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Keypad lock

Archive: 14 posts


Yes, yet another lock However this time it has low thermometer level.
It's less complicated, easier to understand, it has 4 digits and you don't have to grab and spin it
Maybe not as cool as my Valve lock, but it does it's job perfectly.
It's available as a gift in level " 4 digit keypad lock for your level " and here's the video, I hope you'll like it!

YouTube - LittleBigPlanet: Keypad lock
2009-05-30 10:24:00

Posts: 19

That is very clever, like the visual style of it aswell. Probably my favourite lock ever 2009-05-30 10:50:00

Posts: 2645

Yeah, that's definately the best looking lock I've seen, and that's a nice elegent implementation of the keypad - I never thought of sticker switches, but it seems so obvious now!

I just made my own lockbox level, which has a neat bonus that I can support as many codes of any length as I want in the same device, each code doing a different function. Doesn't look at good, but it does make farmyard animal noises, which amuses me
2009-05-30 11:46:00

Posts: 6497

Very nice lock! I loved your valve lock, but this is just as good! The visual aspect is great, and it seems to work so flawlessly! Very nice work!2009-05-31 15:34:00

Posts: 3280

Wowowow, this is amazing!
Thanks for this, I'll be sure to pick it up later.
Great work!
2009-05-31 17:00:00

Posts: 4291

Hey! This locker is great!
I play your level and used it as a key level myself. Thank you! I credited you in the level.
Btw, i hearted your level and you as an author
2009-07-16 18:26:00

Posts: 1355

That's awesome. The idea of a sticker activated keypad should be implemented in any level that has some kind of interaction with a computer terminal... very cool.

I'm looking forward to playing around with it, to see what it does when you keep pressing keys.
2009-07-17 12:41:00

Unknown User

That's awesome. The idea of a sticker activated keypad should be implemented in any level that has some kind of interaction with a computer terminal... very cool

That would be cool, but this does take up 2.5 bars of thermometer, which could cut out on what you can actually do with the level, depending on how much you actually are doing in the level of course.
2009-07-17 12:52:00

Posts: 2325

Yeah, true, but even if it's not displaying numbers, just a keypad you interact with using stickers would be a good call. Much more technologically sound that grabbing a sponge or something.

Also, if your level is built mostly with the same materials that your keypad is using (dissolve, glass, and dark matter are pretty much requisite in my case) then it should only count as a jump based on it's geometry, switch/key-count, and emitter values. It's only 2.5 in an empty level because it introduces it's own material set... so it could be worked in at probably 1.5 to 2 bars at the most, since it wouldn't be introducing any new material families that the level isn't already using thermometer space for.
2009-07-17 13:09:00

Unknown User

I took your idea mr. ghost but for the life of me I couldn't grab the wires to program it so I simply made a brand new version but with 6 digits. It's very useful for warehouse levels and sensitive objects.2009-07-18 22:50:00

Posts: 108

i was wondering if this was made available to us yet this concept is very clever i love it thanks again 2009-08-07 08:24:00

Posts: 279

this is very similar to the lock I used in my "key vault" level but i love the number display on yours! I doubt a display on mine would work very well as I my code is nine digits..

does your keypad have a "clear" function if you get the code wrong by accident?
2009-08-20 15:22:00

Posts: 15

does your keypad have a "clear" function if you get the code wrong by accident?

Yes, the asterisk is for clearing the code
2009-09-12 10:31:00

Posts: 19

nice work i will be sure to pick it up2009-09-12 11:36:00

Posts: 2701

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