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Archive: 11 posts

Hey all,

I got a message from Gravel about my newest level. He said the Phasers (which are plasma balls and paint balls) have stopped working on him like 5 times...

I played several times last night and didn't have that problem once.

I am stuck at work till 6pm EST so I have no way to check if this was a fluke or if some problem has developed.

I am wondering if it is a sticker overload issue???

Please have a go and send me a PM.


2009-06-02 16:04:00

Posts: 518

I played twice a few hours ago and did'nt have any problems. I'll check again, gimme 10 minutes2009-06-02 17:04:00

Posts: 1754

I played twice a few hours ago and did'nt have any problems. I'll check again, gimme 10 minutes

Thanks Grantos!

It's killing me to be here (at work) and unable to do anything about it!
2009-06-02 17:07:00

Posts: 518

If he was playing online it could be lagg.
He could be in a different layer.
2009-06-02 18:04:00

Posts: 78

I've had to go out AJ, I'll check the minute I get back in. I'd likely blame lag also, I played the level loads when you were building it and never had the problem, could also just have been a one off problem??2009-06-02 18:45:00

Posts: 1754

I played it and had this problem
I'm not sure what it was, they were working at the beginning........
then around half way through they just stopped emmiting (something to do with a max limit perhaps?)
2009-06-02 20:30:00

Posts: 2645

I played it and had this problem
I'm not sure what it was, they were working at the beginning........
then around half way through they just stopped emmiting (something to do with a max limit perhaps?)

I will check but I'm pretty sure they are set to unlimited.

Whats strange is I didn't change anything. I was playing last night with no problem..dang it!

I do have them so they turn off after you kill the Borg, but that shouldn't affect them till then as it would require all 4 shields to fall before that is triggered!

I hope it is something simple like that. I am worried there is so much packed into that small space that it is going to 'bug' out alot...sigh...

This is very frustrating

**EDIT: 1st as I thought everything with the emitter setting was fine. I went in a made some adjustments to the logic bit that controlled the Phasers and Photons. They are dissolve blocks that were right next to each other, my thought is if the one block got caught on the other and kept the piston from pushing it into place this would cause our problem. I had a play through and everything worked fine! I will keep playing and see if it happens again. Thanks for your help Guys!**
2009-06-02 20:35:00

Posts: 518

AJ, this is the BETA test issue we discussed, but it was gone on the next repub of your locked level, so it appeared your pre-release tweak fixed it.

That does sound mechanical, as if something wound up being where it shouldn't have been, and this could easily be an intermitent issue. I hope your tweak works.

Aside from playing your level again a few times in the morning to verify it's working, let me know if there is anything else I can do.

2009-06-03 04:48:00

Posts: 1567

I'll play it another 40 times... I hate the borg!2009-06-03 05:48:00

Posts: 1308

I'm sure you realise now, but for me this glitch has gone and I was finally able to defeat that **** queen of the Borgs! 2009-06-06 10:10:00

Posts: 2645

I played it a couple times the other day and had no problems with the phasers. I did however have a few minor photon torpedo problems. Nothing too serious, although 1 did make the Borg unbeatable. A torpedo spun out of control and hit the borg ship. The top right panel of the shields fell off with the switch still attached. 1 of the other plays was similar. The piece of dissolve that holds the shield on was damaged and made for a much smaller target for the phasers.2009-06-08 01:06:00

Posts: 258

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