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LBL#3-Lost Memories of LittleBigLand

Archive: 36 posts

Hidy Ho Everyone! I wanted to let you all know that I just published LBL#3-Lost Memories of LittleBigLand. It falls in the same RPG/Adventure genre as the first two, but this one has a much deeper experience because of a day/night system that has been implemented. If you are able to give it a play, I would love to hear some feedback. Here are some pictures:







Thanks a lot and have a great day!
2009-06-01 14:56:00

Posts: 1515

You made it already?! This is definitely going to be the first level I play today!2009-06-01 15:36:00

Posts: 1318

You made it already?! This is definitely going to be the first level I play today!

Thanks a lot brnxblze! I'm excited to hear what you think about it since you are one of my oldest forum friends (it seems we run into eachother on just about every forum :-) )
2009-06-01 19:20:00

Posts: 1515

Hey! Glad to see you made a new one. I wasn't aware there was a second one, do they carry on from the first one? Is it the same type of theme? Well I guess I should find out lol. Glad to see you made a new one anyways.2009-06-01 20:40:00

Posts: 1341

Hey! Glad to see you made a new one. I wasn't aware there was a second one, do they carry on from the first one? Is it the same type of theme? Well I guess I should find out lol. Glad to see you made a new one anyways.

I made a second one, but I was still getting the hang of the dialogue system I use, and I waisted a lot of resources on it. This caused the level to be rather short. It was still rated higher than the first, but I think the general consensus is that the first was better.
It would help if you play the second before the third, because the third is a direct sequel (you play as the same character), whereas, in the first one you died, so you couldn't play as the same character.
Thanks a lot for the reply :-)
2009-06-01 21:13:00

Posts: 1515


seriously, its my favourite series.
2009-06-01 21:14:00

Posts: 835


seriously, its my favourite series.

Let me know what you think of it. I'm always excited for feedback!
2009-06-01 21:37:00

Posts: 1515





there are no words to describe the satisfactory i had playing your level, if it were on a scale of 1-10, i would give it infinity...

i seriously thought the darkness was gonna hit me before i finished, but then it seemed to slow down towards the end... so i just ran around the empty town taking pictures, and then finished, (sorry if that insults you lol...)
2009-06-01 22:53:00

Posts: 835





there are no words to describe the satisfactory i had playing your level, if it were on a scale of 1-10, i would give it infinity...

i seriously thought the darkness was gonna hit me before i finished, but then it seemed to slow down towards the end... so i just ran around the empty town taking pictures, and then finished, (sorry if that insults you lol...)

LOL, how would that insult me. I'm happy you liked the level, and I have no problem with you wanting to take pictures. Did you think the bomb puzzle was too hard? People seem to be a bit split on it. Some seem to think it gives great satisfaction to solve it and they love it, and others think it was just to hard. I figured that it could be a bit challenging since it is all visual (you can see exactly what each switch does and what you are trying to accomplish).

Either way, thanks so much for the feedback! :-)
2009-06-01 23:03:00

Posts: 1515

Thanks a lot brnxblze! I'm excited to hear what you think about it since you are one of my oldest forum friends (it seems we run into eachother on just about every forum :-) )

LOL It does seem that way. Well here's what I think about the level:

*Warning: May contain spoilers*

+As always, I loved the introdution
+I love the RPG style of the level
+The captains room looks nice, I like the map and the little emblem
+Like how the ship opens to show your inside
Aw man, I got the sticker for page 1 but I forgot that I had the Collect Object setting off. Starting over...
+I like how there was like "credits" (AmazingFlyingPoo presents...Lost Memories of LittleBigLand)
+ I thought they were my friends (lol)
+Great use of the day/night switch
+The town looked great, I'm always amazed by what you can do with one flat layer.
+I like how you hide stickers for the pages of the journal all over the place, it just adds to the adventure
+Oh crap, the darkness moves every second and I haven't been pausing as I write this (lol, that's awesome that the darkness moves closer BTW.) I love that you can see it through the telescope.
+I love how you make things smaller to indicate that it's far away, it looks so cool
+The bomb puzzle in Arklon Cave is pretty freakin' awesome!

What was the thing at the end? A portal? I bet the answer is in the Journal but unfortunately I have no time left today so have to check that out tomorrow.

