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DNC VS Republican Convention

Archive: 100 posts

If anyone watched the DNC... i think there were some great speeches and speakers... with the hurricane hitting... the Republicans lost a lot of their high-profile speakers...

I dont want republicans in the whitehouse for a very long time... however, i dont like obama... In 8th grade, he didint take a picture with me... its a personal thing...

anyways... Who do u think will win and why?

(P.S.) Whats with McCain's VP? Alaska! seriously?
2008-09-01 18:20:00

Posts: 779

Me and Guitar vs. Marino thread! Time to throw down! (again)2008-09-01 21:21:00

Posts: 1374

I will refrain from participating in this thread other than to say Obama/Biden FTW!2008-09-02 01:13:00

Posts: 136

In all seriousness, I'm pulling for McCain and Palin. I don't think they're my perfect candidate, but I'm afraid of Obama's inexperience. Also, I'm staunchly capitalist, and I don't really like universal healthcare. Obama, however, does. I can see why people support him and like him, but I honestly don't.

McCain, on the other hand, also has some screwed up policies. I just think his are screwed up less than Obama's.
2008-09-02 01:17:00

Posts: 1374

Urge to respond rising............................................ .

Nope, not going to go there. I like you too much bbroman
2008-09-02 01:21:00

Posts: 136

Go ahead, respond. I won't care. As long as it stays civil, this is good for the forum, actually.2008-09-02 01:22:00

Posts: 1374

mccain has had cancer several times... he is old as hell... he even said that he might die in office... when that happens, obama will look like jesus... even tho obama can go to hell for all i care, republicans have to be stopped... maybe obama will be the next clinton...2008-09-02 01:26:00

Posts: 779

If I could vote, it would be for McCain. Obama is socialist, so I don't want him in office.2008-09-02 01:29:00

Posts: 3476

Me and Guitar vs. Marino thread! Time to throw down! (again)

Hells yeah son!

Nobama 2008!! 57 states WTF?!?

2008-09-02 01:36:00

Unknown User

Alright, I guess.

First, to Obama's supposed lack of experience. Here are the highlights of his legislative career in both the Illinois State Senate and in Congress (totaling 11+ years as a legislator):

Obama was elected to the Illinois Senate in 1996, Once elected, Obama gained bipartisan support for legislation reforming ethics and health care laws. He sponsored a law increasing tax credits for low-income workers, negotiated welfare reform, and promoted increased subsidies for childcare. In 2001, as co-chairman of the bipartisan Joint Committee on Administrative Rules, Obama supported Republican Governor Ryan's payday loan regulations and predatory mortgage lending regulations aimed at averting home foreclosures. In 2003, Obama sponsored and led unanimous, bipartisan passage of legislation to monitor racial profiling by requiring police to record the race of drivers they detained and legislation making Illinois the first state to mandate videotaping of homicide interrogations.

In January 2003, Obama became chairman of the Illinois Senate's Health and Human Services Committee. During his 2004 general election campaign for U.S. Senate, police representatives credited Obama for his active engagement with police organizations in enacting death penalty reforms

As a member of the Democratic minority in the 109th Congress, he helped create legislation to control conventional weapons and to promote greater public accountability in the use of federal funds. He also made official trips to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. During the 110th Congress, he helped create legislation regarding lobbying and electoral fraud, climate change, nuclear terrorism, and care for returned U.S. military personnel.

Although he clearly has less experience than John McCain does, I believe Obama's experience+judgement qualifies him to be President. Also, when looking at Vice Presidents, the number one qualification of being vp is being able to assume the duties and responsibilities of the president. No one outside of the McCain camp and hard hard hard right republicans (and even then, they are just saying because of politics) believes that Sarah Palin will be able to assume presidency if it comes to that.

And thats the rub. A 72 year old guy with a history of skin cancer coming back 4 times, has just put the 1st term gov. from Alaska, population 690,000 a heartbeat away from the presidency. Will someone with no experience on the national stage, no foreign policy experience (or even knowledge apparently, she said in an interview she hasnt really been paying attention to the war in Iraq), or any experience dealing with national domestic issues be able to lead this country? No.

Obama has better judgement and policies than McCain on all the important issues, and he has way more experience than Gov. Palin does when it comes to everything outside of a PTA meeting. We haven't even touched on Joe Biden's long and distinguished career, and his wealth of experience and knowledge.

Capitalism isn't going to die with Obama. Yes, he is proposing some programs that are a bit socialist, but they are needed for the greater good of the nation and all Americans (for instance, I don't need universal healthcare, but if 10 cents is taken out of my paycheck to support it, then i'm fine with that.).
2008-09-02 01:50:00

Posts: 136

Hm. Is this even allowed? IMO, it shouldn't be. This is a controversy-provoking topic...

A flame war in the making. :kz:
2008-09-02 01:54:00

Unknown User

There is flame war potential here, but if people can be serious, and dont attack individual forum members, it might be ok.

I think that people who have legitimately done their research (for instance, Obama is not a socialist) and have paid attention to politics should be able to talk about a subject without attacking.

At the first sign of me getting angry, im just going to post that i'm done. No flaming from me.
2008-09-02 02:00:00

Posts: 136

Exactly. Talking about politics isn't bad. Debating about them isn't bad. Flaming about them is bad. I'm in here, I can keep things under control if need be.

Anyway; I'm sorry, I can't say that Palin's all that less experienced than Obama. Think about it: Obama has had one term in a legislative position (sorry, I don't really count state senate as experience; the difference between state politics (particularly in Chicago) and national politics is huge); Palin has had one term in an executive position. I don't think you can really say that Obama has all that much more experience, and he's going right into the presidency.

I don't think capitalism will "die" with Obama at the helm. I don't think he'll drive the country into the ground. But I do think these measures may do some damage.
2008-09-02 02:08:00

Posts: 1374

So you're discounting 11+ years of legislative experience (State Senate, especially Illinois, has had to deal with a LOT of important issues, and states issues are just a microcosim (sp?) of national issues), for 1.5 years of executive experience in a state with less of a population than Obama's district in Chicago?

I get your argument that Obama is running for President while Palin is running for vp, but in the end, everyone on a Presidential ticket needs to be held to a Presidental standard (especially with McCain being 72 and a history of cancer). So, unless i'm missing something with Palin, she doesn't pass that threshold.

What has Palin done as Gov. that can be translated to the national stage as relevant experience?
2008-09-02 02:19:00

Posts: 136

I would like to know why people would be against Universal Health Care. What, because they can't afford it means they have to pay for it themselves, even though they can't, which- yeah.2008-09-02 02:33:00

Posts: 10882

Most are against it because of the tax implications (what other way is it going to get paid for?), especially if you already have affordable, or no out of pocket insurance. It's mostly a case of "doesn't affect me, so I don't want to pay for it". I think it's a legitimate complaint, although one I don't agree with.

