Grabbable thin layers?
Archive: 14 posts
I saw these in a level the other day. It's material that is the thin thickness, but is completely grabbable. Any ideas on how it is made? Whether it has been patched? Etc.? | 2009-05-17 17:15:00 Author: dawesbr ![]() Posts: 3280 |
whoa... hm, what level might you have seen this in so we could check for ourselves? | 2009-05-17 17:16:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Isn't it just a thin/thick object that is a grabbable material. | 2009-05-17 17:19:00 Author: S-A-S--G-U-N-R ![]() Posts: 1606 |
Thin-thick objects made of grabbable material ARE grabbable from the sides in case you didn't know. | 2009-05-17 17:20:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
I was just loading up random levels in New Levels, so I'm afraid I don't have any details. I still have the object in my goodies bag (a prize in the level), though. SAS, not thin/thick, but THIN layers. And grabbable. Plus, thin/thick layers were never grabbable, as they're not on the interactive layer. | 2009-05-17 17:20:00 Author: dawesbr ![]() Posts: 3280 |
Thin-thick objects made of grabbable material ARE grabbable from the sides in case you didn't know. That's what I thought... | 2009-05-17 17:21:00 Author: S-A-S--G-U-N-R ![]() Posts: 1606 |
Er... yeah they're grabbable, i do it all the time when creating just to see what new traps i can do with it ![]() Bu seriously m8, you've never tried grabing a thin-thick sponge from the sides? It sometimes just take you to the edge tho. | 2009-05-17 17:22:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Really? Like, really? Honest and true? I mean, seriously? O.o I totally didn't know that. I'd tried doing that before, and it hadn't worked. I'll have to check what layer they're on to see if it is this... | 2009-05-17 17:25:00 Author: dawesbr ![]() Posts: 3280 |
Yes really, like really, like honestly really, seriously, really, go and try it and you'll see its completly possible. ![]() | 2009-05-17 17:30:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
I can confirm that thin-thick layers are grabable. | 2009-05-17 17:32:00 Author: Killian ![]() Posts: 2575 |
I know I'm a bit behind with this one, I've seen a few threads mention it but never really took much noticed...what exactly is a 'think/thick' layer, what how is it made? | 2009-05-18 02:16:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
I know I'm a bit behind with this one, I've seen a few threads mention it but never really took much noticed...what exactly is a 'think/thick' layer, what how is it made? It's the thickness of a checkpoint. it was made by capturing a checkpoint, selecting it but NOT placing it. then you'd go to sponge material or anything other and when you placed the sponge it was the thin/thick layer. it's patched tho. | 2009-05-18 06:26:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Someone posted a thread with the mysterious title of "think thickness layers" within the last week. There is a copyable level with both checkpoint thickness and paintball thickness. Both are grabbable if made of grabbable material. | 2009-05-18 13:08:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
Hmm well i just thought of a good idea.. Feel free to poach it. Keycards anyone? like.. Really thin keycards...or clouds that go behind and infront of the player.. a kind of.. in the fog effect.. | 2009-05-18 17:55:00 Author: CreateNPlay ![]() Posts: 1266 |
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