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Russian generals.....

Archive: 16 posts


Norwegian newspaper article about Russia's yearly military parade. In the picture you see Medvedev...Putin and some WW2 veterans and.....in the background.. quite possibly the youngest general ever? haha.
2009-05-09 16:31:00

Posts: 2391

lol wow...
Altho they are very diciplined in Russia for what i've seen, i wouldn't be that surprised if he was actually a General.
2009-05-09 16:53:00

Posts: 6707

Russian military uniforms are awesome, and yep, they're extremely disciplined up there. It's a product of their climate.2009-05-09 21:21:00

Posts: 3476

None of those generals are any match for General winter!

... seriously, that guy single handily beat Napoleon AND severely weakened Hitler.

don't mess with General Winter
2009-05-09 21:22:00

Posts: 10882

None of those generals are any match for General winter!

... seriously, that guy single handily beat Napoleon AND severely weakened Hitler.

don't mess with General Winter
The Russian scorched earth policies didn't help either.
2009-05-09 21:27:00

Posts: 3476

Russian military uniforms are awesome, and yep, they're extremely disciplined up there. It's a product of their climate.

Guess you and the other people in here didn't hear how Russia just vowed to revamp their police becasue they are infamous for taking bribes and having sex with hookers and stuff. I'm just making a point that they arnt complete saints / THAT disciplined..

Now the Japanese on the other hand, I feel are much much more disciplined.
2009-05-09 21:30:00

Posts: 2551

Guess you and the other people in here didn't hear how Russia just vowed to revamp their police becasue they are infamous for taking bribes and having sex with hookers and stuff. I'm just making a point that they arnt complete saints / THAT disciplined..

Now the Japanese on the other hand, I feel are much much more disciplined.
I meant military wise, not outside of duty.
2009-05-09 21:40:00

Posts: 3476

Now the Japanese on the other hand, I feel are much much more disciplined.
yeah except they kill themselves if they fail at anything (they've an island called suicide).
2009-05-10 14:11:00

Don Vhalt
Posts: 2270

yeah except they kill themselves if they fail at anything (they've an island called suicide).

That's the DEFINITION of disciplined! It's out of honor!

The samurai were awesome!

(so were ninjas)
2009-05-10 14:42:00

Posts: 3664

Let's turn this into a discussion about ninjas. Because ninjas as we all know RULE!2009-05-10 15:26:00

Posts: 2391

I'm Putin this idea that we turn this into a thread about ninjas down. To be fair, I give the Russian Military top Marx for discipline, and the Japanese are pretty good too. Anyway, I should quit Stalin the next person from posting.2009-05-10 15:32:00

Posts: 3280

Of course, the problem with the Japanese is that they don't really have a military anymore. They do however, have a militia, but it could not compare to anything the Russians, the Chinese, or NATO have.

On another note, does anybody find is SLIGHTLY suspicious that Putin and many other Russian leaders were formerly a part of the KGB?

2009-05-10 16:16:00

Posts: 3476

I'm Putin this idea that we turn this into a thread about ninjas down. To be fair, I give the Russian Military top Marx for discipline, and the Japanese are pretty good too. Anyway, I should quit Stalin the next person from posting.

haha nicely done =]
2009-05-10 20:56:00

Unknown User

yeah except they kill themselves if they fail at anything (they've an island called suicide).


2009-05-10 20:59:00

Posts: 2824

Of course, the problem with the Japanese is that they don't really have a military anymore. They do however, have a militia, but it could not compare to anything the Russians, the Chinese, or NATO have.

On another note, does anybody find is SLIGHTLY suspicious that Putin and many other Russian leaders were formerly a part of the KGB?


Well yeah, but that's because those dirty cheating Americans with their stupid Nuclear Warfare! PEUGH!

And before World War 2 Japan won in the Russo-Japanese War. But of course that was before Lenin....

And is that a picture of a .....PIRATE?!?

2009-05-11 20:27:00

Posts: 3664

I have 2 Russian students and they're among the wildest kids I have. I teach Japanese kids for a living and I have to see you'd be amazed at how undiciplined they are when they're little. Seems to calm them down later in life though as there's very little hooliganism here in Japan.

Now Koreans, they're pretty serious. I have a few Korean students as well and their parents are super strict.

But as for the Japanese police. They may be diciplined but they're absolutley useless.

YouTube - Japanese police run in fear

Leg it!

And if you want a real life Bond villain. Look no further than Israeli general Moshe Dayan.

2009-05-12 12:08:00

Posts: 146

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