I'm for universal healthcare because I believe we already spend way more money treating the un-insured, and the inadequate insured than we would providing everyone with affordable healthcare.

I also like the fact that Obama is also for allowing those with pre existing conditions to get coverage, and that a large portion of his health plan is dedicated to illness prevention and health education.
2008-09-02 03:38:00

Posts: 136

Well, one of the many problem with universal health care is that it doesn't leave enough motivation for doctors to do they're job. Doctors go through loads and loads of school to get their degrees, and that costs lots of time and money, even with a scholorship. Under Universal Health Care, doctors don't get paid as much (seeing as their wage is set by the government), and so a lot of people will lose their motivation to become doctors because it doesn't pay well, or they become doctors in other countries. Also, people will abuse the system, going in for every little sniffle. Therefore we get a shortage of doctors, we pay more taxes, people abuse the system and there are long waits at the doctors office.2008-09-02 03:54:00

Posts: 3476

Obama SUCKS!!!!

I met him... he was not nice...
This Statement is Not based in any fact... its a hunch
You guys also have to take into account who will be in the Cabinet...
McCain is going to have die-hard republicans... with strict views...
Obama will most likely hire Gore to clean the world... Hilary for healthcare... you have to remember that the President doesn't make all the descitions he has help...
2008-09-02 03:54:00

Posts: 779

I respect everyones views but please consider where your information is coming from. Most newspapers, television stations, and radio stations in your town are owned by the same company. The laws regulating such things have been changed slowly over the past 8 years.

The entire media network here in the states is like a gigantic episode of American Idle. [sic]

Electronic voting is a scam. I get a receipt when I buy a stick of gum.

Where will our country be in 10 years? What will China and India look like in 10 years? How much money did Halliburton make off the Iraq War? How much money sent to Iraq is reported missing? Did you know it costs $100 dollars to do a single load of laundry in Iraq? Do you really think they'd leave the next 4-8 years of policy up to chance and leave the choice in our hands?
2008-09-02 04:24:00

Posts: 601

Most are against it because of the tax implications (what other way is it going to get paid for?), especially if you already have affordable, or no out of pocket insurance. It's mostly a case of "doesn't affect me, so I don't want to pay for it". I think it's a legitimate complaint, although one I don't agree with.
That, and the thing with the taxes. My family is middle class, with a working single mother supporting 2 kids. If we get taxxed more and such, how is that going to affect us and more people like that around us? If we are already struggling to make end's meat with the stuff we have now, how are we going to pay the rest? The rich won't be affected, but the middle class will. I realize you can't help everyone, but come on, you gotta consider some things.

Thats how I have looked at it.
2008-09-02 05:23:00

Unknown User

Since we have people from coutries on the forums can we hear your opinions on universal health care.

I would like us to remember someone else who had no experience and some would say he was a great president, this being Bill Clinton. We can't be blinded by experience during a time where our economy is very bad and Mccain has said he has no clue on our economy, and Mccain is still for this Iraq war, I don't think Obama is great but Mccain is to me more of the same and it is not working. Obama has some good ideas and I think you will be surprised how a great speaker like him, will be able to get the US citizens to become better and start working together for a better tomorrow. Example would be how Kennedy was able to motivate people to get to the Moon.
2008-09-02 06:02:00

Posts: 813

That, and the thing with the taxes. My family is middle class, with a working single mother supporting 2 kids. If we get taxxed more and such, how is that going to affect us and more people like that around us? If we are already struggling to make end's meat with the stuff we have now, how are we going to pay the rest? The rich won't be affected, but the middle class will. I realize you can't help everyone, but come on, you gotta consider some things.

Thats how I have looked at it.

Well, did you know that Obama is the only candidate that has a middle class tax cut in his proposals? He plans to give tax cuts to 95% of American families at or around $1000. Based on his proposals, middle class families wont see any net tax increases.

Also, if your family already has health insurance, he plans to work with insurance companies to lower your premiums.

As to the claim that universal healthcare will produce less people willing to become doctors, or that doctors will move to other countries, that's just false. I don't know what country they would move to, considering we're the only industrialized nation who DOESN'T have universal healthcare. The population of doctors in these other countries has not changed, and their pay hasn't been cut that much. Many people justify doctor's pay because of medical malpractice fraud, which is something that Obama also plans to attack as President.

People going to the emergency room for the sniffles has been going on forever, even people without insurance. Nothing will change that.

Since we have people from coutries on the forums can we hear your opinions on universal health care.

I would like us to remember someone else who had no experience and some would say he was a great president, this being Bill Clinton. We can't be blinded by experience during a time where our economy is very bad and Mccain has said he has no clue on our economy, and Mccain is still for this Iraq war, I don't think Obama is great but Mccain is to me more of the same and it is not working. Obama has some good ideas and I think you will be surprised how a great speaker like him, will be able to get the US citizens to become better and start working together for a better tomorrow. Example would be how Kennedy was able to motivate people to get to the Moon.

Well, to be honest, Bill Clinton was Gov. of Arkansas for awhile before he became president (although he was actually YOUNGER than Obama when he took office). But you're right, on the current issues facing our country (some of which haven't been faced since the Great Depression) pretty much everyone is inexperienced. What we need are new ideas, and a person who has the ability to motivate Americans to pull themselves up. People say Obama's speeches and his oratory skills aren't important, but they are. People are cynical, people are bitter, people don't believe in the American Dream anymore.
2008-09-02 06:06:00

Posts: 136

Here's my problems with Universal Health Care in a nutshell:

We're in an economic hole as it is. Taxes won't be increased dramatically; how are we going to pay for this? The war isn't ending right away, or really even soon. We'd have to wait till 2010 to get everybody out in Barack's plan, at the earliest. That means there'd be no implementation of it for at least a year or two. How can he "get us out of the deficit" while implementing universal health care?

Costs will likely increase. People will abuse the system. They don't have to pay; why not head to the doc for a case of the sniffles? Of course, that won't be the majority, but those people will exist.

In every other industry, profit motives lead to more efficient business, lower costs, etc. Why would it be any different in healthcare? Doctors aren't perfect, they aren't always moral beacons; they want money. If they're getting paid the same across the board, why perform better? If they're not getting paid the same, instead based on performance, than isn't just a lot of unnecessary red tape?

People can still get healthcare without free universal health care. There ARE nonprofit/gov't run hospitals. There ARE free clinics. Of course they're not going to be great, but in anything but an emergency, they'll do. It's also illegal to turn away a patient without insurance.

It's unfair. Why do I have to pay extra for other people to get health care?

Universal health care would take a long effing time to implement. The transition would take forever. What if Obama doesn't win the election four years from now and the process is stopped? Lots of wasted money, for one. Not to mention all the businesss that would go out, all the jobs lost, etc.

