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Time switch attached to race gates

Archive: 17 posts

Here's my idea, I don't know if it actually works, because i don't have access to a ps3.

I think that you can set something so that you can only activate it by finishing a race in the alloted time.
you can have something set to happen when you start the race, like a time switch. start by putting a mag key on the door before it swings open, and the switch radius to when the door opens, then attach that to a rotating bolck that does a full turn in however long you want it to be for. when it does its full turn, another mag key activates a mag switch that raises a block with a proximity switch(which would be near the gate for the end of the race).

This means that if it runs out of time, the proximity switch moves out of the way, and you can't activate it when you run through the other side.

You could also do this with multiple proximity switches so that there are levels to how long it took you. Like 45-59 sec. is main prize, 60-90 sec. is smaller, 90+ is nothing.

It would take time to adjust something to rotate a full cirlce in a specific time though, but otherwise i think it could work.

PS: could someone who understands what i said try it out for me plz.
2009-05-11 21:50:00

Posts: 44

It would take time to adjust something to rotate a full cirlce in a specific time though

Wobble bolt set to 360 degrees will just rotate, you can acurately set the duration for wobble bolts.
2009-05-11 22:17:00

Posts: 6497

I think the finish line should have an option to activate something if you crossed it within the time limit.


2009-05-11 22:33:00

Posts: 3036

Wobble bolt set to 360 degrees will just rotate, you can acurately set the duration for wobble bolts.

true... i didn't think of that
2009-05-11 22:58:00

Posts: 44

I think the finish line should have an option to activate something if you crossed it within the time limit.



ya thats how i got this idea. some other post i saw said what you just said, and i got this idea. mine's more complicated though
2009-05-11 22:59:00

Posts: 44

a piston rig would work as well.2009-05-12 16:08:00

Posts: 21

I was actually thinking of something like this for a race level. However, I seemed to be overcomplicating things, so it's nice that a simpler method was posted here 2009-05-14 22:19:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

I'm testing some different methods on making this work. I've determined that setting a motor bolt to 10 strength and 0.1 speed, it will take 2 minutes to rotate the entire way. So the halfway-point is 1 minute. You could easily make 1 minute intervals for reward distribution, set it so that every 1 minute timer that passes, it takes away one reward. I'm going to make a tech demo of the concept I made, just because I can. I'll put it up for you guys once it's done.

EDIT: OK, I made something.


The start line has a sensor after it, so as soon as the race starts, the first timer begins. The timer then begins to rotate, and once it hits the bottom of its rotation at 60 seconds, it sets off a trigger which simultaneously activates the next timer and closes the door on the first box. The next timers all do the same progressively. Right after the finish line, there's a sensor that attaches to the "End Switch", which pulls all the timers away from the magnetic sensors so that the boxes won't close after the race finishes.

What do you think? Is this the kind of concept you were looking for? ^_^
2009-05-15 14:52:00

Posts: 217

I'm testing some different methods on making this work. I've determined that setting a motor bolt to 10 strength and 0.1 speed, it will take 2 minutes to rotate the entire way. So the halfway-point is 1 minute. You could easily make 1 minute intervals for reward distribution, set it so that every 1 minute timer that passes, it takes away one reward. I'm going to make a tech demo of the concept I made, just because I can. I'll put it up for you guys once it's done.

EDIT: OK, I made something.


The start line has a sensor after it, so as soon as the race starts, the first timer begins. The timer then begins to rotate, and once it hits the bottom of its rotation at 60 seconds, it sets off a trigger which simultaneously activates the next timer and closes the door on the first box. The next timers all do the same progressively. Right after the finish line, there's a sensor that attaches to the "End Switch", which pulls all the timers away from the magnetic sensors so that the boxes won't close after the race finishes.

What do you think? Is this the kind of concept you were looking for? ^_^

Actually my thought was a lot simpler, but i think less effective than yours. that looks good.
2009-05-15 19:25:00

Posts: 44

I'm not very good at simplicity. If I make it too simple, I always miss something that needs to be covered.

I only had to use multiple clock switches because I can't make it go any slower than 2 minutes for a full revolution.
2009-05-16 02:22:00

Posts: 217

Here's my idea, I don't know if it actually works, because i don't have access to a ps3.

I think that you can set something so that you can only activate it by finishing a race in the alloted time.
you can have something set to happen when you start the race, like a time switch. start by putting a mag key on the door before it swings open, and the switch radius to when the door opens, then attach that to a rotating bolck that does a full turn in however long you want it to be for. when it does its full turn, another mag key activates a mag switch that raises a block with a proximity switch(which would be near the gate for the end of the race).

This means that if it runs out of time, the proximity switch moves out of the way, and you can't activate it when you run through the other side.

You could also do this with multiple proximity switches so that there are levels to how long it took you. Like 45-59 sec. is main prize, 60-90 sec. is smaller, 90+ is nothing.

It would take time to adjust something to rotate a full cirlce in a specific time though, but otherwise i think it could work.

PS: could someone who understands what i said try it out for me plz.

Instead of wheel. do this

Have 2 anti materia boxes far away from ech other. One the one you will have a magnetic switchl Then on the otehr have a stiff box on it aimed towards the other anti matteria block. THen it is much easier to adjust time

it is possibel to have a darkmateria shape along with the boxes piston line. So that when the box has reached a certain time a warning noice will be heard,.

And when it reaches the anti materia th?n have it activate=deactive something to prevent players from going in.
2009-05-16 17:25:00

Unknown User

-points at his post- I pretty much just did that with bolts instead of pistons...

Pistons don't always time accurately, unfortunately.
2009-05-16 18:26:00

Posts: 217

So true...we need like a "time switch" to set to go off after a set amount of time.2009-05-16 21:07:00

Posts: 463

So true...we need like a "time switch" to set to go off after a set amount of time.

I got this idea from a thread complaining there wasn't a time switch. Its just something a did, not expecting it to really be used. Go ahead and use it if you want, i probably wont.
2009-05-22 01:12:00

Posts: 44

re-reading this,
I just answered all your problems in a video in my head >.<...

ill try to build it tomorrow and send it to you..
2009-05-22 04:43:00

Posts: 835

Interesting concept. I was thinking of creating a race level at one point using a similar but simpler "timing bolt" idea, but rigged to explosives along the ground. If the player doesn't cross the finish line before the timer runs out... KA-BLOOEY!! I suppose you could combine both ideas and really make 'em sweat. 2009-05-22 20:51:00

Posts: 1737

re-reading this,
I just answered all your problems in a video in my head >.<...

ill try to build it tomorrow and send it to you..

I dont want any credit for this guys (and girls).
If you build it, you get the praise.
2009-05-24 21:04:00

Posts: 44

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