Little Fallout 3
Archive: 1 post
Wassup LbpCentral Well Like about 2 days ago I Published the level called "Little Fallout3" It's mostly based on the actual game Fallout 3 its not one of those falling bombs one. Description: The character"You" Travels threw the Vault 101. Trying to escape the Vault the overseer try to get rid of you But your dad has escaped to. So you Set off on a journey to find your Dad. This only part one and I am still fixing a few things. I will be doing them by Quest so This is Quest 1 And its Called "Escape" If you cant find it by its name then type find it by my PSN PSN:totalown36 Please heart and Comment this is only my second level and if you think something should be added or fixed then please tell me I Really really want to improve my level creating skills. | 2009-06-08 04:33:00 Author: TotalOwn36 ![]() Posts: 8 |
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