It's inefficient. Canada's patients often come to America to get procedures done simply due to the wait time. 57% of patients have to wait over a month to see a specialist; usually, when you need a specialist, it's a somewhat serious condition. 24% of patients have waited more than 4 hours to get into the emergancy room. Sure, a few extra people would get health care, saving a few lives, but just as many would be lost due to an inefficient system. Canada, in trying to diminish the problem, has said they'll implement a "guarentee" of time to see a specialist, emergency room, etc. That's just as bad; now, docs will rush and not use as much caution when seeing a patient to get to the next one. Why will it be different here?

I know that it'd be great to give everyone health care, just like a it'd be great if a socialist system would work. The problem is, it doesn't. We've seen it fail elsewhere, so we know not to become socialist. The same applies here - it's not a clearly better system (otherwise, there wouldn't be as many people against it as there are for it) - so why try to mess with a system that works?

EDIT: Just wanted to say this about Obama's public speaking - he's great when he has a speech in front of him. When he's being asked questions straight up, he's pretty bad. Just saying.
2008-09-03 00:54:00

Posts: 1374

Wow u guys are really likeing this...

The one thing we need is a more involved government to fix the economy...

the depression started because the republicans didint want to get involved... they were going to ride it out until things changed... then the democrats came and fixed it... DENY THAT!!!
2008-09-03 01:41:00

Posts: 779

People can still get healthcare without free universal health care. There ARE nonprofit/gov't run hospitals. There ARE free clinics. Of course they're not going to be great, but in anything but an emergency, they'll do. It's also illegal to turn away a patient without insurance.

It's not free under Obama's health plan, it's cost controlled. HUGE difference. Also, no one expects Universal healthcare to be implemented until Obama's last year of his first term at the earliest.

In every other industry, profit motives lead to more efficient business, lower costs, etc. Why would it be any different in healthcare? Doctors aren't perfect, they aren't always moral beacons; they want money. If they're getting paid the same across the board, why perform better? If they're not getting paid the same, instead based on performance, than isn't just a lot of unnecessary red tape?

Except healthcare hasn't seen a decline in cost since who knows when. It's been awhile, I know that. Nor has it gotten anymore efficient. Instead, healthcare providers and hospitals are so woefully managed that instead of fixing the issues, they pass the buck to the American people.

Everyone is going to have to sacrifice to pull this country out of the gutter, so if our current corps of doctors don't want to take a small paycut out of their exhorbitant salaries, then we will help educate and train doctors who will (which, is also part of Obama's education plan).

There are legitimate issues with universal healthcare, some of which you mention. I'm not about to stand here and say it's a perfect system. It needs a lot of work, which is why it will take awhile to work out the kinks so it will work in an American economy.

so why try to mess with a system that works?

Because it doesn't work for a large majority of Americans?

Costs will likely increase. People will abuse the system. They don't have to pay; why not head to the doc for a case of the sniffles? Of course, that won't be the majority, but those people will exist.

Cost will likely DECREASE because you wont have uninsured being treated, and then have the doctor or hospital jack up costs to make the difference. You wont have mass bankruptcies from people who can't pay their medical bills.

People already game the system, people already go to the doc for the sniffles, insured or not. That has nothing to do with universal healthcare.

EDIT: Just wanted to say this about Obama's public speaking - he's great when he has a speech in front of him. When he's being asked questions straight up, he's pretty bad. Just saying

Same could be said for just about any politician (John McCain is pretty terrible too, even WITH a speech in front of him), or human being for that matter. In this 24/7 media cycle, the smallest slip can sink a candidate, so when he is speaking off the cuff, he has to filter his words in his head before he speaks them to avoid any kind of controversy. Regardless, if he were to become president, he would hardly be in position to speak without prepared remarks.

Just wanted to add that it's great talking to you about these issues bbroman. You do it with a certain respect that's lacking on the internet when it comes to politics.
2008-09-03 02:58:00

Posts: 136

I am surprised and impressed...
usually when people have a difference in oppinion even when its civil...most sites will knee-jerk Mod-slap...grr

I am also impressed with the Obama supporters...
The few of you here in this thread are far more informed and intelligent then the majority that love Obama because its cool...

I am not a Republican nor a Dem...
I have watched both conventions so far...and I find that if Biden was running against McCain...it would actually be a tough race...his speech at the DNC is one of strength...where Obama's is one of Cliche's...also humerous to see the DNC erupt in applause everytime Hillary is mentioned being that most Americans do not like Bush and the Republican party...the Dems should shoot themselves for losing an election when it was handed to them...Obama is a Rockstar that has avoided voting on anything thruout his Senate life...Cant attack your voting record when its not there.

I do not agree with everything McCain is serving me...But how scary would it be if we had a President who thinks like we do...His strength is his ability to work across the aisle as Lieberman points out in his endorsement...which by the way...what he did at the RNC is unheard of...:eek: His POW experience doesnt give him the right to be President...but it does show hes a tough s.o.b...choosing Palin is brilliant, shes completely off the radar and has the only executive experience out of all the participants...shes fought her own party...and the media hates her...sign me up!...The American media is the true terror threat...grr
2008-09-03 19:11:00

Posts: 523

I would like to say that with Universal Health Care, I don't know if I am totally fan of it but guess what we pay for others people as it is by the cost in premiums and in our taxes. When someone does not pay there doctor bills it is put on the rest to pay for it. So as bad as you don't want to pay for it you are. Now I don't know if this is the best way but for sure we are behind really on other countries by not having it, most countries are already there and why not us.
Now I wish some people from these other countries would let us know how they think of there universel heath care and let us know how it is.

Now I am not saying I am a big fan of obama but I just really think Mccain is the same as bush, and also he is one fall away from dying, do you want his Vice President as president. I don't think she really has any experience to count for on this. But I havn't heard from mccain and her yet and I want to hear them before making a complete judgment.

But I will say so far from the republican convention I am filling like they are really like Nazis, do you hear them pretty much saying go for your country vote for us, like if you vote for obama you are no american enough or you don't care for your country. Like serious that creeps me out, this is some crazy messages from them. We are all americans and maybe have different views but that is why we vote for things here to find out what the people want. But for them to say you are not american or you are not for your country if you are not folowing them. Seriously, CREEPY!!

But yeah I would like to say it is good that we can be grown up here and talk about issues like this and it does not turn ugly.
2008-09-03 20:33:00

Posts: 813

I am surprised and impressed...
usually when people have a difference in oppinion even when its civil...most sites will knee-jerk Mod-slap...grr

I am also impressed with the Obama supporters...
The few of you here in this thread are far more informed and intelligent then the majority that love Obama because its cool...

I am not a Republican nor a Dem...
I have watched both conventions so far...and I find that if Biden was running against McCain...it would actually be a tough race...his speech at the DNC is one of strength...where Obama's is one of Cliche's...also humerous to see the DNC erupt in applause everytime Hillary is mentioned being that most Americans do not like Bush and the Republican party...the Dems should shoot themselves for losing an election when it was handed to them...Obama is a Rockstar that has avoided voting on anything thruout his Senate life...Cant attack your voting record when its not there.

