Template Central
Archive: 1 post
This is the only place that looks right for this topic, as it has nothing to do with LBP but the site itself. With the new Template update for the site, a lot of you are probably making your own templates and using them a lot. Have a template or two that you now use a lot, and think it is good enough for the community? Well post yours here for everyone to view and use! If you want to post yours, post an 'Example' using your template, so people will know what they are getting and how it looks, then the actual thing surrounded by rawcode so people can see the code used in it. If you like someones template, just say so in a post, and once a template gets 4 votes, it will be placed on the main post here for everyone to easily access. None None None | 2009-05-04 03:35:00 Author: Kog ![]() Posts: 2358 |
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