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can somebody make a scoreboard?

Archive: 15 posts

I mean like the one in the Silent Hill - tribute level. Can someone make one?
I guess a lot of people here would use it
2009-05-15 17:38:00

Posts: 752

it is possible, the problem is something that complicated would have to be tailor made for each level so making a standard one wouldnt really work that well2009-05-15 19:13:00

Posts: 667

It's not that hard, I could make one If you guys are interested.2009-05-15 20:48:00

Posts: 78

Do you mean a fake scoreboard? If so, a few different people have made them. If i remember correctly, Tactical_gunner 's level "test subject" (or whatever its called- the one about sackboy being tested upon) has one for beating the level.2009-05-15 21:44:00

Posts: 3322

Moved to Help.

I made one in the beta, they're quite simple. It's just cardboard with a square of rubber and two of the cardboard corner decorations to make it look realistic.
2009-05-15 21:49:00

Posts: 2575

I think he means like one of those custom scoreboards that grade how you did in the level.
Am i right?

It would seems someone gave bad rep for this comment, so whoever it was, if you would please say what was wrong with my comment i could fix it, but leaving a blank comment really doesn't tell me of my mistake (if i made any...) now does it?
2009-05-15 22:50:00

Posts: 6707

yeah i got bad rep for mine too, it had no comment, could whoever did it please explain?2009-05-15 23:46:00

Posts: 667

Hmmm... I've never even heard of this "bad credit" you speak of? Does this affect you in some way? Seriously... what?2009-05-16 00:00:00

Posts: 1737

if you want something like that, you can make a request in my help thread, we make things for players2009-05-16 01:19:00

Posts: 835

Hmmm... I've never even heard of this "bad credit" you speak of? Does this affect you in some way? Seriously... what?

its a tool used by the site as a measurement for activities but also as a way for members to reward, thank or negatively affect each other. Its a way of telling them that you aprove or dont aprove To add or subtract rep click on the scales in the bottom left corner of the post, to thank someone you click the thank button in the bottom right of the post
2009-05-16 04:40:00

Posts: 667

I think he means like one of those custom scoreboards that grade how you did in the level.
Am i right?

Yes you are!
I'll give u all rep+ because u lost it in my thread
2009-05-16 11:35:00

Posts: 752

well, the silent hill scoreboard is a letter and reward system, based on time, right? In that case, its pretty easy to build, possibly hard to explain. Sorry, my bro currently has the PS3 hostage, so i cant exactly build one with pictures =/

What you'd want is a motion sensor in the place where the "race" starts to go and turn a permanant on switch on. This perma switch would be hooked up directionally to a long piston based timer (a piston attatched to a block, where the time it takes to get to the end is the total time the timer could have), so when you go past the motion sensor, the timer starts and goes on permanantly. Then you'd attatch a piston and block to the timer block, and put a magnetic key on the block. (where the block is positioned so it isn't going the same direction as the timer switch- ie: if the timer is going left/right the block goes up or down). Make a track of sorts- basically a strip of dark matter- that goes along the entire length of the timer. Place key switches along the track and adjust the time intervals to the point where you want to change the rank/reward of the player. Move the track so its out of range of the key on the block, unless the block is fully extended. Then hook up another motion sensor to one shot the block piston, and place it at the end of the race.

Finished set up works like this: first motion sensor triggers perma switch. perma switch makes timer start moving, and it won't stop or go back BC its directional. Second motion sensor triggers block piston, which moves magnetic key into range of mag key sensors. Mag key sensor triggers corresponding rank and reward bonuses to be emitted/released. One shot mechanism makes it so that only one reward can be released.

...yeah. like i said, no PS3 ATM, so if thats too confusing, tell me and i'll make one later lol.
2009-05-16 20:49:00

Posts: 3322

I've already built one for my "Pulp Fiction Trivia". It's a digital scoreboard that shows how many correct answers you have. If this is something you can use, I can add it as a price. Just let me know...2009-05-29 21:05:00

Posts: 58

If you want it to display time, it's going to be pretty hard, because you'd have to convert that time into binaries... I suggest making it with colors (red, orange, green). If you'd like a pre-made system, message me on PSN (account name: Eldrazor), and I'll make one for ya.2009-05-30 14:51:00

Posts: 78

For counting time, you can count directly binary, but have specialised rollovers at 10 and 6 (for seconds and ten seconds, if that makes sense), but it might be easier to use a wheel based system and actually do your counting in true denary and base 6 - this will be easier for the display of the result as well.

For simple gradings with very accurate timings and easilly tweakable you can use a set of emmitters, where the first on emits on start and lasts for x seconds, the second one emits when the first vanishes etc. Whichever one is present at the finish indicates the grade.
2009-05-30 16:13:00

Posts: 6497

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