
2009-06-23 02:19:00

Posts: 921

So can we geta preview of tje site or something or are we gonna have to wait untill its finished?2009-06-23 02:36:00

Posts: 6707

So can we geta preview of tje site or something or are we gonna have to wait untill its finished?

Well, there IS a way I can get you a preview of the-


CC: That takes care of him :kz:
2009-06-23 03:08:00

Posts: 10882

Well, there IS a way I can get you a preview of the-


CC: That takes care of him :kz:
Rock? Rock! Roooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooccckkkk........

nevermind =/
2009-06-23 03:13:00

Posts: 657

CC, have you considered dabbling in some more advanced customization for the site? Maybe a more versatile level / downloadable content review section to the boards? I've found playing around with stuff like this can give some very useful skills for the future, whatever you turn out to do. This would probably be the optimal time to stry something new, as the mnr site would be quite a good testing ground for a new add-on while the game is still in the works.

I've always thought that the biggest thing missing from LBPCentral is some way to search through user made levels to find levels by category, for example

Single Player Levels
Four Player Levels
Racing Levels
Competitive Levels
Survival Levels
Pick of the month levels
User <xxxx>'s favorite levels

Also, being able to rate and write reviews about levels properly would be quite useful for a forum of a Play, Create & Share game.

Anyways, I did some searching and ran into three customization systems: vBGeek, vBAdvancedDynamics and vBCover. Here's a quick summary of those.

vBGeek (http://www.thevbgeek.com/)
vBGeek has a 'Geek Article and Review System' (http://www.thevbgeek.com/forumdisplay.php?f=43) that looks pretty decent. I don't know about how customizable it is though, as the front page of the demo site seems a bit unwieldly. Here's the pitch from their site:

GARS Key Features

Transform any forum instantly without importing or changing the underlying data.
Since GARS sits in front of vB, Anything you can do in vB you can do in GARS (user permissions, WYSIWYG editor, BBcode, Subscriptions, attachments, etc...)
Create an unlimited amount of configurations, template sets, etc...
Upload default thread header images
Allow users to upload their own GAR header images when publishing articles, reviews, etc....
Create a standard set of Ratings for each configuration to use (perfect for reviews)
Page break and navigation system for GARS that span multiple pages.
GARS currently comes with 10 pre installed modules.

vBAdvancedDynamics (http://www.vbadvanced.com/products.php?do=productinfo&productid=7)
This looks like a very, very customizable toolbox. The list of features is pretty exhausting, so I suggest checking out the link above for a summary. This could be useful for many purposes.

vBCover (http://www.vbcover.com/)
vBCover has some pretty cool add-ons for different things. Especially vbMagazine and vbHerald seem interesting, unfortunately demos for either are currently not available. Most if not all of these add-ons implement vBAdvanced.
2009-06-23 06:12:00

Posts: 607

CC, have you considered dabbling in some more advanced customization for the site? Maybe a more versatile level / downloadable content review section to the boards? I've found playing around with stuff like this can give some very useful skills for the future, whatever you turn out to do. This would probably be the optimal time to stry something new, as the mnr site would be quite a good testing ground for a new add-on while the game is still in the works.

I've always thought that the biggest thing missing from LBPCentral is some way to search through user made levels to find levels by category, for example

Single Player Levels
Four Player Levels
Racing Levels
Competitive Levels
Survival Levels
Pick of the month levels
User <xxxx>'s favorite levels</xxxx>

Also, being able to rate and write reviews about levels properly would be quite useful for a forum of a Play, Create & Share game.

Anyways, I did some searching and ran into three customization systems: vBGeek, vBAdvancedDynamics and vBCover. Here's a quick summary of those.

vBGeek (http://www.thevbgeek.com/)
vBGeek has a 'Geek Article and Review System' (http://www.thevbgeek.com/forumdisplay.php?f=43) that looks pretty decent. I don't know about how customizable it is though, as the front page of the demo site seems a bit unwieldly. Here's the pitch from their site:

vBAdvancedDynamics (http://www.vbadvanced.com/products.php?do=productinfo&productid=7)
This looks like a very, very customizable toolbox. The list of features is pretty exhausting, so I suggest checking out the link above for a summary. This could be useful for many purposes.

vBCover (http://www.vbcover.com/)
vBCover has some pretty cool add-ons for different things. Especially vbMagazine and vbHerald seem interesting, unfortunately demos for either are currently not available. Most if not all of these add-ons implement vBAdvanced.
Hey, sorry it took so long for me to respond. I did see this soon after you posted it, but I've been so busy with getting the new site set up I haven't had a chance.

I've had something like that bouncing around in my head as well. If we did do it, we'd probably buy vBDynamics since that would definitely be the most expandable option. I can't guarantee we will, but it's likely - I'll start looking into it once the new site is stable and ready to go. Also, you didn't mention this, but I'll address it anyway since it's an inevitable question: I won't be bringing any functionality like this to LBPCentral until we know more about the rumored API Mm is working on. Once I hear more about that, I'll start thinking of ways of bringing it to LBPCentral, but I don't want to introduce a new system just to rewrite the whole thing a month or two later.
2009-06-24 07:48:00

Posts: 3729

I've noticed the Site is no longer in it's empty place-holder form.
Or is that old news?
2009-06-24 10:20:00

Posts: 284

I've noticed the Site is no longer in it's empty place-holder form.
Or is that old news?
It's been like that since earlier today, when I installed the homepage software. We're actually almost done (hurray!). One or two more days of work for me, and we'll be all set. We'll also be opening up the forum to a closed test run - I have the forums set up so you cannot register without an invite from me, so eventually I'll start rounding up people that are interested so we can iron out anything I might have missed when setting up the new forums. We might be able to open to the public within a week, if everything goes to plan.
2009-06-24 11:03:00

Posts: 3729

It's been like that since earlier today, when I installed the homepage software. We're actually almost done (hurray!). One or two more days of work for me, and we'll be all set. We'll also be opening up the forum to a closed test run - I have the forums set up so you cannot register without an invite from me, so eventually I'll start rounding up people that are interested so we can iron out anything I might have missed when setting up the new forums. We might be able to open to the public within a week, if everything goes to plan.

