disney crisis?
Archive: 19 posts
i have a feeling that disney helping LBP is a real mistake. there was an online game called Club Penguin that joined with disney, 3 days later it died because of them. they are a real crisis, im not sure if MM should be doing it... anybody agree? | 2009-06-06 16:28:00 Author: kodymcq ![]() Posts: 281 |
Personally, I think it's an awful DLC idea. Though from a business point of view, Sony will probably make a lot of money from it. You need to remember that children occupy a large percentage of the LBP player base. | 2009-06-06 16:33:00 Author: Killian ![]() Posts: 2575 |
Yeah, and I'm pretty sure people aren't going to stop playing LBP because of their choice of DLC...... Besides, Disney aren't taking over LBP - just helping them | 2009-06-06 16:38:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
It makes sense, but I wont be buying it! Thats for sure | 2009-06-06 20:05:00 Author: Jibblejab ![]() Posts: 13 |
As I've previously stated, Disney are EVIL!! I've known several people who worked for Disney and I can tell you they are an iron fisted company who cares about nothing but their own interests. For example (I don't know if they still do this or not, but...) they used to give Disney Points out as Christmas bonuses to their animators and other staff.... how cheap and pathetic is that? Here's your bonus, but oh, wait... you can only spend the bonus at OUR franchise on OUR merchandise so it's not really a bonus seeing as the money is going straight back into our greedy hands anyways... Merry ******* Christmas. Disney ought to stick to Disney... 'nuff said. ![]() | 2009-06-06 20:16:00 Author: Rustbukkit ![]() Posts: 1737 |
Erm, Club Penguin is still around and doing okay. ![]() Besides being bought by a company and being allowed to sell stuff which is part of the companies IP are quite different things. | 2009-06-06 20:26:00 Author: Syroc ![]() Posts: 3193 |
I can tell you they are an iron fisted company who cares about nothing but their own interests. For example (I don't know if they still do this or not, but...) they used to give Disney Points out as Christmas bonuses to their animators and other staff.... how cheap and pathetic is that? Hehe, this sounds like totally different from all the other big companies in the world, who are all about candy and sunshine lol. Anyway, disney points still cost to give them out, because when the points are spent, Disney are essentially giving away merch that costs money to make, for free => net loss. A lot of employers don't give out any kind of bonus. Therefore I'd say it rates around a 2 on the cheapandpatheticometer. I'm not sure what the deal with club penguin is, not really familiar with it, but it seems to be going strong from what I can tell. I very much doubt Disney will have a say in anything but their DLC. Don't buy the DLC if you don't want it. Problem solved. | 2009-06-06 20:30:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
I'm really not a big fan of Disney, and i don't like that Mm is getting involved with them Before (back in the day ![]() But now they've ruined all of that and started making terrible movies like High School Musical and Hannah Montana, and they're funding loads of rubbish bands formed by 10 year olds so they can make money out of it. Now to me they've just lost all of their personality as an organization and just come across as "doing anything for the money". | 2009-06-06 20:39:00 Author: Dexiro ![]() Posts: 2100 |
I'm really not a big fan of Disney, and i don't like that Mm is getting involved with them Before (back in the day ![]() But now they've ruined all of that and started making terrible movies like High School Musical and Hannah Montana, and they're funding loads of rubbish bands formed by 10 year olds so they can make money out of it. Now to me they've just lost all of their personality as an organization and just come across as "doing anything for the money". that can also be felt in Disney World ![]() Seems like every single ride there is now based off some Disney film nowadays... I mean, really... They replaced ExtraTERRORestial alien Encounter with STITCH? Yeah... :/ | 2009-06-06 20:41:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Before (back in the day ![]() But now they've ruined all of that and started making terrible movies like High School Musical and Hannah Montana, and they're funding loads of rubbish bands formed by 10 year olds so they can make money out of it. Pixar, anyone? If my memory serves me correctly, in the past year disney have hired on one of the original lead creative guys from Pixar to turn Disney animation studios around. So it seems they do actually realise they haven't made a significant movie this century (with the exception of bolt, which was alright and is probably their first steps in turning around) | 2009-06-06 20:55:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
Once Disney bought Pixar, all the Pixar films made afterwards were rubbish. Or maybe they were brilliant, I forget. Anyway SONY just made thousands redundant and have made some less than nice moves in the past. Why is no-one complaining about that? I won`t be buying the DLC if it`s just costumes as tbh I`m fed up with it. Give us some of those Disney sound effects and music though and I`ll be all over it. | 2009-06-06 21:07:00 Author: Matt 82 ![]() Posts: 1096 |
I think Pixar is independent now, i'm not sure I'm not sure is Disney had much of an influence on them in the first place anyway ![]() And rtm, all Pixar films have been awesome! ![]() I don't think Disney had a noticeable effect on them anyway | 2009-06-06 21:09:00 Author: Dexiro ![]() Posts: 2100 |
I think Pixar is independent now, i'm not sure I'm not sure is Disney had much of an influence on them in the first place anyway ![]() And rtm, all Pixar films have been awesome! ![]() I don't think Disney had a noticeable effect on them anyway I think Disney bought them a few years ago because they were the awesomeness Disney ain't no more. I don't think they do much because they don't wanna ruin Pixar, but seeing that Pixar is making all the awesome movies... makes sense to buy them outright, no? | 2009-06-06 21:12:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Guys try to keep this on the topic of LBP. I you want to talk about Disney, then start a thread in the General Media section. | 2009-06-06 21:13:00 Author: Killian ![]() Posts: 2575 |
Pixar is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company. It's impossible to tell if Disney had an effect on them, as all of Pixar's films were produced, or co-produced or something and largely funcded by disney, even before they bought them out. Also I just went routing through copies of empire, it's John Lasseter, one of the founders of Pixar (so a driving force behind Toy Story), who is now Disney animation's chief creative officer. So I really do think we can see Disney Animation on a turn around. Which will be nice. Edit - sorry killian, I was already typing when you posted that ![]() | 2009-06-06 21:17:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
I really can't understand why people have a problem with this disney DLC. It's just costumes.... There will be more properties that get dlc that you will not be interested in. If you don't want them, don't download them. Nuff said. Mm is not going to go down the tube because of this ![]() | 2009-06-06 23:23:00 Author: Zwollie ![]() Posts: 2173 |
I just want the Jack Swallow's err... I mean Jack Sparrow costume. | 2009-06-06 23:40:00 Author: creelers ![]() Posts: 275 |
I guess i'm just a little paranoid about companies like Disney sometimes xD I wouldn't be surprised if they try to get involved with Mm again after this | 2009-06-06 23:43:00 Author: Dexiro ![]() Posts: 2100 |
I tihnk I understand... Is the issue here that disney are big and MM are small and you are worried that Disney will bully MM into doing their wishes? If so, stop worrying right now. MM doesn't own LBP, Sony does, and Sony are vaguely the same size as Disney. Disney aren't going to muscle Sony out of their LittleBigCashCow any time soon ![]() | 2009-06-07 00:39:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
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