Do you have a strong index finger?
Archive: 4 posts
If so, you should check out my completely unique LBP level: Little Big Goldberg Machine. What I've built is a Rube Goldberg Machine type of level that also requires interaction from the player to get more points for a higher score. Once you hop on for the ride, the level will carry you through dozens of different contraptions, all set in a very creative and visually-intense atmosphere. The ride requires that you hold on for nearly 10 straight minutes with no checkpoints, so you had better have a strong index finger! Hold on for the ride by yourself or with your buddies and swing to get more bubbles to try and beat my score! The finale is well worth paying through the level to see! This level was four months in the making and it becomes quite apparent through the amount of detail and complexity. To get an idea of what you are in for, check out the Youtube video created by Sackboy223: YouTube - Little Big Goldberg Machine (Part 1) I would appreciate any of you giving my level a try and letting me know what you think of my hard work! - Kemakill | 2009-05-27 20:37:00 Author: Kemakill ![]() Posts: 2 |
Don't just watch the video! If you just watch the video, you are missing out on a very fun level. I assure you the level is more interactive than you might think when trying to build up a better score. I've made updates since the video was taken, also. What am I talking about... no one has even bothered to provide feedback yet! Any suggestions on how I can boost the activity? PSN: Kemakill | 2009-05-28 18:14:00 Author: Kemakill ![]() Posts: 2 |
Don't just watch the video! If you just watch the video, you are missing out on a very fun level. I assure you the level is more interactive than you might think when trying to build up a better score. I've made updates since the video was taken, also. What am I talking about... no one has even bothered to provide feedback yet! Any suggestions on how I can boost the activity? PSN: Kemakill You should put F4F in the thread title ^^ https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=7962 That thread should explain what our F4F system is all about, people will definitely be more inclined to give your level feedback if you're offering them feedback in return. Btw to put the F4F in the title, you can edit your first post and click "advanced". Also, when you go on and on about how good your level is, people are inclined to think, "why should I give feedback if he already knows its good" ?_? Try to give details on what you were aiming for with your level! Your ideas when creating? And possibly ask on what to improve on? This place is a community about sharing, so I think F4F is a great system. Anyhow, I watched your video, and the visual design looks very impressive. I like the BIG simple shapes you used and the different textures you stuck on. The use of Global L was nice too, works well with fire and electricity. I'm sure people will get around to playing and giving feedback, just give them a bitta time. In the meanwhile, set up an intro thread! | 2009-05-28 19:57:00 Author: Pitcard ![]() Posts: 779 |
Agreed - certain members who have been around for a while and are well known can sometimes get quite a bit of feedback without using our feedback-for-feedback system, but newer members can really kick-start their level feedback by using it. | 2009-05-28 20:05:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
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