Within a week? That's not bad.
You sure know dedication.
2009-06-24 12:35:00

Posts: 284

Can't waiT! :O

In any case, I am totally not spying on you guys... wait... am... I...? ... I KNOW NOTHING! /door slams

... Ok, but seriously, I ELECT ME FOR THE CLOSED BETA RUN HAHAHAHA! ... >_> I want a headstart on giving out peanuts to everyone :O.

... k I'm done :/. /sniped waitwut?

... Seriously... AGAIN, I can't wait to start coming up with ideas for MNR... only for none of them to ever come true, just like the Resort or Cavern or all of those awesome ideas pre-LBP!
2009-06-24 12:36:00

Posts: 10882

Great job as always CC.

I'd be interested in the Beta run. I'm pretty much free full time. And I'm sure I'll be bored enough when the game comes out to buy it
2009-06-24 16:02:00

Posts: 779

yea, I'd love to participate 2009-06-24 16:10:00

Posts: 2824

Same here - I want in. Pwetty pwease?
2009-06-24 16:21:00

Posts: 4291

You sure know dedication.

Hoo, boy. You have no idea. I'd suggest he takes some free time for himself. ...Thing is, what do you think he's going to do with that free time?

Go CC.
2009-06-24 17:19:00

Posts: 1603

Hoo, boy. You have no idea. I'd suggest he takes some free time for himself. ...Thing is, what do you think he's going to do with that free time?

Go CC.

His location says California, there must be tons to do there.
2009-06-24 20:22:00

Posts: 284

aren't we gonna need more mods... ofcourse there are gonna come loads of other members... probably.


Btw, would be pretty awesome if the name of the game would change... LOL (mnrcentral.com)
2009-06-24 20:44:00

Posts: 3036

aren't we gonna need more mods... ofcourse there are gonna come loads of other members... probably.


Btw, would be pretty awesome if the name of the game would change... LOL (mnrcentral.com)

It's the same amount as here... each mod from here save one, and one new o- I KNOW NOTHING!
2009-06-24 20:56:00

Posts: 10882

His location says California, there must be tons to do there.

I'm from CA too, and though there may be tons to do, you just don't always feel like doing that stuff...

And besides, it depends on where in CA right?
2009-06-24 21:19:00

Theap Pleman
Posts: 670

Woop woop.....did I just go thar

Can't wait to become a member of a new site and have the pleasure of knowing friends already

I might set up a site called doriencentral.com and get CC to run it as he is made of pure win
2009-06-24 22:50:00

Posts: 2767

Alright, guys - if you're at all interested in helping test the new site (meaning leaving feedback and all), send me a PM along with your email address so I can send you an invite to register. I'm not guaranteeing everyone will get an invite, but if I think you'll help me improve the site, you'll find an invite in your email inbox.

It's the same amount as here... each mod from here save one, and one new o- I KNOW NOTHING!
Actually, that's mostly temporary - Code is the only permanent mod at the new site. The rest are stand-ins; until I find new mods for the new site, the mods here are helping fill the gaps.

His location says California, there must be tons to do there.
In the major cities, yes. Where I live, no. It's farmland and farmland and more farmland. The Navy has an Air Base in the middle of nowhere, and we got "lucky" enough to be shipped there. Right now I'm vacationing in San Diego, so I do have a few options, but normally there's not much to choose from.
2009-06-24 23:25:00

Posts: 3729

The site looks awesome! What would happen if the game was to change it's name?2009-06-25 03:13:00

Posts: 2068

The site looks awesome! What would happen if the game was to change it's name?
We could easily buy a new domain and change our logo. However, I doubt the name will change - they've officially announced it, so usually things are fairly set in stone by then.
2009-06-25 04:43:00

Posts: 3729

Knowing CC if he did take time off, he'd just be thinking about LBPCentral or MNRCentral and how he could improve it xD
Can't wait to see the full site up and running.
2009-06-25 17:57:00

Posts: 3767

I'll admit, kodu does look fun and it has its own unique graphical style.

Although I did lol @ the actualy 12 year old girl bit.

Can't wait for the site to get up and running and give it a try.
2009-06-26 01:16:00

Posts: 275

Booyeah! San Diego for the WIN!!! Now, anyways:

This would be pretty cool to look at. I saw the E3 footage and it looks gorgeous! This is like Mario Kart meets LittleBIGPlanet meets Crash Nitro Kart (I have all three!). Can't wait to see this site up and runnin'. We might as well just link the two together and call it PCSCentral (Play, Create, Share Central). This is going to be great. :hero:
2009-06-26 18:14:00

Posts: 5757

Something that's been bothering me... shouldn't the title be changed to Production or maybe even Beta or... well, something other then Pre Production... those things just botherme.2009-06-26 18:32:00

Posts: 10882

Something that's been bothering me... shouldn't the title be changed to Production or maybe even Beta or... well, something other then Pre Production... those things just botherme.

It's an old thread, and, at the time, the site was in pre-production. Next time I post a thread about the site, I'll include a status update.
2009-06-26 20:16:00

Posts: 3729

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