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Icehold Mountain: The First Time

Archive: 9 posts

EDIT: the demo is up!

I'm currently making a snowy mountain level.
It's based around caves, ice, lakes, long forgotten cultures, meteorites, big birds and some other stuff. Pretty basic.

The idea is to make a real platformer with a growing difficulty and some neat puzzles (or at least nice switch-pull effects).

I'll be putting some pics. soon if someone would be interested helping me(here (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=p=205877#post205877)). Oh and btw, the people that I showed the level to, please leave some feedback .
Thank you!
2009-05-17 19:12:00

Posts: 752

ooooooo add the billboard, (with snow on it)2009-05-17 19:28:00

Posts: 835

Oh yeah! I'll add it at the end of the level 2009-05-17 19:30:00

Posts: 752

Ah yes. You showed me this level yesterday and well.....that was amazing
It was fun and had a few different paths, but it's going to need some solid platforming and definately a puzzle or two.
I can't wait to see how you implement the boss as that should be excellent. Keep the visual style you've got and you're on to a winner
2009-05-17 19:54:00

Posts: 2645

Yeah i think your level looks really good.. I think you should add a few hidden areas where you can get extra points.

As for Puzzles i think you should use a Fire element to melt blocking walls of ice to open up new paths. This could also serve as doorways to hidden areas.
2009-05-17 22:32:00

Posts: 371

Yeah i think your level looks really good.. I think you should add a few hidden areas where you can get extra points.

As for Puzzles i think you should use a Fire element to melt blocking walls of ice to open up new paths. This could also serve as doorways to hidden areas.

You can actually hide stuff that you set to fire with glass in front of it, then put a protected brain attached to the glass somewhere out of sight. Then however you would have this "element of fire" I assume the easiest way is to have a fire sticker and hidden sticker switches... whatever switch you use, have it set to one time, attach it to the brain on the glass that's in front of the material that you made into fire - the glass will go away and the material will then look like it's on fire.

Not sure how you would make stuff look like its melting though.
2009-05-18 03:56:00

Posts: 713

Well I'm having a little part where I'm using fire to melt the ice. You use the meteorite to roll it into the ice pit. The meteorite activates a the global switch that gives a little blue to the atmosphere. Music becomes silent and the jetpack appears from the water. It seems as it is melting...

Voila: swimming in freezing water
2009-05-18 12:40:00

Posts: 752

I had a play of it today, its turning out well. Nice visuals, and the gameplay is good to. Keep at this one ;-D2009-05-18 19:21:00

Posts: 1754

You got charmed by the fossils, didn't you ?2009-05-20 18:03:00

Posts: 752

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