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Star Trek
Archive: 26 posts
I saw it last night and thought it was an all around great movie. It had good characters, a cool story, and some intense action sequences. I'm not sure what the hardcore Trekkies will think, but as a casual fan, I found it very entertaining. Anyone else have the chance to see it yet? | 2009-05-08 14:32:00 Author: mrsupercomputer Posts: 1335 |
I'm going this weekend. A couple of my friends have said it's very good. None of us are die-hards though. JJ Abrams has said that he preferred Star Wars and hasn't even seen all the Trek movies, lol. | 2009-05-08 14:39:00 Author: Boogaloo Posts: 254 |
I saw it last night, in a word - banging. I used to watch it as a kid, but not so much recently and I went with a big fan, tho not die-hard, and two people who've never really seen it before and the concensus was the same. At least they never say "beam me up scotty", which will please the hardcore. | 2009-05-08 15:38:00 Author: rtm223 Posts: 6497 |
It was freakin awesome loved every minute! | 2009-05-08 15:47:00 Author: AJnKnox Posts: 518 |
This was an absolutely incredible movie. i love the franchise and went with two people who couldn't care less about the old shows/movies - everyone thought it was great. Also sporting a 96% on rotten tomatoes dot com, which is insanely high. | 2009-05-08 16:48:00 Author: LuckyShot Posts: 713 |
Just saw it. I've never watched Star Trek in my life, just not my thing really, but wow I thought the movie was great! I really enjoyed it | 2009-05-09 23:24:00 Author: ryryryan Posts: 3767 |
I loved it. I got dragged kicking and screaming into that movie because I am... um... the farthest thing from a Star Trek fan that you could possibly imagine. Seriously, I want to see it again, and will buy it on blu ray when it comes out probably, because it was incredible. Scotty and his little monster friend were my favorite characters. ^_^ | 2009-05-10 16:29:00 Author: xkappax Posts: 2569 |
I'm a light fan, and I saw it opening night. ... I thought it was truly EPIC. EDIT: I also learned that the guy who did the young Spock couldn't do the "Live long and prosper" Vulcan hand thingy, so they glued his fingers together! xD It was also funny that they kept the whole "Kirk-gets-the-crap-beat-outta-him" deal. | 2009-05-10 16:37:00 Author: Xenifus Posts: 306 |
I should make a Spock costume....except I'd call him Spack. He's on the crew on The EnterPrize or EnterSack whichever you prefer. I just saw the movie. It's AWESOME and I'm not even much of a star trek fan. I liked the enterprise show but that's about it. This movie I think is for everyone. You don't need to be a fan of the series at all. It was great! | 2009-05-11 17:37:00 Author: BasketSnake Posts: 2391 |
Single greatest accomplishment in the history of ever. | 2009-05-12 18:06:00 Author: solidturtleman Posts: 16 |
Saw it this afternoon and like a lot of you I haven't really been a fan, but that might change very soon. For example, guess who just received Star Trek - The Motion Picture (1979) from Netflix today on Blu-ray? Any guesses? Anyone? Bueller? | 2009-05-15 02:32:00 Author: supersickie Posts: 1366 |
I would suggest First Contact before any other star trek movie if you liked this one... then MAYBE wrath of kahn... but basically this one blew all the others WAY out of the water (out of space?) | 2009-05-15 02:40:00 Author: LuckyShot Posts: 713 |
I actually left my domicile to go see 'Star Trek' presented in Imax. I felt some trepidation as I have been a fan of TOS, movies, and Next Generation. It was pleasantly surprising. My only problem was there wasn't much suspense watching Kirk hang from a drilling platform because you knew he 'has to survive'. I think they also gave 'Hardcore Trekkies' a window to open up to it... not just by the obvious casting but by creating this alternaverse where things happened differently but the end results are the same. Still, this movie was the 'table-setter' for me... (all the intros) The next one is the one you want to sit down to eat. | 2009-05-15 05:22:00 Author: Gravel Posts: 1308 |
I saw this in the B'ham iMax (the screen was so big you had to literally turn your head to see things in the corners.) It was a really good movie, but some of the things were a bit odd. Why the hell do mining vessels have insanely powerful weapons, for instance? And why the hell did young Kirk decide "hey I'm going to drive this car off the cliff in an awesome ACTION SCENE!"? Aside from things like that, a very good film all round (:3 JJ). Definitely worth seeing, especially the extra for the iMax. | 2009-05-17 13:08:00 Author: dawesbr Posts: 3280 |