I do not agree with everything McCain is serving me...But how scary would it be if we had a President who thinks like we do...His strength is his ability to work across the aisle as Lieberman points out in his endorsement...which by the way...what he did at the RNC is unheard of...:eek: His POW experience doesnt give him the right to be President...but it does show hes a tough s.o.b...choosing Palin is brilliant, shes completely off the radar and has the only executive experience out of all the participants...shes fought her own party...and the media hates her...sign me up!...The American media is the true terror threat...grr

well put...

i still think that if obama is elected and he actually follows through on what he promises, the majority of the country will benefit... the lowering of taxes, healthcare, and foreign relations.

although i tend to take everything candidates say while campaigning as 99.99% bullcrap... that goes for both parties... i personally think mccain will die or become too sick to lead...

One last thing on the republican VP... how can she be #2 in a country and still be a mother of a 6 month old child, and a 17 year old with a kid. her family needs attention too... if someone chose being VP over their family it shows something about character... Im sorry if i am being sexist about the subject but nobody can deny that a small child NEEDS a mom... not to mention an autistic one.... also, her views on sex ed that she holds so dear to her heart are clearly not going to work... she wants to teach creationism and that abstanace is the only sure way to stop pregnancy... if she cant teach her kids how to be abstanant until marrige, she should stop preaching that abstinace works...
2008-09-04 01:29:00

Posts: 779

well put...

i still think that if obama is elected and he actually follows through on what he promises, the majority of the country will benefit... the lowering of taxes, healthcare, and foreign relations.

although i tend to take everything candidates say while campaigning as 99.99% bullcrap... that goes for both parties... i personally think mccain will die or become too sick to lead...

One last thing on the republican VP... how can she be #2 in a country and still be a mother of a 6 month old child, and a 17 year old with a kid. her family needs attention too... if someone chose being VP over their family it shows something about character... Im sorry if i am being sexist about the subject but nobody can deny that a small child NEEDS a mom... not to mention an autistic one.... also, her views on sex ed that she holds so dear to her heart are clearly not going to work... she wants to teach creationism and that abstanace is the only sure way to stop pregnancy... if she cant teach her kids how to be abstanant until marrige, she should stop preaching that abstinace works...

She's also being investigated for more than just trying to get her brother in law fired. She helped raise money for the republican party through some shady business practices. This will come out more in the next few months.
2008-09-04 02:36:00

Posts: 601

She's also being investigated for more than just trying to get her brother in law fired. She helped raise money for the republican party through some shady business practices. This will come out more in the next few months.
I don't think so. If there were any real problems with it, McCain and Co. would've found out about it. At least she has some executive experience.
2008-09-04 03:25:00

Posts: 1374

I don't think so. If there were any real problems with it, McCain and Co. would've found out about it. At least she has some executive experience.

yea but a good leader does not need experiance...

haveing experiance only gives you a sense that you know the best... in a way it taints your judgement...

all a good leader needs is a solid plan and the balls to follow it no matter what... they also have to be able that they are wrong... being a POW does not nesseccarily make someone a good leader... McCain went through alot while being a POW but it only shows how dedicated he was to his country... not how good of a leader he was...
2008-09-04 03:43:00

Posts: 779

Did anyone besides me see Palin's speech? It was brilliant! She's an awesome speaker. I think she'll make a fine Vice President if elected.2008-09-04 04:58:00

Posts: 3476

i saw it...

it was OK... i thought obamas was more exciting but hers really adressed everything obama said about her...
2008-09-04 05:26:00

Posts: 779

i saw it...

it was OK... i thought obamas was more exciting but hers really adressed everything obama said about her...
Another thing she did in her speech was to tear up Obama, and needless to say I enjoyed every minute of it.
2008-09-04 05:34:00

Posts: 3476

Yeah her speech was good and she answered her critics about her experience, I really liked her ideas and less government spending is good and she has the history of showing she is willing to cut government to help America. Now I am not really sure who I want to vote for and can't wait to see how Obama does in a debate, yes he can speak great from a planned speech but can he do well vs McCain in debate about issues? Also I think Palin will tear up Biden in a debate. Can't wait for it.2008-09-04 05:46:00

Posts: 813

Yeah, it was a great night for the GOP. Every speech did very well. Loved Huckabee's comment about Palin's inexperience vs. Biden.2008-09-04 14:16:00

Posts: 1374

Yeah her speech was good and she answered her critics about her experience, I really liked her ideas and less government spending is good and she has the history of showing she is willing to cut government to help America. Now I am not really sure who I want to vote for and can't wait to see how Obama does in a debate, yes he can speak great from a planned speech but can he do well vs McCain in debate about issues? Also I think Palin will tear up Biden in a debate. Can't wait for it.

did u know that bush cut back the rols of the federal government too?

idle hands make for mischeif!!!

i say keep the government busy, have them work for us... not take
PS. did anyone see the lady being dragged out? security was crowded around her and pulling her out...
she was giveing the peace sign.... Democrat?
2008-09-04 23:57:00

Posts: 779

Protestors are a funny sort...

25% are people who exercise their right with dignity

25% are bored and want to stand for something but have no idea what they believe(this type waits for someone to lead them)

25% are bought by both sides of a given issuegrr

25% are insane and dangerous:eek:

I say all this because I am watching this on television coverage of the RNC
2008-09-05 00:16:00

Posts: 523

im watching it agian... its gettign boreing... let McCain talk...2008-09-05 01:59:00

Posts: 779

Well I am now moving closer to Obama, McCain said nothing about what his plans are, can he stop talking about being a maverick? He is no longer a maverick and needs to wake up. I was very bored by the speech, hey great you are a war vet but how many times do we have to hear it? But sad thing is that McCain does nothing for vets, hmm seems odd. Talking about 9/11 saying republicans are doing something, hmm I don't think so, we are in IRAQ. Last time I checked had nothing to do with 9/11, Obama knew this and he has clearly said he will go after bin laden, over and over he has. But republicans question him about his stance on war, he has been saying all along he will go after bin laden, but for other problems he said he will talk to the other leaders. Last time I checked that is a good idea to use diplomacy first and than lastly use military.2008-09-05 05:59:00

Posts: 813

I agree, McCain's speech wasn't great. It ended pretty well, though. Even still, I just watched the Palin speech again, and my doubts were settled.2008-09-05 15:15:00

Posts: 1374

McCain has good ideas... he's just not very good at expressing them. That's one of the main reasons that he picked Palin to be his running mate, but even with her, it's still a close race.2008-09-06 05:23:00

Posts: 3476

ok..I am sold on McCain/Palin...

The deciding factor was that Michael Moore hates them...

as long as I continue to rule on the polar opposite of him...

