Top-Down Gear by RE515TANT
Archive: 6 posts
This level is amazing! Both looks and gameplay. Its a top-down racer. Its kinda hard to control the car so read the instructions. PSN: RE515TANT (That's 5 1 5 not S I S) Level: Top-Down Gear Icon: a car | 2009-05-15 19:18:00 Author: brnxblze ![]() Posts: 1318 |
ill try this, cars... so its racing obv........ interesting! | 2009-05-15 22:53:00 Author: johnrulz77 ![]() Posts: 835 |
Reccomended levels are usually worth playing, so i'll give it a try later. | 2009-05-15 23:06:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
It's OK, but I'm having a really hard time controlling it. I don't know if i landed in the car wrong or what but the vehicle is slow-reacting and, when it does turn, really sensitive and turns too much. I may try it again later... | 2009-05-16 03:03:00 Author: Night Angel ![]() Posts: 1214 |
Yeah, it took me a while to figure out how to work the darn thing but its worth it IMO. | 2009-05-16 08:11:00 Author: brnxblze ![]() Posts: 1318 |
this level is cute! I hearted it for the simple fact that the top down city is so cutely made ![]() | 2009-05-16 23:14:00 Author: oldage ![]() Posts: 2824 |
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