A question concerning my old PS3...
Archive: 5 posts
So, as some of you may know, I recently purchased a new PS3 as my previous model - the awe-inspired 60GB with backwards compatibility - recently succumbed to the Yellow Light of Death (YLOD). Let's just say that I'm dissatisfied with my new model for various reasons and have decided to have my other PS3 repaired. My problem at this point resides in the fact that I wrecked the HDD housing for my 60GB model and am unsure how easy it is to obtain a new housing. The housing is not the same in the 80GB model I have; actually the HDD fits into the PS3 length-ways whereas it slides in width-ways on the 60GB model. Any ideas? I've looked the interwebs over and haven't found much of anything. Are there alternative solutions to my problem such as somehow using an external drive as my primary drive? Just looking for anything at this point. Thanks in advance, guys. | 2009-05-16 18:30:00 Author: supersickie ![]() Posts: 1366 |
I know sony has a repair dept here in america. I also know that they would charge you an arm and a leg, but they'd get it done. You could also try to craigslist a third party repairman, but those kinda guys scare me. | 2009-05-16 18:56:00 Author: HalfaSack ![]() Posts: 214 |
I've found a seemingly trustworthy third-party business that will repair my unit and return it to me with games saves intact for slightly less than Sony. That's not the issue so much as making sure I can get a HDD to function in the thing once it's repaired sans HDD housing. I just popped the drive back in and it seems to be in place but it's not what I'd call a sturdy connection by any means. I figure it'll be good enough as the PS3 will be stationary (duh) and never gets bumped in the slightest. That said, now watch Gavin take a sudden liking to the TV stand and components. ![]() Anyone else have anything else to say on the matter? | 2009-05-16 19:34:00 Author: supersickie ![]() Posts: 1366 |
I'd contact one of those 3rd party geniuses and get their two cents. Someone whos been at it for a while could prob throw a new housing together from scratch. Give 'em a call! Edit : does teh HDD look a special ps3 made HDD or just a standard one? I'm just wondering how you'd get a working OS on it. | 2009-05-16 19:38:00 Author: HalfaSack ![]() Posts: 214 |
PS3 hard drives are standard SATA laptop drives. Any which one will do. In my case, I'm just looking for a new housing... | 2009-05-17 00:04:00 Author: supersickie ![]() Posts: 1366 |
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