this is one of those movies where, coming out of it, I feel like either I'm crazy or everyone else is crazy. I just saw a totally different movie everyone else seemed to see. It got rave reviews, and everyone from trek fans to trek haters seems to love this movie. I just wasn't with them! You ever go to one of those action movies where you just roll your eyes at everything? that was my experience. 8 year old rebellious Kirk stealing an old muscle car and slamming down the highway jamming Beastie Boys on his Nokia dash was just too much for me. Star Trek: No Really, It's Cool, You Kids Will Dig It. And the lens flares, for god's sake, oh my GOD, the lens flares. Star Trek: Lens Flare. Oh, and the PG-rated undies-on dorm-room sex scene with the green chick. Star Trek High: 90210. Kirk gets chased by a monster on an ice planet, which is promptly and conveniently murdered (but NOT eaten... ???) by a bigger monster which then, rather than chomping on kirk, just roars at him for a few minutes, and then decides to chase him - somehow kirk outruns him for a while (???), tumbles down a hill followed by the giant monster (also tumbling), where he looks up and conveniently finds a perfect little cave entrance right in front of him, runs in to seek shelter from the again-pursuing monster, and is then saved by... Spock. from the future. Who just happened to be hanging out in that cave. Less than a mile away, Scotty himself is tending shop in a tiny frozen outpost. I mean, I can only take so much before I just shrug my shoulders and say "i give up", and in this movie, I gave up pretty early on. Here's hoping I'll enjoy Up and/or Drag Me to Hell! | 2009-05-28 02:11:00 Author: Teebonesy Posts: 1937 |
i thought it was a great movie and the caracters were awesome | 2009-05-28 02:26:00 Author: Sonic5411 Posts: 712 |
Good movie, excellent cast the only flaw was that I HATE the actor they casted for Kirk... totally d-bag looking guy : Spock's actor was absolutely spot on, both in presentation, and character Did anyone else notice the reference to "red shirts" when the one guy got fried by the planetary laser thingy lol, trekkie reference | 2009-05-28 02:35:00 Author: Aurongel Posts: 221 |
I'm a huge Star Trek Fan and not ashamed at all to say it. I loved the movie. Had lots of great references for the old school fans and a ton of new stuff for people who have never even seen an Orion slave girl or Tribble. When they run the 1966 corvette off the cliff it's a message to fans of the older series that they are going to do their own thing in this film. The original series aired in '66 so it's sort of a warning to the fanboys not to get too attached to the rules of the other versions. They also make it pretty clear in some of the dialogue that they will not be restricted by the older versions of the franchise when they talk about the skewed timeline. I do love that they make numerous references to the original Star Trek and even Enterprise. Scotty is stuck on Vega 5 because he tried to beam Admiral Archer's prize beagle using his trans warp beaming theory and it disappeared. Admiral Archer is Captain Archer from the Enterprise TV show and although I'm sure Porthos (his dog from the series) was probably long gone he does have a love for the breed. There are way too many original series references to mention here but I did enjoy old timeline Spock's "I have been and ever shall be your friend" line in the ice cave. Nice homage to Search For Spock and Wrath of Khan films. I agree that Zachary was perfect casting for Spock. I heard that Leonard Nimoy was the only actor to have a section in his contract about having a say in who the future casting of his role would be. I'm not 100% sold on the guy for Kirk but I have to admit he did an amazing job of using some of Shatner's body language, eye movements and even some of his cheesier roll on the floor with arms bent like he's boxing body language. It's subtle but it's there. About the red shirt It took me 2 seconds to lean over to my father who I saw the film with and say "red shirt". He totally fits the bill. Red outfit, young, gung ho to go kick butt.... saw it a mile away! Really funny that they put that in there too. It's a classic!! Did anyone else get a little peeved that the fleet went to warp directly out of space dock? According to the Original Motion Picture you can't go to warp inside the orbit of Saturn without running the risk of a wormhole thing opening up. That part with the asteroid at the center of the screen and Dekker saying you can't use phasers at warp blah blah blah. Although upon further thought Zephrim Cochrain went to warp inside the solar system... hm...... ok - that's enough geeking out for one post. Bottom line - Star Trek fan and I liked it alot. | 2009-05-28 03:28:00 Author: Morgana25 Posts: 5983 |
I saw the movie too, thought it was pretty good. I have to say i'm an in between trekkie- i watch a lot of next generation and Enterprise, though i haven't really seen the original series. There were a lot of cues to the series, which i thought was cute (yes, i TOTALLY noticed the red shirt XD) The plot was a little hokey... but thats star trek for you lol. It was still a good movie, with some GREAT special effects | 2009-05-28 04:39:00 Author: Burnvictim42 Posts: 3322 |
Good movie, excellent cast the only flaw was that I HATE the actor they casted for Kirk... totally d-bag looking guy : I actually think that's a relevant complaint with this movie - and I think for the most part it applies to the entire cast - they went with these safe, easy cast choices - good-looking, strapping young up-and-comers, well-built and easy on the eyes, and able to do the job. But otherwise nothing special. Even Eric Bana seemed cheap in this. I also have to mention something that's just starting to seem ridiculous - hollywood keeps reinventing these old franchises. Star Trek was an incredibly low-budget sci fi serial. aliens simply were people but with pointy ears. Now, with all the technology and money at their disposal, they're able to get totally insane-looking aliens using CG and sophisticated prosthetics, but then they still put them right next to people-with-pointy-ears and people-with-green-skin aliens. They have these huge elaborate sets, all shiny and new with big glossy lens flares everywhere, but keep a lot of the old-fashioned sound effects. I get it - it's Star Trek for a new, younger crowd, but also trying to appease the older fans. I get that. I'm just cynical as hell about this whole thing. And screw GI Joe! And Transformers! Myeeh! (hooray for crotchety old grumps) | 2009-05-28 04:47:00 Author: Teebonesy Posts: 1937 |