I know I will be helping the country...
2008-09-06 05:47:00

Posts: 523

LOL that is always a great reason, Michael Moore sucks!!!!2008-09-06 06:04:00

Posts: 813

Agreed. Miichael Moore is terrible.2008-09-06 15:11:00

Posts: 1374

who is micheal moore?2008-09-06 20:21:00

Posts: 779

who is micheal moore?

To quote Team America he is a "fat socialite weasel"

Does anyone else feel that regardless of skin colour Obama will be just as bad as most politicans? I.e only looking out for the organisations that funded him during the campaign?
2008-09-06 22:45:00

Posts: 175

no... he explained his plan for wering taxes for 95% of the families... he is going to tax companies that ship jobs out of the country... it sounds like he is looking out for citizens... what will mccain do for us?2008-09-06 22:53:00

Posts: 779

Only time will tell, but he also was funded by people from on-line so he will also be there for us.2008-09-06 22:55:00

Posts: 813

So let me get this straight, bri...he'll lower taxes on 95% of the country while implementing several new programs, all of which will cost money? How will this work?

He's cutting the taxes that you pay off the top. This is not the same as just cutting taxes. Taxing compaines doesn't take any extra burden off the citizen/consumer - the companies will simply raise their prices and then we're back to what high taxes would've been. As for what John McCain will do for America - how bout get it off foreign oil? The GOP plan makes the most sense to me: begin offshore drilling (probably in ANWR, as well) to tide us over while the infrastructure for wind, solar, hydro, etc. is put in place.
2008-09-07 03:56:00

Posts: 1374

I want McCain to win, and I don't get this: A lot of my friends I ask who they want to win they say Obama. When I ask them why they say " I don't know" and my cousin got all mad for some reason when I asked him2008-09-07 04:14:00

Unknown User

One thing I don't like about Obama is how he wants to raise taxes on businesses. I mean, wouldn't that just encourage them to move to other places? Have you ever been to New York? Well if you have, you may have noticed that almost no business are sprouting up. That's because down here in the South, the taxes on business are lower, so the businesses are moving down here. I mean whenever I go to Florida I always see more and more condo's being built, and the town that I live in has tripled in size since we moved there. So yeah, McCain * Palin 2008!2008-09-07 04:17:00

Posts: 3476

So let me get this straight, bri...he'll lower taxes on 95% of the country while implementing several new programs, all of which will cost money? How will this work?

He's cutting the taxes that you pay off the top. This is not the same as just cutting taxes. Taxing compaines doesn't take any extra burden off the citizen/consumer - the companies will simply raise their prices and then we're back to what high taxes would've been. As for what John McCain will do for America - how bout get it off foreign oil? The GOP plan makes the most sense to me: begin offshore drilling (probably in ANWR, as well) to tide us over while the infrastructure for wind, solar, hydro, etc. is put in place.

His point is to tax companies that ship jobs overseas so that they dont save money by relocating... that way the companies will stay in the US... its a way to get more jobs... he said that the tax cuts will lower taxes for 95% of american families, its clear enough...and about the envirement... the democrates want the new fuels NOW not when the oil in alaska runs out... the GOP says they dont want foriegn oil... the democrates dont want oil at all... its two different subjects

at least obama explained his plan during the convention... not talk about being a maverick and a POW...
2008-09-07 04:32:00

Posts: 779

One thing I don't like about Obama is how he wants to raise taxes on businesses. I mean, wouldn't that just encourage them to move to other places? Have you ever been to New York? Well if you have, you may have noticed that almost no business are sprouting up. That's because down here in the South, the taxes on business are lower, so the businesses are moving down here. I mean whenever I go to Florida I always see more and more condo's being built, and the town that I live in has tripled in size since we moved there. So yeah, McCain * Palin 2008!

Sry for the double post but its two people...
he is going to tax them for sellign their products in our country...
lego relocated their factories to mexico... now in order to sell the products in the US lego has to pay more taxes... he wants to make it so that it is just cheaper for the companies to stay in the US... that way, our money goes into american pockets and not mexican... this goes for china and indian ect.
2008-09-07 04:35:00

Posts: 779

the democrates want the new fuels NOW not when the oil in alaska runs out... ..

Anyone who believes that changing our fuel source is like changing shoes...(insert funny follow up here)

It takes a massive infrastructure to develop and mass produce whatever we decide to change too...this takes time...research...so we don't make haphazard decisions and cause a cluster fluck...

Chavez corn solution ain't it...he's trying to cause unrest amongst American citizens.

And think about this, whatever resource we decide to use as a alternative fuel source is going to be effected by capitalism...someone has to make a profit...

Our fuel prices in relationship to inflation shows that we actually are paying the same prices that Americans were paying in the 60's...not to mention try buying fuel in Europe...we have nothing to complain about...

What has to be done is to become fuel independent...
and that's a work in progress, there's no magic wand guys...
if it wasn't for terrorism and the Global Warming Insanity, we as a nation wouldn't even blink about where our fuel comes from...

Also the idea and practice of outsourcing was happening before we were born...
and no President that we experienced can be blamed for it...
Companies full of greed are to blame...If we regulate them then they run...if we dont they run...theres no good answer...short of the consumer causing change with selective buying of American made products...
2008-09-07 04:54:00

Posts: 523

Sry for the double post but its two people...
he is going to tax them for sellign their products in our country...
lego relocated their factories to mexico... now in order to sell the products in the US lego has to pay more taxes... he wants to make it so that it is just cheaper for the companies to stay in the US... that way, our money goes into american pockets and not mexican... this goes for china and indian ect.
If he does that, companies are just going to raise their prices. So we will have pay more money for foreign goods, and we still don't have our jobs back. What he should do is lower business taxes here to attract businesses, that way, even though the government charges less money, there are more companies, and with more companies, there is more tax revenue, and with more tax revenue, the government makes up for the money it lost by lowering taxes in the first place. I'm not saying that it will bring all the companies back, but that it will encourage business.
2008-09-07 05:00:00

Posts: 3476

If he does that, companies are just going to raise their prices. So we will have pay more money for foreign goods, and we still don't have our jobs back. What he should do is lower business taxes here to attract businesses, that way, even though the government charges less money, there are more companies, and with more companies, there is more tax revenue, and with more tax revenue, the government makes up for the money it lost by lowering taxes in the first place. I'm not saying that it will bring all the companies back, but that it will encourage business.

higher prices will drive sales down... then people will buy the genaric US made things...
2008-09-07 05:07:00

Posts: 779

higher prices will drive sales down... then people will buy the genaric US made things...
...what US made things?
2008-09-07 05:13:00

Posts: 3476

I think that we have to take control of the economy and move it towards gettign better... if we ween the economy off oil now, it will have less of an impact when we run out later... Do you know the main difference between republicans and democrates?

republicans beilive that more power should go to the states... the democrates feel that the feds should have more control...

once again... the depression came around... the republicans wanted to ride it out... then the democrates came and took the economy by the horns, made new jobs, and repaired the damage...

