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Monsters themed truck

Archive: 5 posts

I made a monsters themed truck (nothing to do with monster truck ) It has a rotary saw, bunch of cool features and a cage lift!

Here it is, I hope you will enjoy!

YouTube - LittleBigPlanet: Monster themed truck
2009-05-29 17:34:00

Posts: 19

That's pretty cool actually. I wasn't expecting much at the start because it looked a bit basic, but it's actually impressive.

How did you get the grabbing arm to actually pick up Sackboy? I've tried making something similar and it always ends up crushing Sackboy when closing.
2009-05-29 17:46:00

Posts: 2536

How did you get the grabbing arm to actually pick up Sackboy? I've tried making something similar and it always ends up crushing Sackboy when closing.

Hmmm... can't you see that? It's a quarter of one small grid which is REALLY thin, also, it's good to make a little slope at the end.
2009-05-29 17:59:00

Posts: 19

nice truck Like gilg, i liked the pickup thing, and those trapdoors were kinda cute 2009-05-29 18:19:00

Posts: 3322

That thing's actually pretty awesome. The spike launcher, and the trap door... and the suspension were cool, and the way you had the door open and close with left and right movement. What I thought was really fantastic was the grabber.2009-05-30 01:36:00

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