LBP PS3 to LBP PSP connectivity! Seriously!
Archive: 3 posts
To start, I couldn't take a picture... 'cause it was on the PS3 >.< okay, okay. In the description of the LBP PSP E3 trailer, it says: And... if you own both the PSP and PS3 system versions, unlock bonus content with LBP CROSS-TALK. AWESOME. Probably materials or costumes, but still nice to know! ![]() | 2009-06-05 19:59:00 Author: MarkoWolfy ![]() Posts: 445 |
They better not put anything important in that bonus content. I'd be really p*ssed to have materials or tools or music locked in my LBP PS3 and would need the *****ing PSP version to unlock. Those reward for connectivity is the worse and most stupid invention this industry (oops, I mean Nintendo) ever came up with. And let me bet it doesn't even help the sales for real. . | 2009-06-05 21:06:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
They better not put anything important in that bonus content. I'd be really p*ssed to have materials or tools or music locked in my LBP PS3 and would need the *****ing PSP version to unlock. Those reward for connectivity is the worse and most stupid invention this industry (oops, I mean Nintendo) ever came up with. And let me bet it doesn't even help the sales for real. . woah, getting a little rude. What, don't you have a PSP? I think it's quite a good idea. | 2009-06-05 21:53:00 Author: MarkoWolfy ![]() Posts: 445 |
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