i have no problem with the feds haveing more power... as long as they let me keep my guns and it doesnt turn into England from V for Vendetta... that would be *******ed up
2008-09-07 05:13:00

Posts: 779

...what US made things?

lol... paper towels... idk
2008-09-07 05:14:00

Posts: 779

I think that we have to take control of the economy and move it towards gettign better... if we ween the economy off oil now, it will have less of an impact when we run out later... Do you know the main difference between republicans and democrates?

republicans beilive that more power should go to the states... the democrates feel that the feds should have more control...

once again... the depression came around... the republicans wanted to ride it out... then the democrates came and took the economy by the horns, made new jobs, and repaired the damage...

i have no problem with the feds haveing more power... as long as they let me keep my guns and it doesnt turn into England from V for Vendetta... that would be *******ed up
The Depression wasn't fixed by the Democrats. It was fixed by the military build-up during WW2. My dad says that the federal government doesn't do things well, and he worked for them for 15 years, so bigger government is a no-no for me.
2008-09-07 05:15:00

Posts: 3476

lol... paper towels... idk

I was just eating and looked at my fork...its made in China...grr
2008-09-07 05:17:00

Posts: 523

I was just eating and looked at my fork...its made in China...grr
My shirt says "Made in Mexico," I don't think I have anything in my house that says "Made in USA."
2008-09-07 05:19:00

Posts: 3476

republican: Early response
Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon advised President Hoover that shock treatment would be the best response: "Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate the farmers, liquidate real estate.... That will purge the rottenness out of the system. High costs of living and high living will come down. People will work harder, live a more moral life. Values will be adjusted, and enterprising people will pick up the wrecks from less competent people."[22] Hoover rejected this advice, and started numerous programs, all of which failed to reverse the downturn.[23]

Hoover launched a series of programs to increase farm prices, which failed, expanded federal spending in public works such as dams, and launched the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) which aided cities, banks and railroads, and continued as a major agency under the New Deal. To provide unemployment relief he set up the Emergency Relief Agency (ERA) that operated until 1935 as the Federal Emergency Relief Agency. Quarter by quarter the economy went downhill, as prices, profits and employment fell, leading to the political realignment in 1932 that brought to power the New Deal.

Democrate: Shortly after President Roosevelt was inaugurated in 1933, drought and erosion combined to cause the Dust Bowl, shifting hundreds of thousands of displaced persons off their farms in the midwest. From his inauguration onward, Roosevelt argued that restructuring of the economy would be needed to prevent another depression or avoid prolonging the current one. New Deal programs sought to stimulate demand and provide work and relief for the impoverished through increased government spending, by:

Reforming the financial system, especially the banks and Wall Street. The Securities Act of 1933 comprehensively regulated the securities industry. This was followed by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 which created the Securities and Exchange Commission. (Though amended, the key provisions of both Acts are still in force in 2008). Federal insurance of bank deposits was provided by the FDIC (still operating in 2008), and the Glass-Steagal Act (which remained in effect for 50 years). The institution of the National Recovery Administration remains a controversial act to this day. Although it only lasted until 1935, it made a number of sweeping changes to the American economy until it was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
Instituting regulations which ended what was called "cut-throat competition," which kept forcing down prices for everyone (done by the NRA).
Setting minimum prices and wages and competitive conditions in all industries (done by the NRA).
Encouraging unions that would raise wages, to increase the purchasing power of the working class (done by the NRA).
Cutting farm production so as to raise prices and make it possible to earn a living in farming (done by the AAA and successor farm programs).
Forcing businesses to work with government to set price codes (done by the NRA).
Creating the NRA board to set labor codes and standards (done by the NRA).
These reforms (together with relief and recovery measures) are called by historians the First New Deal. It was centered around the use of an alphabet soup of agencies set up in 1933 and 1934, along with the use of previous agencies such as the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, to highly regulate and stimulate the economy; but the two concepts were incompatible, as the economy continued to stagnate. By 1935, the "Second New Deal" added Social Security, a national relief agency (the Works Progress Administration, WPA) and, through the National Labor Relations Board, a strong stimulus to the growth of labor unions. Unemployment fell by two-thirds in Roosevelt's first term (from 25% to 14.3%, 1933 to 1937), but faster than the economic upturn came 1938's "recession within a depression" and unemployment zoomed to 19% and only until the draft to fight World War II. In 1946, large-scale decontrol of the (wartime) command economy, including a sharp reduction of taxes and regulations, finally allowed consumer goods to be created, and unemployment at last fell to normal levels.

In 1929, federal expenditures constituted only 3% of the GDP. Between 1933 and 1939, they tripled, funded primarily by a growth in the national debt. The debt as a proportion of GNP rose under Hoover from 20% to 40%. Roosevelt kept it at 40% until the war began, when it soared to 128%. After the Recession of 1937, conservatives were able to form a bipartisan conservative coalition to stop further expansion of the New Deal and, by 1943, had abolished all of the relief programs.

wikipedia... seems like democrates got the job done
2008-09-07 05:22:00

Posts: 779

People were still poor right up until WW2 started... and that's a fact. WW2 got the job done, not the Democrats. They only prevented people from starving to death by providing them with low-wage job opportunities. Don't get me wrong, the New Deal did a lot of good things, but it didn't stop the Depression.2008-09-07 05:33:00

Posts: 3476

well what are the modern republicans going to do?
find more oil...?
2008-09-07 05:34:00

Posts: 779

Obama's no Roosevelt...McCain is no Roosevelt...

Roosevelt is a man not a party.

so unless we dig him up and animate his corpse...
actually scratch that his ideas wouldnt work today...
During the Dust bowl...Roosevelt had complete control over the economy...

Now our economy like all countries, is a world economy...
2008-09-07 05:36:00

Posts: 523

hush you!!! and ur good points!!!2008-09-07 05:37:00

Posts: 779

well what are the modern republicans going to do?
find more oil...?
They want to drill more oil in our country, help ease us into alternative energy sources, try to stop Congress' excessive spending, finish the war in Iraq properly, or at least more properly than Obama would, and prevent us from becoming more socialist.
2008-09-07 05:38:00

Posts: 3476

r u ganna reply to my pms?2008-09-07 05:39:00

Posts: 779

....nevermind...2008-09-07 05:42:00

Posts: 523

Obama's no Roosevelt...McCain is no Roosevelt...

Roosevelt is a man not a party.

so unless we dig him up and animate his corpse...
actually scratch that his ideas wouldnt work today...
During the Dust bowl...Roosevelt had complete control over the economy...

Now our economy like all countries, is a world economy...

I just had de ja vu.
2008-09-07 05:42:00

Posts: 3476

Obama's no Roosevelt...McCain is no Roosevelt...

Roosevelt is a man not a party.

so unless we dig him up and animate his corpse...
actually scratch that his ideas wouldnt work today...
During the Dust bowl...Roosevelt had complete control over the economy...

