Halo 3 ODST!
Archive: 12 posts
i know a lot of people dont have an xbox here but i do and i gotta say Halo 3 ODST looks really promising. Read up on bungie on it. www.bungie.net the new firefight mode looks like gears of war 2 horde but it looks so amazing to have like waves of grunts and wraiths coming in at you as a team! It looks like a Promising new feature and i know it will rock! Also the new campaigh looks pretty awesome but a bit confusing but all my eyes are set to the new firefight mode! the game is set to release 9/22/09 | 2009-06-06 02:24:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
I don't know... it looks like Halo 3, but more realistic guns, and some RPG elements. The gameplay looks boring, and Fire fight looks just like campaign, but in an enclosed area with waves of enemies. Kinds seems like Bungie stole lots of elements from other games, and put them into Halo, which definitely doesn't work. I'm definitely not getting this. | 2009-06-06 03:01:00 Author: Kog ![]() Posts: 2358 |
I'm curious to see what the Halo universe is like when playing as someone who is a lot weaker - you're used to being able to take on hordes of enemies on your own, but as an ODST, you'll have to work with your allies in order to survive. The open-world aspect is also an interesting component, and while I'm still unsure how it will fare for a game like this, it's definitely a fresh take on a franchise that has since been very deadset in terms of gameplay styles. I like the Halo series (though less so with every sequel), so I'll pick this up. If nothing else, the multiplayer is almost guaranteed to keep me occupied for a few months (though not as you'd expect ![]() | 2009-06-06 05:09:00 Author: ConfusedCartman ![]() Posts: 3729 |
well the multiplayer is the same as halo 3. Its pretty much new campaign firefight and 3 new maps. oh and if you reserve it you get halo Reach Multiplayer beta. I dont know cog firefight seems different that campaign as it is always different one time you might get 3 jackal squads and 2 hunters the first round next time you might get 3 brutes and a lot of grunts | 2009-06-06 05:13:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
i never really cared about the halo franchaise since its recycling the game over and over again, they give u a cheasy story line, new levels, new weapons, and new vechicles. u guys know the first halo? halo 2 is basically the same thing as it except updated -.- | 2009-06-07 02:42:00 Author: 01philip01 ![]() Posts: 545 |
i never really cared about the halo franchaise since its recycling the game over and over again, they give u a cheasy story line, new levels, new weapons, and new vechicles. u guys know the first halo? halo 2 is basically the same thing as it except updated -.- Isn't that the case with most sequels? You give the fans more of the core gameplay that they love, but add a new levels, weapons, vehicles and a few tweaks to gameplay. If you change it up to much, you can tick off your fan base (removing the Halo CE Pistol in 2 and 3 for example). You have to decide what is right for your game. That's one of the reasons why I'm looking forward to ODST. They finally have a bit of freedom to mix it up a bit since this is an off shoot from the main franchise. I do wish that we'd get some ODST multiplayer changes as well, but I'm pretty happy with Halo 3 multiplayer as it stands right now. | 2009-06-07 05:17:00 Author: mrsupercomputer ![]() Posts: 1335 |
u guys know the first halo? halo 2 is basically the same thing as it except updated -.- Modern Warfare 2 is just Modern Warfare, except updated! Resistance 2 is just Resistance, except updated! My point is, you could consider most sequels "updated" versions of their predecessors - why would you change a winning formula when you can just improve upon it? | 2009-06-07 05:20:00 Author: ConfusedCartman ![]() Posts: 3729 |
Horde, Nazi Zombie mode, Firefight mode... Seems to be a new gimmick shooter games are doing. Firefight seems like it would be interesting, but every time I think about fighting halo enemies I just cringe. I hate the enemy design in halo, and even more I hate player versus enemy interactions in halo. The way master chief is so floaty and the enemies are so heavily rooted to the ground feels awkward and unnatural. I also hate how certain guns feel unbelievably underpowered against certain enemies. I generally look at the campaign in halo games as a chore, and because of this I'm uninterested firefight mode. Regardless me and my friend play halo 3 occasionally and we'll probably play this as well. | 2009-06-07 06:27:00 Author: Pinkcars ![]() Posts: 380 |
Some of my friends are obsessed with Halo 3. We've been talking abou this so much. i cant wait for it to come out. September 22nd, Worldwide Camp Day (My friend's joke, because by camping he means staying up all night playing it at his house XD) | 2009-06-07 23:00:00 Author: King_Tubb ![]() Posts: 435 |
I cannot wait. It looks great. The campaign seems like it's going to be very interesting, and you get an invite to play Halo: Reach beta. Plus, there's Firefight, which just looks incredible. Nazi Zombies was literally my favourite thing to play for a very long time, and this looks like it may be even better. | 2009-06-07 23:12:00 Author: alexbull_uk ![]() Posts: 1287 |
Breakdown of it all Nazi Zombies: Maps get very repetive but is still fun Horde: lots of maps major fun very predictable units incoming Firefight: 3 maps i beleive waves are going to be unpredicable they are always random and skulls keep changing Firefight i think has the most variety! | 2009-06-08 01:08:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
I like the concept of these games, where it's endless waves of enemies, because they're a challenge. My only concern about them is people seem to dismiss better games because they're obsessed with nazi zombies. For example left 4 dead and Resident evil 5 and killing floor all came out near the date of "nazi zombie" mode. But nazi zombie gets heralded as revolutionary and new, where as the other games fail to get recognized. Sometimes I think Nazi zombie mode has only reached its popularity is because of the fact that MW is a francise designed for more casual players, who don't know that better alternatives exist. /rant ODST looks like fun (just to keep it relevant) | 2009-06-08 03:48:00 Author: Pinkcars ![]() Posts: 380 |
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