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Think-thickness objects. (Copyable)

Archive: 22 posts

I found this old level in my moon that I made before CY, and it had think-thickness objects. I made it copyable and published it (Community objects can't be shaped)
It has both paintinator thickness and checkpoint thickness.

Level name: Think-thickness objects.
PSN: Tjb0607
Location: West of South America.
Icon: LBPC Logo

2009-05-14 04:19:00

Posts: 1054

Ta. I'm not one for the old glitched objects, prefer to work around the fixes, but I think I actually can't do a couple of my designs without these objects, so thanks.2009-05-14 08:43:00

Posts: 6497

I'll take a look, but first, what do you mean Think-thickness?2009-05-14 19:09:00

Posts: 4291

it the thickness of a checkpoint, basically it rests on the thick layer but a sack person can still run it front of it on the same layer, plus if its grabable they can grab it,

too bad you also didnt get golf ball thickness, or is that paintinator?
2009-05-14 19:11:00

Posts: 667

I think I've seen many levels like this but none copyable
Thanks, again!
2009-05-14 22:26:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

it the thickness of a checkpoint, basically it rests on the thick layer but a sack person can still run it front of it on the same layer, plus if its grabable they can grab it,

too bad you also didnt get golf ball thickness, or is that paintinator?

Paintinator thickness takes up 1 interactive layer, and can bump into sackboy and everything, but can go right past checkpoints without bumping into them. I hope that's what you're looking for!
2009-05-15 00:28:00

Posts: 1054

yeah thats golf layer, thanks2009-05-15 00:49:00

Posts: 667

Interesting, mind if i use them for my project "Glitched Centrak" ?
(A collection of glitches that will always be available to LBPC users, so even if the glitch's been fixed we can still use them)
2009-05-15 01:28:00

Posts: 6707

This should definitely go in glitch central. Thanks alot for this collection!2009-05-16 21:34:00

Posts: 3322

it the thickness of a checkpoint, basically it rests on the thick layer but a sack person can still run it front of it on the same layer, plus if its grabable they can grab it,

too bad you also didnt get golf ball thickness, or is that paintinator?
Yes yes I know all that. But where does think come into it?
2009-05-16 21:39:00

Posts: 4291

its a combo of the words thick and thin, hence 'think'2009-05-16 22:24:00

Posts: 667

Howzabout thinck?

That word doesn't exist yet, so it may ease some confusion.
2009-05-17 01:06:00

Posts: 663

I've heard it called thin/thick as well. I always thought that thin/thick somehow morphed to think/thick.2009-05-17 06:33:00

Posts: 178

I've only heard it as 'checkpoint thickness' or 'golfball thickness'
So to your think
2009-05-17 18:08:00

Posts: 4291

Everything about this "thin-thick" layer tells me it's cool and awesome and that it can and should be used for what it's worth. At the same time I want it removed. I want everyone to be on the same page when creating. I actually want this glitch removed. I'm going to get PEPPER for saying so hihi.2009-05-18 11:21:00

Posts: 2391

well no, i can see where your coming from, it does set those who are "out of the loop" at a disadvantage but on the flip side it would be all too easy for someone to find a level, get them as prizes and use them. You have a valid argument but there are still reasons to keep these extra layers around.2009-05-18 13:27:00

Posts: 667

Everything about this "thin-thick" layer tells me it's cool and awesome and that it can and should be used for what it's worth. At the same time I want it removed. I want everyone to be on the same page when creating.

Certainly a valid perspective... but to me, all these ways you could exploit old glitches in the game were exciting - I like the idea that if someone digs for a little bit of information, they can find ways to do some surprising things. I like that for normal creators, the layer selection system is fairly straightforward, but people who wanted to do something tricky could use an obscure invocation to create the thin-thick objects.

That said, though, the thin objects in the thick layer (entry-thickness objects) have some weird properties that aren't exactly flattering toward the game... Specifically when you grab 'em... I can see why they'd want to get rid of 'em.
2009-05-18 16:33:00

Posts: 187

Thanks man these should come in handy..2009-05-18 23:55:00

Posts: 258

MM can't get rid of the old glitches, because that would mean existing levels breaking. God knows what would happen if you removed the engine's ability to handle these objects (guaranteed it woulnd't be pretty). And who's going to take flak when people's levels break, MM. They are making the right decisino to cut them off at source.

The real problem with these effects is that the engine to handle these unexpected things still, yet be stable. The engine therefore grows in complexity and fixing anything becomes far more complicated. All the creators that promote these things so readily are actually shooting themselves in the foot, because widespread use of these glitched items directly leads to a slowdown in proper bug fixing, due to increased complexity of the system.
2009-05-19 18:42:00

Posts: 6497

Lots of glitched material objects and levels containing them are left untouched in newer updates. I speculate that object properties are retained while the physics and graphics engines are updated.2009-05-20 16:26:00

Posts: 102

Think-thickness? What happened to good old theck and thack (chEckpoint / golfbAll ) layers?

I could not possibly have completed my pinball adventure level without all ten layers. And honestly, I'm not getting how theck and thack are 'glitched.' Sure you can't normally get them, but Checkpoints are theck, and golf balls are thack, so the game obviously can handle those thicknesses. MM just chose not to inundate us with tons of layers (seeing how some people can hardly handle 3 I think they got that part right )
2009-05-20 17:03:00

Posts: 342

i can?t copy you level, why?
i tired to find a goo think thick material and whe i find it, i can?t copyt the level!!!!!
why, why!!!! WHY!!!!

: (
2009-06-28 07:04:00

Posts: 31

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