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V1 Jeep

Archive: 3 posts

Hey guys!

It's been a long time since I was posting, however I was creating some things and didn't have time to post...
Sorry :/ Still, I'm getting back to regular reading of the site.

V1 Jeep is vechicle armed with rocket launcher and paint gun. It has a changeable camera and suspension.
Hope you'll like it!

Here's the video:

YouTube - LittleBigPlanet: V1 Jeep
2009-05-28 08:14:00

Posts: 19

Hey Seniorghost,

Your jeep looks great and it seems to be resistant to some bumpy roads!!
Altough it does look a little like a plane at first sight.
2009-05-28 08:43:00

Posts: 2173

It works great, but it looks more like a plane than a jeep. Sorry 2009-06-01 04:31:00

Posts: 3251

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