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I Make How To Levels

Archive: 2 posts

I am a constant lbp player struggling to make my levels good and i said forget ill get back to this later and started making levels with my inventions in them like the 10 way switch or the player tracking turret or even the combination lock door... I would like for people to try these levels out and heart them. and i am looking for new invetion ideas... so if u have and idea that u cant make work just send me a message and ask if i can work on it... thanks a lot

-I Make Stuff

PSN: PinkAttackRabbit
2009-05-28 21:48:00

I Make Stuff
Posts: 1

There's a thread to request stuff already.
I'll get the link in a sec.

EDIT: Here ya go

I just don't see the point for 2 threads for the same thing.
2009-05-28 22:38:00

Posts: 6707

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