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Space Demonstration

Archive: 4 posts

I've just published a small demo of my attempt at space travel in LBP... like space you will actally travel forever. I am currently hard at wrork using this in a new level. Thanks for reading.

sorry the picture is so bright
2009-05-06 21:28:00

Posts: 57

So it looks like you travel forward when its space travelling around you? That could be cool, and would make for a good level...I want to see how this turns out 2009-05-06 21:36:00

Posts: 3280

well the moving through space does sound cool, but I wanna say that ship looks sweeeeet - I'm not sure what it is about it but I just love the design.

Are you planning on publishing this as a tech demo on its own or waiting till you have an entire level made?

BTW, I wouldn't make your level last forever.... might not go down too well with players
2009-05-06 21:47:00

Posts: 6497

lol, but you can make it as difficult as you want BC in space, noone can hear you scream... with frustration ;p

looks kinda cool, but the pics a little blurry... perhaps you could take one IG instead of with a camera?
2009-05-07 01:39:00

Posts: 3322

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