Now our economy like all countries, is a world economy...

maye what we need is to take control of the world economy...

if we regulate our economy and gain more capitol the world econmy will work... unfortuantly we are like spain in its golden age... all imported good till no money was left in the country... thats what we are becomeing...
2008-09-07 05:57:00

Posts: 779

maye what we need is to take control of the world economy...

if we regulate our economy and gain more capitol the world econmy will work... unfortuantly we are like spain in its golden age... all imported good till no money was left in the country... thats what we are becomeing...
That's called Totalitarianism, it doesn't boast very well with the people.
2008-09-07 06:00:00

Posts: 3476

no... if we gain the capitol that we have lost back, than the world econimy will continue to work for us... but since we import more than we export, we are loseing our money...

and recent serveuys said that loseing money is bad...

lol i just realized... my title is totalitarian... Peace through power...

or my policy for running the country... "if there is nobody to complain, there is no problems" quoted from me...
2008-09-07 06:03:00

Posts: 779

Yeah there is some good points on both sides, but I do have to say that drilling is not the answer, it is not going to produce enough oil to save us, it may lower the gas prices but than people will forget again and than someday there will be no oil and everyone will wish we instead just got over our oil needs. We need to think of better ideas, T Boone Pickens has come up with a great idea and I think it will work, but we need to get past the idea that drilling will solve anything, we just need to get past oil and start getting to better ways of power.

Now about the republican's I don't like that keep saying that they have done something about 09/11, they have done nothing about getting the person who attacked us but they are so proud about this Iraq war that has nothing to do with 09/11, saying how obama isn't going to do anything well yes he is, he has said he will go after bin laden but he will stop a useless war in Iraq.

We need a change and obama will make that change, not McCain.
2008-09-07 06:22:00

Posts: 813

Yeah there is some good points on both sides, but I do have to say that drilling is not the answer, it is not going to produce enough oil to save us, it may lower the gas prices but than people will forget again and than someday there will be no oil and everyone will wish we instead just got over our oil needs. We need to think of better ideas, T Boone Pickens has come up with a great idea and I think it will work, but we need to get past the idea that drilling will solve anything, we just need to get past oil and start getting to better ways of power.

Now about the republican's I don't like that keep saying that they have done something about 09/11, they have done nothing about getting the person who attacked us but they are so proud about this Iraq war that has nothing to do with 09/11, saying how obama isn't going to do anything well yes he is, he has said he will go after bin laden but he will stop a useless war in Iraq.

We need a change and obama will make that change, not McCain.

We can't just leave Iraq... but I agree that we shouldn't have even gone into Iraq, but we can't just leave. That would bring only chaos. Perhaps we could have it to where as the troops slowly pulled away from Iraq and into Afghanistan... yeah, that'd be good.
2008-09-07 06:28:00

Posts: 3476

We can't just leave Iraq... but I agree that we shouldn't have even gone into Iraq, but we can't just leave. That would bring only chaos. Perhaps we could have it to where as the troops slowly pulled away from Iraq and into Afghanistan... yeah, that'd be good.
Yeah I don't thin Obama is just going to pull them out, he has said that he would talk to the general and make sure it is okay but he does want to put a deadline and the Iraq president is with that also, and it look like things are going good with that.

But I am tired of hearing Palin and McCain talk about how he was for the surge and so one. But yeah that is great but McCain was also for the War in the first place, where Obama was not. And saying that they have been fighting terror out there, well I am sorry but Iraq had nothing to do with 09/11 and we went in too fast. We did not have the backing of NATO and we should have waited and made sure what we were doing was a good idea. Now we have spent way too much money on a war that we should have never had, yeah great McCain knows when to fight but does he know when not too. He should have been one person who should have been against the war in the first place since his horrible deal when he was in the military. Can just one person from the republican's say hey the war was not a good idea we were wrong but now we have to fix it. But no they are proud of what they have done.
2008-09-07 06:36:00

Posts: 813

what we need is to make iraq pay for the war...

they are makeing so much money due to the peace they have... also... america spends hundreds of billions of dollars a year on friegn aid... why dont we keep that for a year and pay off our debts?
2008-09-07 06:38:00

Posts: 779

what we need is to make iraq pay for the war...

they are makeing so much money due to the peace they have... also... america spends hundreds of billions of dollars a year on friegn aid... why dont we keep that for a year and pay off our debts?
Now I am for that, or they could give us some great deals on OIL.
2008-09-07 06:40:00

Posts: 813

Yeah I don't thin Obama is just going to pull them out, he has said that he would talk to the general and make sure it is okay but he does want to put a deadline and the Iraq president is with that also, and it look like things are going good with that.

But I am tired of hearing Palin and McCain talk about how he was for the surge and so one. But yeah that is great but McCain was also for the War in the first place, where Obama was not. And saying that they have been fighting terror out there, well I am sorry but Iraq had nothing to do with 09/11 and we went in too fast. We did not have the backing of NATO and we should have waited and made sure what we were doing was a good idea. Now we have spent way too much money on a war that we should have never had, yeah great McCain knows when to fight but does he know when not too. He should have been one person who should have been against the war in the first place since his horrible deal when he was in the military. Can just one person from the republican's say hey the war was not a good idea we were wrong but now we have to fix it. But no they are proud of what they have done.
Pride is the sin of the devil, my friend, but I'd rather not have America become more Socialist so... I wouldn't vote for Obama

what we need is to make iraq pay for the war...

they are makeing so much money due to the peace they have... also... america spends hundreds of billions of dollars a year on friegn aid... why dont we keep that for a year and pay off our debts?
If we keep with Iraq, they may become a great ally.
2008-09-07 06:41:00

Posts: 3476

I cant go into great deal about this...

but I assure you we have done everything we can to pursue and destroy the Sheppard's of the sheep...Bin Laden is a figure head...

The world we are discussing is a far murkier place then it initially appears...
As long as so-called allies restrict our access into their country's to pursue the money trail...the Jihad will continue...

It is only through unsanctioned action that we can make headway...

Understand that everyday we slow down or impede our intelligence agencies the enemy gets bolder and stronger...

There have been cells caught and destroyed in our homeland under your noses...

I only hope that we continue to allow these people to do the job that they have done for the last century...

Protecting us from the enemy and from our weak stomach's.
2008-09-07 06:47:00

Posts: 523

I cant go into great deal about this...

but I assure you we have done everything we can to pursue and destroy the Sheppard's of the sheep...Bin Laden is a figure head...

The world we are discussing is a far murkier place then it initially appears...
As long as so-called allies restrict our access into their country's to pursue the money trail...the Jihad will continue...

It is only through unsanctioned action that we can make headway...

Understand that everyday we slow down or impede our intelligence agencies the enemy gets bolder and stronger...

There have been cells caught and destroyed in our homeland under your noses...

I only hope that we continue to allow these people to do the job that they have done for the last century...