Overall I think this one is GREAT! My favorite one yet. Your use of the Day/Night switch was just pure genius and the level looked great. I really have nothing bad to say about it except maybe that the third cave had nothing to do but I liked how it looked like the darkness was taking over it or something. I rated it 5 stars, hearted it and tagged Brilliant.

I'm sorry, I'm sure I forgot to write some of the things I liked about the level its just that there was so much good things happening at the same time that I just had to stop writing and stare (lol.)
2009-06-01 23:13:00

Posts: 1318

Woo-hoo! Thanks so much for the detailed reply. I've never had someone write a reply as they play the level, that was a lot of fun. As for that final cave, I actually built the puzzle, and as I began adding the mechanics that make it work, the thermo maxed out. I had not added that final "thing" at the end of the level yet, so I knew I couldn't just delete stuff to make the puzzle work, because I still needed to add even more. My wife came up with the idea to just have it look like a puzzle used to be there, but it had been destroyed by the Darkness.
Like you guessed, the "thing" at the end is explained in The Diary that you collected, and so is the final cave. Thank you so much for playing the level, and for the feedback, it is very appreciated :-)
2009-06-01 23:35:00

Posts: 1515

Woo-hoo! Thanks so much for the detailed reply.

No problem . It was the least I could do after the great, detailed review you gave for my level!

I've never had someone write a reply as they play the level, that was a lot of fun.

I love doing reviews like that, it allows me to remember every little detail I liked about the level so I can talk about it. I'm glad you liked it, someone gave me a review like this once and I noticed that that was one of the best ways to review since it gives the creator a sense of where exactly there are problems and where there aren't.

As for that final cave, I actually built the puzzle, and as I began adding the mechanics that make it work, the thermo maxed out.

Ah, that's exactly what I thought happened.

My wife came up with the idea to just have it look like a puzzle used to be there, but it had been destroyed by the Darkness.

Well that was a great idea! It was a great solution to the thermo problem, usually people just leave it at that and say "sorry thermo's full."

Like you guessed, the "thing" at the end is explained in The Diary that you collected, and so is the final cave.

I look forward to finding out more. This is my favorite series of all time. I just love the story you have come up with so much.

Thank you so much for playing the level, and for the feedback, it is very appreciated :-)

It really was no problem, I thoroughly enjoyed myself as I do with all your levels. Do you have any future projects planned out as of yet?
2009-06-02 00:13:00

Posts: 1318

sorry i am not able to write a detailed reply, im trying to get 2 months of homework done in 2 days... :2009-06-02 00:26:00

Posts: 835

sorry i am not able to write a detailed reply, im trying to get 2 months of homework done in 2 days... :

Don't worry about it. I am very thankful that you would even take time out to play the level. Thanks a lot! Good luck with the homework.
2009-06-02 03:03:00

Posts: 1515

btw, mind if i add you on psn?

id have to say, im your (and mrs.spookybuz's) biggest fan!
2009-06-02 22:11:00

Posts: 835

@Brnxblze: I currently have nothing planned. I had been working on Bombs and Sunshine Challenge and LBL#3 at the same time, and now that they are both done, I am probably just going to enjoy hanging out with people for a while. As I'm sure you have experienced from your levels, the LBL levels can be a huge undertaking, and sometimes it gets a bit overwhelming. It is nice to just take a break.

@johnrulz77: Wow, my biggest fan! Awesome :-) Well, my friends list is full, but I have one person sitting on it who I have not accepted, so if I delete him, I can get you in that slot. Send me a request in the next few days (maybe tomorrow) and I'll try to clear up the spot for you!
2009-06-02 23:36:00

Posts: 1515

Yeah, it's great to take rests. I've been on one ever since I finished my HouseWork level just playing some of the awesome levels the community has to offer. I feel like I haven't even made a dent in my playlist though . I think it might be time for me to get back to creating, just can't think of anything to do. I don't know how you great creators can make so much good levels. I was working on my Mission 2 level but it didn't come out good at all so I think I just might not work on it. Sorry about that, way off topic lol. Congratulations on making it to Cool Levels page 3 so quick! This will no doubt make it to page 1.2009-06-03 00:03:00

Posts: 1318

FANTASTIC!! What a blast this level was!! It was by far the level where I've spent the most time on playing it.

