Jungungle Obsurdian - PSN = Saboteurxx
Archive: 9 posts
This level began with my interest in trajectory and bouncy things, and completely morphed when I decided to add a backstory that the jungle and its inhabitants had been invaded and decimated a while back. You're the unlucky chap that falls into a situation you're not involved in. There's still some bouncy things that I experimented with, and there may be some aspects that some of you haven't seen, hopefully. Nothing too extraordinary but I think it's a unique level, artistic, and fun, especially for exploring, hardcore types. Oh, even more backstory regarding this level: I lost it in Februrary due to a glitch. I thought it was done for until the Cornish Yarg resurrected it. I freaked out, calmed down, then completed the level. It is now fully published today, hopefully without too many bugs--I've tested it hundreds of times. Although I'm not the genius some of you are, it's pretty complicated--the thermometer is such a pain. I really hope you enjoy, I do appreciate all forms of criticism. I can handle it, I'm a Writing grad. In case you didn't catch the topic, the level is called Jungungle Obsurdian and my ID is Saboteurxx. Thanks! (Hate to give any hints, but the level needs to be beaten once to collect the sticker switches. So, going left may be fun to explore, but ultimately a dead end for first timers.) | 2009-05-23 17:05:00 Author: Sabtos ![]() Posts: 10 |
Ok. Just tried this out, and I really liked it. I thought the visuals were good, and the platforming also very good. It's a good thing you give infinite lives on the boss, because it took me awhile to figure out what to do. You might want to give more hints. I saw some other places to explore that I didn't check out, so it'll have good replayability. The part where you have to go through the bouncy piston things I got up under the piston, and just took that whole path down making it easy to avoid the spike thing down in the proper path. By the way the sound effects for them bouncy areas are hilarious. Overall great level!!! could you check out my (mountain marathon) thanks. | 2009-05-23 19:45:00 Author: smasher ![]() Posts: 641 |
Thanks much. I hope the monkey swinging section over the spikes wasn't too hard. I just watched someone play it and it seemed too puzzling for them. I'm about to go see Terminator, but I'll definitely check out your level soon. | 2009-05-23 20:08:00 Author: Sabtos ![]() Posts: 10 |
I just gave this a shot, and I definately think this level has some serious potential. Nice visuals, a lot of exploring you can choose to do. Few things, before I get to the boss: Description of level before you start.... ummm, this is probably the worst level description I've ever seen. It will turn away just about anyone who reads it. Say something exciting, don't explain what may be wrong with it - instead of rambling on about how it may be too short if you don't explore, for instance - just say something like "Lot's of hidden areas and replay value!". Don't explain how much thermo you've used, or how big it is.... just say things to get players excited before trying it out. When you start the level and go left instead of right - those platforms with the gas around them (that you had to walk close to in order to have them come out) - it was REALLY hard to tell where the gas was, and I kept dying here even though I knew what to do. When you first go to the right, if you don't exactly know what to do and jump into the vines it is REALLY a pain getting back out. Ok, the boss - I see Smasher above figured it out... I didn't. I spent about 20 minutes on it trying to shoot just about anything, getting killed by the fire balls, trying to fly around and grab things like the heart to no avail. I even dropped down onto the kicking leg thing and it threw me up into your switches and logic above. I think this boss is definately going to be an issue with this level. There appears to be very little design in having the player understand what they're supposed to do. Anyway, I left the rating at 4 stars. I really liked it and think it has potential, but definately a bit of work to do there before you go prime time with it. | 2009-05-24 01:14:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
I just gave this a shot, and I definately think this level has some serious potential. Nice visuals, a lot of exploring you can choose to do. Few things, before I get to the boss: Description of level before you start.... ummm, this is probably the worst level description I've ever seen. It will turn away just about anyone who reads it. Say something exciting, don't explain what may be wrong with it - instead of rambling on about how it may be too short if you don't explore, for instance - just say something like "Lot's of hidden areas and replay value!". Don't explain how much thermo you've used, or how big it is.... just say things to get players excited before trying it out. When you start the level and go left instead of right - those platforms with the gas around them (that you had to walk close to in order to have them come out) - it was REALLY hard to tell where the gas was, and I kept dying here even though I knew what to do. When you first go to the right, if you don't exactly know what to do and jump into the vines it is REALLY a pain getting back out. Ok, the boss - I see Smasher above figured it out... I didn't. I spent about 20 minutes on it trying to shoot just about anything, getting killed by the fire balls, trying to fly around and grab things like the heart to no avail. I even dropped down onto the kicking leg thing and it threw me up into your switches and logic above. I think this boss is definately going to be an issue with this level. There appears to be very little design in having the player understand what they're supposed to do. Anyway, I left the rating at 4 stars. I really liked it and think it has potential, but definately a bit of work to do there before you go prime time with it. Yeah that boss really was tricky. The only reason I figured it out was that I started checking other stuff, because I exhausted all efforts on the boss itself. You really need to give some kind of a hint. | 2009-05-24 01:26:00 Author: smasher ![]() Posts: 641 |
Okay I've changed the description, mentioned a little something about voodoo regarding the boss, not sure if that's going to help. I may need to have some sort of ghost floating backwards to direct player to the second stage of the boss. I'll try and think about editing the level further. Is there a way to edit the level without changing the plays and ratings, or no? Smasher, I've played Mountain Marathon, and I think the style and visuals are excellent. A friend joined with two other friends, and we defeated the boss, but the rope broke. I will need to play again but so far it is a magnificent level. | 2009-05-24 18:53:00 Author: Sabtos ![]() Posts: 10 |
One thing you could do to direct players to the other part of the boss is have a camera attached to a switch. You can totally change the camera angle to look in the other direction at that point. And republishing over the existing level doesn't effect the plays or hearts. | 2009-05-24 18:59:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
You have both directly influenced some concrete changes to my levels. I've put up forcefields around the misleading jungle and bush at the beginning (it is meant to look like you're about to enter the jungle, so I guess it's good you tried to go into it, but it's closed). I've added a talking cutscene for when it's time to go Voodoo on the boss, and I've further edited the description. Thanks much for your feedback. Will continue to monitor this post and the community, love it! | 2009-05-24 20:14:00 Author: Sabtos ![]() Posts: 10 |
I believe I've edited the level as far as possible. May be a little more room for improvement but only if things are removed, as I can not even add a single block of material. The level may be difficult for newcomers bu I assume may of you are not. It is not impossible, and will actually seem easier after you figure things out. Please continue to review and I will do the same. Thanks all! | 2009-05-31 19:15:00 Author: Sabtos ![]() Posts: 10 |
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