Protecting us from the enemy and from our weak stomach's.
I say we nuke them, then throw a barbecue.
2008-09-07 06:50:00

Posts: 3476

why dont we just man it up and make them a part of the US?

if not... charge them the same price for wheat as they charge us for oil... if they wanna charge us 114$ for 55 fallons of oil... we charge them for the same amount of wheat...
2008-09-07 06:52:00

Posts: 779

why dont we just man it up and make them a part of the US?

if not... charge them the same price for wheat as they charge us for oil... if they wanna charge us 114$ for 55 fallons of oil... we charge them for the same amount of wheat...
Yeah that would be interesting if we made Iraq part of the US. I think that would really do well over in the Middle East.
2008-09-07 07:13:00

Posts: 813

im guessing thats sarcasm...

while we are at conquering iraq... we should just take everything we can in the middle east... that way we can capture all the bad guys... and even have free oil...
2008-09-07 07:15:00

Posts: 779

im guessing thats sarcasm...

while we are at conquering iraq... we should just take everything we can in the middle east... that way we can capture all the bad guys... and even have free oil...
They're never going to stop fighting over there, so I say that we nuke them.
2008-09-07 07:21:00

Posts: 3476

LOL yeah because nuking always does well, they will rebuild and become strong like Japan has, now Japan is beating is technology and cars. Imagine a country that is just a island can do better than us in the car industry.2008-09-07 07:26:00

Posts: 813

LOL yeah because nuking always does well, they will rebuild and become strong like Japan has, now Japan is beating is technology and cars. Imagine a country that is just a island can do better than us in the car industry.
And when you add in birth defects and cancer to all that, you get EPIC WIN.
2008-09-07 07:29:00

Posts: 3476

Unlike Japan where all the people in the country would of fought to the death...

The majority of the Middle East is made up of good people living in fear of a minority of radicals...
2008-09-07 07:41:00

Posts: 523

Unlike Japan where all the people in the country would of fought to the death...

The majority of the Middle East is made up of good people living in fear of a minority of radicals...
Well yeah that is also true, and a good reason not nuke them all. But also the people who we nuked on Japan were not all bad people. It was a mistake to nuke them but I understand why they did it. But that for sure is not a way to solve a problem in the middle east.
2008-09-07 07:49:00

Posts: 813

You guys do realize I was joking, right?2008-09-07 07:51:00

Posts: 3476

You guys do realize I was joking, right?

oh totally bro...I just had to say it...
2008-09-07 07:53:00

Posts: 523

You guys do realize I was joking, right?
Yeah I know, I was just posting my opinion on the matter. I know I have said the same thing as you.
2008-09-07 07:57:00

Posts: 813

My two cents on the Middle East/terrorism: no way do we rush out of Iraq now. We've been making a lot of progress with the surge, and if we decide to pull out too fast, we'll completely screw them over. We shouldn't stop until we're certain that this is done so we don't have to do something similar ten years from now.

One more reason I don't like Barack: he says he's not a normal politician, he's all for "change", but he flip-flops so much. I don't think it's much of a mystery why; he can win the primary by being on the left, then win the general election by making his ideas closer to McCain's and becominig centrist. How is he not a normal politician? I don't mind that all that much, but don't just lie to us. Remember when it was going to be public donations only? How long did that last? He doesn't represent change and "change" is really all he's got going for him.
2008-09-07 14:08:00

Posts: 1374

My two cents on the Middle East/terrorism: no way do we rush out of Iraq now. We've been making a lot of progress with the surge, and if we decide to pull out too fast, we'll completely screw them over. We shouldn't stop until we're certain that this is done so we don't have to do something similar ten years from now.

One more reason I don't like Barack: he says he's not a normal politician, he's all for "change", but he flip-flops so much. I don't think it's much of a mystery why; he can win the primary by being on the left, then win the general election by making his ideas closer to McCain's and becominig centrist. How is he not a normal politician? I don't mind that all that much, but don't just lie to us. Remember when it was going to be public donations only? How long did that last? He doesn't represent change and "change" is really all he's got going for him.

Ok guys, this is just some stuff you might want to watch. I think McCain will bring 4 more years of Bush and that he's a liar. Sarah Palin was THE WORST choice ANYONE could have made. He was trying to get Hillary's supporters on his side but statistics just released show that they were unmoved. Sarah Palin said she wanted Creationism taught in schools! How retarded can she get (It's against the U.S. Constitution [Seperation of Church and State])? McCain is a liar (not saying Obama isn't, all politicians are) and will not help this country at all. Here are some clips for the Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart and he totally DESTROYS McCain/Palin. Watch it whether you agree with me or not.

Sarah Palin

McCains Acceptance Speech
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Also, there was no reason to go to war. They had no WMD's and there is proof Bush knew this at the time. I say we slowly pull all troops out of Iraq whether we've changed their coutry or not. It really isn't our business.
2008-09-07 14:27:00

Unknown User

The only thing I saw in the Jon Stewart video was him making fun of how the media flip flops...

As for McCain not helping this country at all, well, let me tell you this. The bad economy today is a result of Congress spending excessive amounts of money that they can't pay for. McCain wants to stop this, he said so in his speech. You guys remember the economic boom we had during the Clinton presidency? That was because George Bush Senior stopped Congress' excessive spending, but its gotten out of control again during the Bush administration, and so we have a recession. There are other good things he plans on doing, but I'm getting lazy.
2008-09-07 16:36:00

Posts: 3476

The only thing I saw in the Jon Stewart video was him making fun of how the media flip flops...

As for McCain not helping this country at all, well, let me tell you this. The bad economy today is a result of Congress spending excessive amounts of money that they can't pay for. McCain wants to stop this, he said so in his speech. You guys remember the economic boom we had during the Clinton presidency? That was because George Bush Senior stopped Congress' excessive spending, but its gotten out of control again during the Bush administration, and so we have a recession. There are other good things he plans on doing, but I'm getting lazy.

Saying and doing are two different things. And re-watch those videos. He showed how McCain flip-floped, not the media.
2008-09-07 16:38:00

Unknown User

Saying and doing are two different things. And re-watch those videos. He showed how McCain flip-floped, not the media.
I only watched the Sarah Palin video, and that was the media flip-flopping and I'm going to get Spore in 20 minutes, so I don't have time to watch the McCain video.
2008-09-07 16:43:00

Posts: 3476

The second one was stupid. I watched halfway through until Stewart pretty much said "McCain's change doesn't count, George Bush said he'd "change things" too!". Then...isn't Obama's "change" rendered meaningless as well? I certainly wouldn't say he "destroyed" them. Besides, the first clip didn't TOUCH McCain/Palin, only FNC.

As for saying we didn't have any business going into Iraq: I don't think anyone argued that. There's a difference between "shouldn't have gone" and "should leave now". Leaving now would openings for terrorists to re-enter the country. Whatever the Iraqi government says, they're not ready yet. I said this earlier in the thread, but I don't want a recreation of Afghanistan.
2008-09-07 20:27:00

Posts: 1374

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