I just saw it and thought it was amazing! I'm not a huge trekkie, but I got filled in right before on some of the classic lines and stuff by someone who is, and hadn't seen the movie. It was really hilarious because there was a reference to every one of them in the movie! I thought the movie was a great action film and also hilarious at points, and a great Star Trek film overall. I also am a big fan of Michael Giacchino's music. I figured out the theme in my head in the car ride home, and played it on the piano as soon as I got home, perfectly I might add Anyways, yeah I really enjoyed it. Sure there were some story stretches, but when aren't there in a Star Trek episode? I really loved Scotty Also, it was really funny when old Spock said to young Spock: I would give my usual farewell (or something like that) but that would seem self serving. | 2009-06-01 05:41:00 Author: hilightnotes Posts: 1230 |
I'm a huge Star Trek Fan and not ashamed at all to say it. I loved the movie. Had lots of great references for the old school fans and a ton of new stuff for people who have never even seen an Orion slave girl or Tribble. When they run the 1966 corvette off the cliff it's a message to fans of the older series that they are going to do their own thing in this film. The original series aired in '66 so it's sort of a warning to the fanboys not to get too attached to the rules of the other versions. They also make it pretty clear in some of the dialogue that they will not be restricted by the older versions of the franchise when they talk about the skewed timeline. I do love that they make numerous references to the original Star Trek and even Enterprise. Scotty is stuck on Vega 5 because he tried to beam Admiral Archer's prize beagle using his trans warp beaming theory and it disappeared. Admiral Archer is Captain Archer from the Enterprise TV show and although I'm sure Porthos (his dog from the series) was probably long gone he does have a love for the breed. There are way too many original series references to mention here but I did enjoy old timeline Spock's "I have been and ever shall be your friend" line in the ice cave. Nice homage to Search For Spock and Wrath of Khan films. I agree that Zachary was perfect casting for Spock. I heard that Leonard Nimoy was the only actor to have a section in his contract about having a say in who the future casting of his role would be. I'm not 100% sold on the guy for Kirk but I have to admit he did an amazing job of using some of Shatner's body language, eye movements and even some of his cheesier roll on the floor with arms bent like he's boxing body language. It's subtle but it's there. About the red shirt It took me 2 seconds to lean over to my father who I saw the film with and say "red shirt". He totally fits the bill. Red outfit, young, gung ho to go kick butt.... saw it a mile away! Really funny that they put that in there too. It's a classic!! Did anyone else get a little peeved that the fleet went to warp directly out of space dock? According to the Original Motion Picture you can't go to warp inside the orbit of Saturn without running the risk of a wormhole thing opening up. That part with the asteroid at the center of the screen and Dekker saying you can't use phasers at warp blah blah blah. Although upon further thought Zephrim Cochrain went to warp inside the solar system... hm...... ok - that's enough geeking out for one post. Bottom line - Star Trek fan and I liked it alot. They reference the tribbles in the movie? I HAVE to go see it now... | 2009-06-01 06:04:00 Author: iiiijujube Posts: 594 |
no - they don't actually reference them.... as far as I can recall. I just used it as one of those references people either know or they don't. | 2009-06-01 07:14:00 Author: Morgana25 Posts: 5983 |
Oh. Still probably going to see it. My grandma is a MAJOR trekkie. | 2009-06-01 07:31:00 Author: iiiijujube Posts: 594 |
And screw GI Joe! And Transformers! Myeeh! (hooray for crotchety old grumps) Lets form a club Teebonesy. We'll sit on the porch with blankets over our laps, glasses hanging on the very tip of our noses, mumbling incoherently every time someone passes the lawn with a smile on his/her face. I'll bring muffins. | 2009-06-01 12:13:00 Author: Morrinn3 Posts: 493 |
Lets form a club Teebonesy. We'll sit on the porch with blankets over our laps, glasses hanging on the very tip of our noses, mumbling incoherently every time someone passes the lawn with a smile on his/her face. I'll bring muffins. *sits in silence, rocking on rocking chairs for twenty minutes* .... *points toward horizon* "Storm's comin..." "... Yeeahp..." *sits in silence for twenty more minutes* "'Ay! ... Get off the lawn you... aaaw... **** little cusses..." "...Yeeahp..." | 2009-06-01 21:47:00 Author: Teebonesy Posts: 1937 |
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