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Archive: 26 posts

My PS3 died this evening. A moment of silence please... ...


So, I'm stuck between sending it in for repairs and paying $150 for a refurbished 60GB SKU or patiently waiting for a potential price drop announcement at E3.

The truth is that I pushed my PS3 about as hard as one can. Anytime I felt like using it I did so and that meant about five hours daily of either gaming or streaming media from my PC via TVersity or PlayOn, etc. That said, I'm more than a little reluctant to send mine in and receive an SKU in return that is likely to fail on me just as this one has. And there's certainly the fact that I don't feel like waiting for repairs in the first place. This obviously figures into me being patient enough to wait for the elusive PS3 price drop, huh?

Just more bummed than anything right now; Sony's pretty black box was essentially the center of my media universe as many of you know. And the YLOD paid a visit just before Infamous too...
2009-05-07 03:02:00

Posts: 1366

Oh what!? Man that sucks! Sorry to hear that dude
Maybe the Lost Ep made up for it just then?
*avoids thread now until episode is watched*
2009-05-07 03:07:00

Posts: 3767

Is there anything you can sell in order to get another one? Such as your car? If you use the Ps3 that much, that means you probably don't need to leave the house much anyway.2009-05-07 04:32:00

Posts: 4430

Is there anything you can sell in order to get another one? Such as your car? If you use the Ps3 that much, that means you probably don't need to leave the house much anyway.

I've got quite the DVD collection that needs to be sorted through, yes. Hopefully, that will get me well on my way. It's only a matter of time - and money of course - but I'll make it through...
2009-05-07 11:49:00

Posts: 1366

Ouch, man, I hope that doesn't happen to me Ask CC for a share of the donations, maybe? Nah, I'm just kidding. But seriously.2009-05-07 14:07:00

Posts: 3280

Is there anything you can sell in order to get another one?
Your soul maybe? It's worth a punt. And you say that you were using it for 5 hours a day... big deal, that's not heavy load. Modern electronics from a manufacturer like sony should be able to take that kind of use for years so don't blame yourself. Not that any of this helps you.
2009-05-07 14:14:00

Posts: 6497

Your soul maybe? It's worth a punt. And you say that you were using it for 5 hours a day... big deal, that's not heavy load. Modern electronics from a manufacturer like sony should be able to take that kind of use for years so don't blame yourself. Not that any of this helps you.

YEH! As IF my PS3 couldn't play after me hitting it with my sledgehammer! It should be able to take a beating! Sony should know that! .

How long did you have it?

How is it stuffed? Can you turn it on? If so, a hard reset is possible (I had to do it. I lost ALL my save data and I have about 16 games to still play through again ;_; )
2009-05-07 15:30:00

Unknown User

Each time I hear about a PS3 dying my level of worry increases. I really don't want my 60gig to die.

(if that would happen I would simply buy a new PS2 as a back-up for when mine would eventually blow up.

2009-05-07 16:08:00

Posts: 3901

3 words: "5 year warranty" 2009-05-07 16:10:00

Posts: 6497

3 words: "5 year warranty"

Sony does not offer such warranty. And stores cannot provide me a new 60gig.

2009-05-07 16:36:00

Posts: 3901

UK has mandatory 5 year warranties, but the rules are different outside our perfect country.2009-05-07 16:52:00

Posts: 3280

Sony does not offer such warranty. And stores cannot provide me a new 60gig.

Yeah, I'm in the same boat.... you just can't get a PS3 with all the features of the original deluxe model like we have, with complete PS2 compatibility... it's going to stink if mine fails at some point.
2009-05-07 17:04:00

Posts: 4430

That 5 year warranty is very very very shakey dawesbr, it comes down to retailers having to replace it but after 6 months you have to PROVE there was a fault with it when you bought it. Proving this is harder than you would think, it's VERY hard to fight the retailers who are bigger than you, and trading standards / the consumers' advice bureau are a waste of space and will hinder more than help you. I bought my 5 year warranty, is costing me ?10 a month for 8 months and is well worth it IMO.2009-05-07 17:12:00

Posts: 6497

Sony does not offer such warranty. And stores cannot provide me a new 60gig.


Yea same here, tho the death of our 60GB's can happen at points you don't expect it, it's just around the corner
2009-05-07 17:24:00

Unknown User

Yea same here, tho the death of our 60GB's can happen at points you don't expect it, it's just around the corner

Don't scare me
2009-05-07 17:37:00

Posts: 3767

Don't scare me

Sorry for that, it's just a fact
2009-05-07 17:53:00

Unknown User

Anyways, I'm giving my PS3 a minimal work load.

I play my PS2 games on my old PS2 until it will break.
I don't stream anything from my PC
I don't use custom soundtracks
I never play much more than 2-3 hours without a break.

2009-05-07 17:59:00

Posts: 3901

Ahhh only one PS3 broken?

try EIGHT, that's right, EIGHT xbox 360's.... lol

But that sucks, hope you get it sorted soon...
2009-05-07 18:08:00

Unknown User

ir0nmaid3nfan, I beat you: 6 official, 4 unofficial repairs! Hooray! Not counting cutting the little tab off the transformer so I could use a computer power cable instead of the broken one it was supplied with.2009-05-07 18:43:00

Posts: 3280

**** you Dawes! but still, i think we are both in the upper echelons of console break-age =]2009-05-07 18:45:00

Unknown User

i broke somewhere between 5-12 ps2's.
i hope my 60 gig ps3 doesn't break
2009-05-07 18:50:00

Don Vhalt
Posts: 2270

Yellow Light of Death in case I didn't mention it before. It's toast really...

Found a site that deals in repairing the problem. As mine's out of warranty, I might as well give them a shot if I can make sure it's a reliable retailer. They'll repair MY unit and return it to me with HDD - saves included obviously - for $100. Sony's going to charge me $150 and no telling what machine they'll stick me with.

What do you guys think?
2009-05-07 23:09:00

Posts: 1366

The number of PS3s dying recently is shocking.

I'd wait for the potential price drop and get a new one altogether with a fresh warranty.

Yellow Light of Death in case I didn't mention it before. It's toast really...

Found a site that deals in repairing the problem. As mine's out of warranty, I might as well give them a shot if I can make sure it's a reliable retailer. They'll repair MY unit and return it to me with HDD - saves included obviously - for $100. Sony's going to charge me $150 and no telling what machine they'll stick me with.

What do you guys think?

If you go for this then make sure that it's a site that will give you a refund if they can't repair it. A lot of the time they're not able to, especially if it's a YLOD.
2009-05-07 23:19:00

Posts: 2575

They say specifically that they can repair the YLOD and they also offer a full refund if the problem can't be remedied. All in all, I'm still not sure about what I'm going to do... 2009-05-07 23:26:00

Posts: 1366

The number of PS3s dying recently is shocking.

Cannot really tell. We sail into some really small sample of anecdotal evidence here.

2009-05-08 15:16:00

Posts: 3901

UPDATE: Bought a new 80GB PS3 this afternoon. Had a little extra cash and the wife wasn't really against me doing it in the slightest. For all you young lads out there, you learn to just go with your gut especially when the lady in your life isn't dead-set against the matter at hand.

Anyway, love having a [working] PS3...
2009-05-08 22:50:00

Posts: 1366

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