That old game you play nobodys heard of
Archive: 16 posts
This is a thread dedicated to old games you play that your convinced nobodys heard of, but you love it! For me it has to be Legend of Legaia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legend_of_legaia This game, IMO, was a 10/10 RPG. Several love stories, deep intricute ties between antagonist and protaganists. The only downfall was terrible translation, but whats new? This game soooooo flew under the radar. FF9s huge advertising campaign and just having final fantasy behind it totally slaughtered this RPGs chance at being a trend. Despite flying under the rader, it was mildly successful, and spawned a HORRENDOUS "sequel". Alas, it turns out they sold the IP to some other company. Thing that sets this apart from your traditional RPG, is the fighting system is like a cross between turn based fights and plan your attack. Hard to explain, but awesome in the end. Check out this video. YouTube - Legend of Legaia - Caruban Boss Fight For fight you get either item, magic, attack, or spirit (defense extends combat meter) when you attack you can either go autopilot or plug your own moves, its worth checking out. | 2009-05-13 19:06:00 Author: HalfaSack ![]() Posts: 214 |
Errr... i dunno haha xD The closest thing is Shadow Of The Colossus. Now anybody who goes on forums knows the game of course... but none of my friends knew about it until I told them xD Also... same with Zone Of The Enders. Though it's not really their kind of game anyway. I looooove it ![]() But yeah... nothing else I can really think of lol 0.o EDIT: WOOPS. Old games. These aren't old xD Well how about the Master System Sonic games. Everyone knows sonic obviously... but the master system games were AWESOME. They had handgliding levels, and the boss levels had NO rings xD Those were the days. | 2009-05-13 19:25:00 Author: ryryryan ![]() Posts: 3767 |
I spose the games dont hafta be old ![]() Just a game you play that seems like nobodys ever heard of... hehe I played ZOE back in teh day with my friend he got it for like 5 bucks at a rummage sale, i couldnt get into it. I know shadow of the collosus, and i LOVED that game. I'm waitng for a decent LBP level of it ![]() ![]() keep em comin! | 2009-05-13 19:32:00 Author: HalfaSack ![]() Posts: 214 |
Well I don't play it anymore but my favourite game that no one's heard of it Kya: Dark Lineage. Was a great action/platformer kind of similar to Beyond Good & Evil in ways, some excellent mini-games and the use of wind as a main gameplay mechanic made for some amazingly fun gameplay. Watch the trailer: YouTube - Kya: Dark Lineage trailer 2 No seriously, watch it! | 2009-05-14 12:59:00 Author: Burrich ![]() Posts: 1018 |
Old game nobody's ever heard of huh... Well... I already made a thread about A.I. Wars, but there's this other amazing underdog game : Ascendancy YouTube - Ascendancy Introduction | 2009-05-14 18:26:00 Author: Gilgamesh ![]() Posts: 2536 |
Pepsiman for the Ps1! Man that game was awesome! ![]() I'll see if i can find a vid of it later. PESIMAAAAAAAAAAN!!! | 2009-05-17 03:00:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Eternal Eyes on PS1 every now and then | 2009-05-17 06:02:00 Author: Snrm ![]() Posts: 6419 |
Sacrifice : YouTube - Sacrifice Gameplay 2 A 'thirdperson-shooter-realtime-strategy'. Best game ever made, I have yet to see anything come close to its awesomeness. 9yrs old good enough ![]() | 2009-05-17 12:47:00 Author: Shermzor ![]() Posts: 1330 |
Uhm.. Croc:Legend Of The Gobbos Best childhood memory . ![]() | 2009-05-18 07:29:00 Author: CreateNPlay ![]() Posts: 1266 |
That old you play nobodys heard of You might want to put the word game in the thread title BTW my favourite game ever is 'Front Mission 3' on PS1. It's a turn based robot game where you pilot wanzers ( walking panzers ) and has two different storylines depending which choice you make in an early conversation. I have played both scenarios 5 or 6 times each with an average gameplay time of 50-60 hours per game. I would love to make a version of that in LBP but don't have a clue how. | 2009-05-18 11:47:00 Author: mistervista ![]() Posts: 2210 |
Blue Force, Tex Murphy... the Tex Murphy series is seriously amazing and I discovered it mostly by accident. How about Arctic Adventure / Martian Memorandum / Pharaoh's tomb? Those were popular back in their day but are probably unheard of now. Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi? ![]() | 2009-05-18 13:54:00 Author: Foofles ![]() Posts: 2278 |
L.S.D. anyone? YouTube - LSD - Dream Simulator | 2009-05-18 15:38:00 Author: Arkei ![]() Posts: 1432 |
You might want to put the word game in the thread title BTW my favourite game ever is 'Front Mission 3' on PS1. It's a turn based robot game where you pilot wanzers ( walking panzers ) and has two different storylines depending which choice you make in an early conversation. I have played both scenarios 5 or 6 times each with an average gameplay time of 50-60 hours per game. I would love to make a version of that in LBP but don't have a clue how. well unfortuantly for us, we cannot edit titles after the thread is created, thats up to the mods. Sorry for having a brain fart and forgetting game, but im sure that never happens to you. | 2009-05-18 17:14:00 Author: HalfaSack ![]() Posts: 214 |
well unfortuantly for us, we cannot edit titles after the thread is created, thats up to the mods. Sorry for having a brain fart and forgetting game, but im sure that never happens to you. Actually bro cow ski you can edit the title. You just have to like double click in the margin next to the name and it lets you enable it. | 2009-05-18 19:02:00 Author: Hamsalad ![]() Posts: 2551 |
people have heard of it, but no one seems to play it - F1 97 i still have it and play it on PS1, and its great lol =] | 2009-05-18 19:30:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Thread title fixed thanks to my main brozif hammys mad schoolin skillz. | 2009-05-18 19:58:00 Author: HalfaSack ![]() Posts: 214 |
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