Super Sack World
Archive: 2 posts
Series Description: The evil Cykrops has snatched the local princess from the castle and you're the only sack brave enough to pursue him! A series I'm working on. Four Worlds, each World has two levels, a fort, and a boss. WORLD 1: Strawberry Fields 1:1 1:F 1:2 1:B- Boss: Talon Mk. 1 (Level name: Super Sack World 1:B) WORLD 2: Crabgrass City 2:1 2:F 2:2 2:B- Boss: Hornet Gunship WORLD 3: Peppermint Peak 3:1 3:F 3:2 3:B- Boss: Talon Mk. 2 WORLD 4: Cayenne Cave 4:1 4:2 4:F 4:B- Boss: Auto Turret 4 ![]() | 2009-06-08 18:48:00 Author: Nukemgreen ![]() Posts: 71 |
Fixed a few existing problems in 1:B. The respawn box doesn't get stuck as easily, and the brain in the foreground near the top has been moved so it's easier to pop. I'm working on 1:1, really! | 2009-06-09 20:33:00 Author: Nukemgreen ![]() Posts: 71 |
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