The bomb puzzle was brilliant, the mechanics on the number puzzles were great, the day and night system was magnificent. It made me feel like if I was playing some sort of Legend of Zelda type of gameplay! :hero:

5 stars and a heart, tagged as BRILLIANT! Keep up the good work, this is simply an amazing level and should be spotlighted! Incredible!
2009-06-03 15:54:00

Posts: 166

Wow, thank you so much Recurracy! I really appreciate the encouraging feedback! Am I supposed to submit my level for the spotlight, or is it supposed to be submitted by someone else? Well, either way, I really appreciate that you would take the time to play the level (I know it's long, but everyone seemed to complain that LBL#1 and #2 were too short) and leave some feedback :-)2009-06-03 16:21:00

Posts: 1515

Letting it be published by someone else is kinda bad; it's your work after all.

Of course I take the time to play and review it, this level is simply so incredible that it just deserves a lengthy review (mine isn't that lengthy.)

I also liked how you had to catch the falling stars for the bartender guy, but I think it's a little too difficult because I couldn't guess where the stars will fall, and because the cart moved a little too slow in my opinion. But I'm an opinionwhiner.

That's just another little annoyance that I had to point out. Sorry if it offended you. :blush:

Oh another thing. My little brother really likes your name
2009-06-03 17:44:00

Posts: 166

I thought the easiest way to catch the stars was to bring the cart to the middle and only move it slightly left or right. It didn't move fast enough to try to catch the stars falling on the left or right. I forgot about that part, that also was one of my favorite parts. I've never seen it done before.2009-06-03 18:08:00

Posts: 1318

LOL, I made this thread so people could give their opinion of my level. If all I wanted was a good opinion, then it would be a bit pointless don't you think? I'm glad you said that you thought the star catching was a bit tough. I've had a few people say that the bomb puzzle was too hard (someone evens said they were disappointed with me for it) as well.
As for the cart part, I had some issues with the detection of the stars. I'm not going to go into details on how it works, but I tried to make the cart smaller, and it just wouldn't work right. As I hope you can see from my levels, I put a lot of time into them, and I don't add anything lightly. I really tried to make the cart work as well as I could. Even as it is, it doesn't work perfectly. The Bartender says to catch 10 stars, but you really only have to catch 8 usually. I did this because every once and a while a star is caught and the level doesn't count it. I figured it would be better to require less stars, so that if one is missed, you still don't end up having to catch more than 10 because that would just confuse people.
The whole issue arose when I shrunk the cart. At it's original size, it was even harder to push, but it always counted the stars. As I shrunk it and adjusted settings, it became more and more difficult to have stuff work right. I finally got to the point where it is where it will detect the stars a good fraction of the time, but it's not perfect.
Hopefully this explains why it is the way it is. Sorry that you found it a bit irritating, bit I did everything that I could.
And I want to reiterate that I am not angry or anything :-)
Thanks a lot for the feedback!

EDIT: BTW, I'm glad that you both brought up the star part, because it is my wife's favorite part, and we were both surprised that absolutely no one had mentioned it yet. Out of all the feedback I have heard, this is the first time anyone has even made a reference to it. Thanks!
2009-06-03 18:13:00

Posts: 1515

Nice!!! I LOVED it!!! A great use of the Global Lighting tool, and a very fun RPG-style level. It defenitely got 5 stars and a heart.2009-06-07 04:08:00

Posts: 1054

Thanks a lot TJB! Tomorrow (Sunday) will be the levels last day on cool pages, but it had a good run. I really appreciate all of you that have taken the time to play it.2009-06-07 05:06:00

Posts: 1515

yeah, ill send you request tomorro, but ur boat and the darkness chasing you, actually inspired me to try something in my upcoming series!

for lvl4, im going to have a ton of shipwrecks, and you gather undamaged parts and "build" a ship then sail it out... thats about all im spilling
2009-06-07 05:36:00

Posts: 835

Sounds like a lot of fun. If you publish a beta version make sure to let me know. Send me a message and let me know you are from LBPC, and I'll delete a friend and try to send you a request :-)2009-06-07 20:54:00

Posts: 1515

Hey there,

Just played this level this morning, and I loved what I got through. I will have to give it another go through when I have the proper time to do so. The first bomb puzzle got me (funny, right?). I got the first two doors, but when I tried to get the third door, I was having trouble getting it. On top of that, the bomb would explode on the top blue platform, so I couldn't even hope to get it to work. Then when I decided to fiddle with the blue one, the gas came and got me. The detail was nice, but I'm not sure how I feel about having to backtrack all the way into town everytime - especially when when the stairs in the bar are annoying to climb up (camera issues + small stairs = bad). I loved that there are multiple areas (the boat, the town, the caves), and the dialogue was done very well. I noticed a few minor things:

-I was able to escape the jail cell by running fast enough into the door, meaning I had to kill myself to get to the bed.

