Save glitch. very very angry!
Archive: 14 posts
Just loaded up LBP today and for some inexplicable reason it seems to have reverted my save game back to one a few months back. Which means 3 of my levels have now vanished including the one I made recently which got spotlighted. Has anyone else had the same problem and is there any way to recover my lost levels? If I can't get them back there's no way I'm going to waste any more of my time making any more levels when there's always the chance they'll just dissapear one day. Seriously dozens and dozens of hours down the drain. I'm so angry about this. ![]() | 2009-05-05 03:24:00 Author: Sosaku ![]() Posts: 146 |
Whoa, whoa. Calm down. First things first. Change the thread title before a banhammer hits you. Considering you have uploaded your levels, YOU CAN get them back. Just copy them back to your moon. Uploading levels is like backing them up in MM's servers. Just make sure to lock them if they're not finished. This is odd, though. I have not heard of this happen before. | 2009-05-05 04:00:00 Author: Astrosimi ![]() Posts: 2046 |
I can get the levels I've uploaded back but all my custom objects, costumes and the level I had already spent a very long time working on has now dissapeared. What I don't understand is why it suddenly reverted to a save file from several months ago. It even managed to recover old levels that I had since deleted from my planet. That includes objects on costumes. How on earth did it manage to do that? But If I can't get my save back I don't think I'll bother making anything else. Just having that niggle in the back of my mind that it may just vanish for no apparent reason. Not knowing whether the next time you turn your PS3 on your hard work will still be there. That just completley puts me off wanting to spend any serious time and effort making anything. | 2009-05-05 04:10:00 Author: Sosaku ![]() Posts: 146 |
i know how you feel, having your data be reverted (even if mine only reverted back an hour or so :| ) it's very frustrating. the best thing to do is to calm down and think about what data youve lost. Like Astrosimi said, you CAN get your levels back from the MM servers. If you lost costumes (i did) they wont take more than 5 minutes to remake, cuz you know how you did it this time around and aren't just experimenting (what? i like to make costumes! >.>) You can also try backing up your data to a flash drive, just in case. If youve lost any created objects, i dont know of any way to retrieve them unless they were in a level you uploaded to MM servers. i lost my first working tank :[ lets just say my remake doesnt look half as cool, but at least it works a bit better, lol. i wish you luck in getting your levels back. ~ gofurr edit: way to post just seconds before me XD | 2009-05-05 04:10:00 Author: gofurr360z ![]() Posts: 886 |
Custom objects are lost? And old levels being restored? Are you sure you didn't send your PS3 back in a time machine? 0_o By the way, you missed the thread tags. But whatever. I understand your frustration. I would tear my hair out if this had happened to me. Well, off to bed! | 2009-05-05 04:13:00 Author: Astrosimi ![]() Posts: 2046 |
Are you sure you didn't send your PS3 back in a time machine? 0_o I'm as amazed as you are. Honestly I don't know how they even managed it. I'm hoping that for some crazy reason it ended up creating a split save file meaning my current save is still somewhere on my PS3. Does anyone know if there's a way to contact Media Molecule directly about this? It's a very strange glitch. | 2009-05-05 04:23:00 Author: Sosaku ![]() Posts: 146 |
This is the only thread I've seen for sending problem saves to MM. It's an older thread from before Cornish Yarg but it might help. https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=7697&highlight=report Really sorry to hear about the loss of levels/objects. I lost an entire level from a failed to load glitch and went out and bought a flash drive so I can back up every few days so I'll never loose it all again. Good luck! | 2009-05-05 05:50:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Always a bummer to hear when this stuff happens. I can't even begin to tell you how much time and data I've lost over the last 6 months or so. Get a thumbdrive, or copy your save file to another profile as often as possible. I've had it revert back like that and there was nothing I could do. I've also had to use backed up save files twice now, and it's saved my ****. Good luck and please don't give up. Your talented and it would be a shame to quit because of this. | 2009-05-05 06:01:00 Author: Jaeyden ![]() Posts: 564 |
Thanks for the link Morgana. Can't remember my PSN password so I can't post on the official workshop page. Looks like it was the profile full glitch only I seemed to get hit pretty badly by it because it reset my save game by 2 whole months. Guess I'll just have to backup stuff frequently and upload unfinished levels to avoid the problem. I've calmed down a little now. Downloaded the Fallout 3 add on so exploding some peoples heads was rather theraputic. Still not in the mood for completley restarting the half finished levels I had but I might start on something for the "around the world" competition. | 2009-05-06 02:25:00 Author: Sosaku ![]() Posts: 146 |
I know how you feel. About a month ago my entire save corrupted. Lost a 75% complete level (which I just got back to 75% yesterday) AND I had to collect all the prizes again. As long as you publish all your levels locked every day, I don't think it's possible for your level to disappear. | 2009-05-07 05:11:00 Author: TripleTremelo ![]() Posts: 490 |
A similar thing just happened to me today. I've had the corrupt save file message for weeks since installing Yarg, but everything has been working just fine. Today I loaded up my game, no problems. Then I quitted the game, backed it up to USB memory stick, and returned to the game again. WTF? My profile had somehow reverted to the one I had about a month ago, just because I had saved it to a memory stick! Costumes, stickers, DLC, pod decoration...all gone! Luckily I had published my work in progress as a locked level last night, otherwise a lot of creative energy would have been flushed down the pan, and Ungreth would have been throwing his PS3 out of the window in a blind rage. ![]() | 2009-05-07 15:52:00 Author: Ungreth ![]() Posts: 2130 |
Sounds like it's exactly the same problem I had. Since downloading Yarg I kept getting a backup message everytime I started the game. Eveything was fine untill a few days ago and then it reverted back to a much older save. I wish there was a way to tell MM about this. It's clearly something to do with the Yarg update. | 2009-05-07 16:00:00 Author: Sosaku ![]() Posts: 146 |
I publish my unfinished levels after EVERY creation session. This way I cannot lose anything (well, outside costumes and such). It never happened to me but i'm behaving so it dimishes the possible damage to a maximum. You should also back-up your save anyways so you also don't need to ever recollect the stuff in the story mode and such things. . | 2009-05-07 16:04:00 Author: RangerZero ![]() Posts: 3901 |
Eeks. I got the backup message when I installed Yarg. I tried a number of things to get rid of it, but nothing worked. Haven't switched it on since, and reading this maybe I should wait for another update from Mm. Too busy to play anyway. | 2009-05-07 18:06:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
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