We Don't Go To Ravenholm...
Archive: 12 posts
If you've played Half-life 2, then odds are the title is what drew your attention, so read on!. If not, read on anyways! I put together a level based on the chapter in Half-Life 2 called "We don't go to Ravenholm..." because it's one of my favorite chapters. Just love the dark creepiness. And the corpses. Obviously, I couldn't make it as bloody and gory as the actual game, since it IS Little Big Planet, but I did throw in a few mangled corpses to spice it up a bit. Here's some screenshots! With my not so great Gordan Freeman costume. http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e288/LordToan/APhoto_12.jpg http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e288/LordToan/APhoto_13.jpg http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e288/LordToan/APhoto_14.jpg http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e288/LordToan/APhoto_15.jpg http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e288/LordToan/APhoto_16.jpg http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e288/LordToan/APhoto_17.jpg The level is maxed out. I couldn't even add score bubbles. But with the amount of enemies I've thrown in, it's possible to get a pretty good score. So yeah, check it out, leave me some feedback here, heart me and the level if you like it (especially me, I need the hearts), and I appreciate all advice. Thanks in advance! Have fun! I know I did. | 2009-05-06 01:26:00 Author: DJLols ![]() Posts: 217 |
Is that Father Gregory on the right? XD Yes, I have played Half life 2, and seeing the screenshots, I quickly saved my level and went searching for this. I will play it now, with my somewhat better Gordon Freeman costume. It looks great. By the way, he isn't a redhead ![]() | 2009-05-06 01:38:00 Author: Astrosimi ![]() Posts: 2046 |
Ha love that level, "whenever im somewhere i dont like at least im not in ravenholm" ill have to play it later | 2009-05-06 01:40:00 Author: redmagus ![]() Posts: 667 |
Yeah, that'd be Father Gregory. I don't have a better brown sticker. And the hairstyle is the best I could find. I gotta go through the custom color sticker levels to get them again, I rarely save many community photos, since I constanly get maxed out profile messages. | 2009-05-06 01:44:00 Author: DJLols ![]() Posts: 217 |
Just paint the top of the head black and add a moustache/goate combo. Check the photos that scroll along the level info screen, I'll be in one of them. Anyways, it's an awesome level, very faithful to the original. A bit easy though, you should check that. I hearted and gave five stars. I got a better score than you, by the way ![]() And don't review my levels, it's alright. I can also suggets better music choices. Song 2 by Krush is not exactly Ravenholmy. Try the Wedding Imusic. | 2009-05-06 01:51:00 Author: Astrosimi ![]() Posts: 2046 |
Yeah. I probably am going to modify it a bit, the boss was way too easy. It's just a giant version of the harder bug heads. I might start constructing something. i'll definitely update you when that happens. Just gotta think of something that won't throw the entire level out of sync with the actual game. | 2009-05-06 01:52:00 Author: DJLols ![]() Posts: 217 |
Ok just finished playing it because I want to try out this F4F thing. To begin I'll say it was a fun level that did a great job of giving me that feeling of when I played that level in Ravenholm back in the day. Unlike you I didn't "love" that part of the game. It scared the crap out of me haha. On the other hand I had to admire it because it was such a well made part of the game. The buildup to when your trapped behind the broken debris, the body that falls from the sky, and best of all the mystery of first venturing out into the extremely dark and eerie place. Unfortunately you didn't really capture those parts of the experience that I was hoping to get here. On the other hand you delivered a fun shooter that had me rolling because I loved how you did the head crabs and the poor people with them on. In some sections I felt overwhelmed and it was hilarious. Now for the visual side of things I really do think you could make things look a bit nicer whether it be with stickers or something else. It's hard to believe the level is totally full based on what I played. You should think of using ways to use less of the thermometer like copying less items, not using community objects, and using less creature brains. Other then that I had fun playing it and you nailed Father Gregory perfectly. Loved when he pulled off that perfect head shot to save my life. [Thumbs up] ![]() | 2009-05-06 02:30:00 Author: fusionboxer ![]() Posts: 37 |
Thanks. My PS3 is hating me right now, and will not load discs, so I'm going to turn it off for a bit and hope that that helps, because I will have a fit if it's broken. | 2009-05-06 02:39:00 Author: DJLols ![]() Posts: 217 |
Thanks. My PS3 is hating me right now, and will not load discs, so I'm going to turn it off for a bit and hope that that helps, because I will have a fit if it's broken. Sounds like the laser burnt out. It's happened to me twice. | 2009-05-06 02:46:00 Author: ConfusedCartman ![]() Posts: 3729 |
Fortunately, it didn't. I just left it off for a few minutes, and I am now working on spicing up Ravenholm a bit with the use of stickers and skeletons. | 2009-05-06 02:47:00 Author: DJLols ![]() Posts: 217 |
Great can't wait to see the new and improved level. But yea overall it was a fun shooter. Please don't take my constructive criticism as a way of me saying "I hated it". In reality it is more of a "I enjoyed your level and I think it could be even better then what it currently is with a bit more time". | 2009-05-06 03:14:00 Author: fusionboxer ![]() Posts: 37 |
That's how i always take criticism on here. ^_^ | 2009-05-06 03:31:00 Author: DJLols ![]() Posts: 217 |
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