Question for Sam concerning level uploads.
Archive: 2 posts
Hey, I'm hoping you'd be able to answer this Sam or maybe someone else from the community if the info has already been released. Will the number of levels that each person uploads be per PS3 or per PSN account? So if I had two or three different accounts on the same PS3 could I upload more levels? It's probably not something I will need to do, I'm sure the imposed limit will be big enough but in a community like this where everyone will be helping each other, I imagine the upload limit may be reached fairly quickly, by some of us at least. Also has the upload limit been decided upon yet or is it still being finalised? | 2008-09-01 14:57:00 Author: Burrich ![]() Posts: 1018 |
Hey, I'm hoping you'd be able to answer this Sam or maybe someone else from the community if the info has already been released. Will the number of levels that each person uploads be per PS3 or per PSN account? So if I had two or three different accounts on the same PS3 could I upload more levels? It's probably not something I will need to do, I'm sure the imposed limit will be big enough but in a community like this where everyone will be helping each other, I imagine the upload limit may be reached fairly quickly, by some of us at least. Like I said in your other thread, chances are it's gonna be through the PSN account. I don't think it's really possible to monitor uploads from a certain PS3.. | 2008-09-01 15:00:00 Author: DrunkMiffy ![]() Posts: 2758 |
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