my levles by sam2hip
Archive: 4 posts
hi try my levl my pod decines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it has moe then 170 plays!! it has 1.bank 2.monster 3.mgs pod 4.my pod decines pod ect i will put my other levles on this thread so whach out!!!!!!!!!! now includes mgs paint gun,music,swich and creater pack 1 jetpack updated every time i have new pod (day or week) my psn: sam2hip | 2009-05-17 16:29:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I thought that was pretty nice level. I liked it how you could choose the music you want at the start of the level, you decorated the sack-cutouts quite nicely and it had some nice pod designs (my favourite was the prison![]() Overall I gave this level a three star rating. | 2009-05-17 16:53:00 Author: lk9988 ![]() Posts: 1077 |
ik9988@ I thought that was pretty nice level. I liked it how you could choose the music you want at the start of the level, you decorated the sack-cutouts quite nicely and it had some nice pod designs (my favourite was the prison). I just thought the level could do with much more decoration (stickers and decorations can work wonders on making a level look nice), you could add a few more pod designs and the scoreboard at the end looked quite awkward at the end how it was three layers and the thing it was on was one layer. A way you could sort that out is to place a giant three-layer block above the scoreboard, unpause time and you'll just have the scoreboard screen and no three-layer platform connected to it. But then you'd have to remember to delete the metal block you crushed the scoreboard with! Overall I gave this level a three star rating. THANKS I UPDATE IT EVERY WEEK OR SO:kz: ![]() ![]() ![]() THOSE SACKBOY WAS A SHAPE FROM THE GOODIES BAG NOT A CUT OUT!!!!!!!!!SEE MY OTHER LVLS !! SAM2HIP | 2009-05-17 20:15:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Rate so far: :star::star::star::star: Sorry Double post | 2009-06-26 21:28:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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