Carnage with a Rocketship! (untitled level preview)
Archive: 1 post
Here's a quick preview to my new level. It's a work in progress, so it still has a few creases that need ironing out. Here's a level summary.. You awaken after crash landing your ship into a ravine. The surrounding rocks have collapsed around you, leaving you trapped just outside a strange entrance to some nearby caverns. Once you've managed to locate your ship, you fly down into the caverns to search for a way back to the surface. The level includes regular platforming in several, out-of-ship, segments as well as the madness of smashing into the cavern's many demons that try to block your path to freedom. Will you be able to make it to the surface? Hm? This preview has NOT been published. The level will be ready in a few days! ![]() YouTube - LBP - Level Preview (carnage with a rocketship!) | 2009-05-13 18:00:00 Author: Marklar2k8 ![]() Posts: 5 |
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