Death Race v2.0 by rOcK_aThL33t
Archive: 3 posts
AKA "The Greatest Racing Level You Will Ever Play". This is actually a great LBP race level created by a person named rOcK_aThL33t. ![]() Before you ask about the title, it's not based on the movie remake, but it sure seems related to it. The level's dark theme, of course. ![]() I'll be able to post a YouTube video here soon, if you want. Same goes for Wipeout XS, where I have recently rerecorded the level with my handy-dandy...*ding*...DVD Recorder. As you're playing online (or by yourself), remember your survival instinct in this great race of doom! :kz: | 2009-05-29 01:21:00 Author: Rapidkirby3k ![]() Posts: 121 |
This sounds brilliant I'm going on it now. I'll rate it also, if it's as good as It sounds 5 stars ![]() EDIT: Just finished it came 217th. I rate it 4 stars. | 2009-06-02 19:01:00 Author: Sackboy66 ![]() Posts: 42 |
YouTube - Death Race v2 by Rock Athl33t | 2009-10-04 12:25:00 Author: Rapidkirby3k ![]() Posts: 121 |
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