Another 'Help me name my level!' thread.
Archive: 8 posts
Okay, so I'm trying to think of a level name for one of my ongoing projects. It's a sequel to the level I called 'Prologue'. Now at the time this was a great idea... but now how can I name my next level while retaining a similar name? D: I called the actual level in game 'The Prologue Facility'... but I don't know what to call my next one. If you don't know... it's a level where you go through a series of tests... and end up fighting a boss. Well, that was the first one. You can check that out in my sig if you don't know it. But this one isn't going to be exactly the same... it's going to be a real treat (I don't want to give away too much) so I can't wait to have it finished. I'm hoping for it to be pretty long too. 'Prologue' was very short - about 5 mins. In terms of the story... all I'll say for now is that you are going about your tests and the story takes a different direction. It's far from genius or anything, but it should prove to be pretty fun ![]() So... any ideas for a name? My best is stuff like... -Prologue 2 uhm... -Prologue: The Sequel (lolz at the contradiction) Yeah i suck with names >.> | 2009-05-16 02:24:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
lemme think... you havnt given much info, so you cant really base a name on it... name the first level The Prologue (facility is quite random....) then the second could be called, (i think you said the story gets changed so,) intertwined; The Prologue: Intertwined thats all for now, srry btw, on the leaderboards i have the same rep as you ;p | 2009-05-16 02:39:00 Author: johnrulz77 ![]() Posts: 835 |
Yeah, i didn't put facility in the name cause i didn't like it. But i put it in the level so the player understands it's a sort of organisation. Okay... story is very limited as not much has happened. In prologue, you go through a series of platforming tests and then a boss battle against RAY. There's no direct hint towards MGS here, I just used it cause it was cool ![]() However, I may end up using aspects of many types of games, still undecided yet. But RAY will appear again in this level. (not for long, you get to use it as a weapon). But yeah... in the 2nd one you are going through tests and then there is a change of events where you need to protect the facility you are in. Oh, and now you have more than me xD Intertwined is quite cool. There will be no 'The' though. And prologue doesn't have to be in the name if the name can still somehow relate :S I'm good at making levels... but whenever it comes to naming stuff i suck ![]() | 2009-05-16 03:34:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
Need a little more info, I can think of a couple of vague names off the top of my head, but yeah... I need more, like a screenshot even if possible. Or at least explain what type of facility it is. How about: Re-enforcement or the plural of that. When buildings are well protected they are referred to as being reinforced (so it is a play on words). And we all know what enforcement means. | 2009-05-16 04:02:00 Author: mindphaser74 ![]() Posts: 349 |
Need a little more info, I can think of a couple of vague names off the top of my head, but yeah... I need more, like a screenshot even if possible. Or at least explain what type of facility it is. How about: Re-enforcement or the plural of that. When buildings are well protected they are referred to as being reinforced (so it is a play on words). And we all know what enforcement means. Ah - look at the level in my sig ![]() | 2009-05-16 10:53:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
sequelouge? | 2009-05-16 10:59:00 Author: Don Vhalt ![]() Posts: 2270 |
Chapter 1. I like Prologue: The Sequel b/c of the irony ![]() | 2009-05-16 18:05:00 Author: SawronZXZ ![]() Posts: 463 |
so what, are there like 2 sides? the facility and the attackers? and ur in the middle of it? quite a hard lvl to name.... Between Enemy Lines uh... Intertwined Lies | 2009-05-16 18:23:00 Author: johnrulz77 ![]() Posts: 835 |
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