Lebron James
Archive: 3 posts
sorry to say this to any Cleveland fans, but Lebron needs to leave, if he wants to win a championship that is, Cleveland really giving or has given him any help. Just spreading my thoughts, what do you guys think? | 2009-05-31 03:39:00 Author: Frank-the-Bunny ![]() Posts: 1246 |
Yeah I agree, LeBron has to go somewhere else. I'm kinda biased here but I really hope he comes to the Knicks, they suck right now but they have a bunch of money so they could get him and another superstar. | 2009-05-31 04:44:00 Author: brnxblze ![]() Posts: 1318 |
yah that would be a good place for him to go, i mean i'm Philly, but they are just terrible and the city for the most part has given up on the 76's right now so i just want to see Lebron succeed because he truly is one of the greatest out there playing. | 2009-05-31 14:59:00 Author: Frank-the-Bunny ![]() Posts: 1246 |
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