-The wine bottle in the bar kill you. Intentional?

Also, I appreciate the idea of collecting pages of the story. I haven't beaten the level obviously, so I don't know what they are for, but they are very well hidden and offer a nice little side objective.

4 stars and an additional play through later.
2009-06-08 15:20:00

Posts: 5338

I've got good news for your next play through, there is a bed in enoch's house (he's the guy that lives right next to the cave), so you do not need to backtrack through town to sleep! I will try to add a camera to his house tonight that makes it more obvious. There is a ladder and you can kind of tell there is an upstairs, but you need to jump on the table to see it. Page 8 is up there as well. Sorry it wasn't more obvious. Hopefully this makes the level more enjoyable for you.2009-06-08 18:38:00

Posts: 1515

Yeah, those bar stairs are indeed annoying. Probably the only part of the level I didn't like2009-06-08 18:55:00

Posts: 208

Yeah, those bar stairs are indeed annoying. Probably the only part of the level I didn't like

Hmmm.... do you think it would be better to just make it a ramp? I don't want to completely rebuild the bar to make the stairs bigger because it would be a nightmare since the thermo is already maxed out. Perhaps I'll mess around with it some this afternoon and see if I can fix it when I am adding that camera to enoch's house.
2009-06-08 19:43:00

Posts: 1515

One thing I did that was kind of cool once.... I took a REALLY thin piece of rubber (invisible) and glued it to the top of my steps so it looked the same but you could climb it like a ramp.2009-06-08 19:54:00

Posts: 4430

Hmmm.... do you think it would be better to just make it a ramp? I don't want to completely rebuild the bar to make the stairs bigger because it would be a nightmare since the thermo is already maxed out. Perhaps I'll mess around with it some this afternoon and see if I can fix it when I am adding that camera to enoch's house.

ramp would help, yeah. I often found myself sorta stuck on the stairs, and if I jumped, I'd launch off the balcony and have to go back up.
2009-06-08 20:03:00

Posts: 208

One thing I did that was kind of cool once.... I took a REALLY thin piece of rubber (invisible) and glued it to the top of my steps so it looked the same but you could climb it like a ramp.

Good idea! Thanks for sharing :-) It seems really obvious, but it had not crossed my mind yet.
2009-06-08 20:49:00

Posts: 1515

I must say Flyingpoo, that your level was one of the greatest levels I've ever played in LittleBigPlanet! I'm serious! You should make a 4th because I LOVE playing RPG's! I think there the greatest. Hope you can make some kind of Mystery solving levels to because the gameplay you apply for your levels would be great for something like that.2009-06-08 22:13:00

Posts: 5

I went back and finished it finally (needed a break from working on my own level), and it was very fun. Like was already said, I got through the level way ahead of the darkness - not sure if it is truly timed, or just moves forward in stages, but fun nonetheless. When I get some time, I definitely want to check out the previous versions.

I wanted to commend you on the brilliant opening scene, with the planet and the moon. Genius. And then when you have the credits when you are in the cave was also a really nice touch. It's not often you find an LBP level that has this kind of cinematic quality. The modifications with the stairs and the camera were very helpful, so thanks for that. 5 stars and hearted.

Edit: Cage, not cave. That's confusing now.
2009-06-09 04:57:00

Posts: 5338

@alpha: I'm very happy to hear you liked the level. I'm not sure what you mean by mystery solving level. Do you have an example of a level that has already been made that is mystery solving, or maybe even another game that you would say falls in that genre.

@comp: I'm really happy that you played through it again and gave me more feedback. I gave you rep because I think that a few of your comments led me to make changes that helped the level a lot, plus you were willing to play it again and give me more feedback. Thanks a lot :-)

BTW: I think I have fixed all the problems with the level. To my knowledge you can no longer glitch out of the cage on the boat, the bridge should not block you at the end, it is not as easy to fall through the bridge, and the stairs in the bar have been modified to make it easy to get from upstairs to downstairs. Thank you so much to everyone for the feedback!
2009-06-09 11:49:00

Posts: 1515

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