Legend Hunters (Episode 2)
Archive: 7 posts
I have finished and published my second Legend Hunters lvl. There are no score bubbles because I am trying to concentrate more on story telling and mood. I hope you guys like it. I have put alot of time into it. If you search for "Legend Hunters" you will pull up episode 1 and 2. Legend Hunters: *Episode 1- Green Dragon *Episode 2- Temple Guardian I will be releaseing the first level in my next series soon called Incubus Sector. I'll be posting that when it is done. | 2009-05-04 20:22:00 Author: Siljin ![]() Posts: 76 |
Okay, I gave these levels a shot. I'm very impressed. I made some notes: Episode 1: All around a great level. Loved the coyotes and character models. Nicely done art. A few things: - Now that cornish yarg is out, you may want to go back and hide the strings and chains holding up the birds and the bats. I think it would make the level look a lot better. - Canyon with coyotes - could probably use some decorations or a few types of material here. I liked it, but it seemed a little bland as compared to the rest of the level. - Dragon egg that launches you - I got squished trying to jump onto the egg. You may want to have a tiny delay from the time the player lands on the egg and it launches. It almost made me lose all my lives at this key moment in the level. Episode 2: LOVED the look of the entire level. Great story, great animations. One huge issue - I honestly could NOT figure out how to kill the golem at the end. The archer above told me to help him. I wandered around the golum, tried to jump on him, tried to climb up to the top of the building again to see if I could get there. Did this for about 10 minutes before I finally gave up and quit. I went ahead and gave it 5 stars and a heart because I really love the level, but I'm concerned others may get confused as I did about what to do at that part of the level. And I KNOW I'm going to feel like a moron when you tell me.... but I honestly tried... | 2009-05-06 04:27:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
I really liked this level! Fantastic landscapes and characters. Really cinematic and fun to play. Challenging platforming in the castle too. Awesome use of stickers! 5 stars & hearted. CCubbage - I think that's the part where you need to shoot his weak spot with the paint gun. Look for the blue light. ![]() ![]() | 2009-05-07 07:30:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
Okay, I honestly have NO IDEA what I'm doing wrong here, but I simply can't finish this level. The final part with the golum hitting the fist up and down, and I'm suppost to do something to get up to the area with the paintinator.... Morgana25 tells we theres some sponge to grab onto on the golums hand, but I've sat there for about half an hour jumping up and down all over the place, climbing up to the top of the castle, dropping back down, and so on and I can't finish. I don't know where the sponge is on the hand, or if it gets knocked off when its pounding the soldiers, but this is quite possibly the first level I have not been able to finish in the last 6 months.... My input: somehow make this clearer, because if this happens to others they will be really frustrated. | 2009-05-08 03:42:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
try grabbing the hand itself? i played with morgana, no issues | 2009-05-08 03:46:00 Author: johnrulz77 ![]() Posts: 835 |
I'm trying to grab the hand its self... over and over and over... Morgana says there's a piece of sponge on the hand, but I have a FEELING it can get knocked off while the hand is hitting the soldiers, but I'm too tired to play through it again and see. I've been trying to grab parts of the hand for about half and hour now. Edit: Ok, I started over one more time and I could see the sponge this time and was able to finish, so I SUSPECT somehow the sponge can get knocked off when hitting the soldiers, but can't verify this. It's also possible I missed seeing it altogether because of the soldiers being in front of it constantly. I would highly suggestion putting some more sponge on the hand to make it more obvious you need to grab it. | 2009-05-08 03:48:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
Okay, I played it and I was pleasantly suprised at how fun and well designed everything was. The gameplay was also very enjoyable. Pros: +Everything looked brilliant +I was very impressed by the design of the Golem +The part where you see the golem travelling towards the village +The look of the burned village +Good use of stickers Cons: -Some parts where I was stuck and didn't know what to do (pulling down the baby and the bit where you have to grab the hand) Overall though I rated it 5 stars and hearted it because I really enjoyed playing ![]() | 2009-05-08 17:47:00 Author: Coxy224 ![]() Posts: 2645 |
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