jamba juice secret flavors! :D
Archive: 5 posts
Jamba Juice sells some flavors that are not on the menu, and they're pretty good. Not all Jamba Juice Employees know how to make these flavors, but they're really good. The flavors include Skittles, Starburst, Fruity Pebbles, Strawberry Shortcake, White Gummy Bears, PB+J (Gross!), Sour Patch Kids, Push Pop, And more. They aren't on the menu because of copyright, unhealthiness, and a few other things. If you want to see all of the secret flavors, just google Jamba Juice secret flavors. | 2009-06-01 02:02:00 Author: tjb0607 ![]() Posts: 1054 |
is that meant to be like a milkshake place or somethin? near where i live there's a smoothie shop that will make a smoothie out of ANYTHING if they don't have it on the menu (a mars bar for example) then you can just get a mars bar from a different shop and they'll make it into a smoothie for you ![]() | 2009-06-01 04:53:00 Author: Dexiro ![]() Posts: 2100 |
It's a health nut's smoothie shop, so it's mostly fruit smoothies not milkshakes so much. Which surprises me that they have those kind of secret flavors...hmm.... | 2009-06-01 05:34:00 Author: Theap Pleman ![]() Posts: 670 |
Hmm i love jamba juice but i couldnt see candy flavored smoothies lol. i think i will stick to the mango smoothie thank you XD | 2009-06-05 03:01:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
Jamba Juice is de-lish haha! I don't know if the store I go to would make those kind of junkie drinks, but who knows *shrugs* Banana Berry Smoothies are the way to go! Om nom nom ![]() | 2009-06-08 20:18:00 Author: GrahamLif3 ![]() Posts: 386 |
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