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Sticker-switch enemies

Archive: 9 posts

The basic concept of this is a type of enemy that is defeated by using a sticker (or stickers) on them to defeat them. The sticker switch is attached to a protected brain and set on one shot, and when the switch is triggered, it destroys the brain, therefore destroying the enemy. The concept is used throughout my Little Fatal Frame levels, so if you want to see it in action, feel free to check it out.

Username: DJLols
Levels used in: Little Fatal Frame (part 1), Little Fatal Frame (part 2), Little Fatal Frame (part 3)
2009-05-01 07:49:00

Posts: 217

What sticker do you use2009-05-01 09:46:00

Posts: 2662

Hi DJ and welcome.

I'll check out your levels asap and would appreciate feedback on any of mine listed below.

BTW Are you anywhere near Pawtucket ? because I believe that is twinned with my home town.
2009-05-01 09:57:00

Posts: 2210

robot: a custom sticker that can be obtained at the beginning of the level.

vista: depends on your definition of close. Everything in RI is "close" to each other by outsider standards. I'm over in Warwick. We have swine flu. Want some?
2009-05-01 15:45:00

Posts: 217

Fatal Frame is that j-horror game featuring a camera as your main weapon yeah?

I really wanna play that game, I heard Suda51 (guy who made Killer 7 and No More Heroes) is making a new fatal frame game. I dunno if this is still in motion though.

I'll try give your levels a shot, I think sticker switch are waaay underused, and not put to more clever uses, so I'm already interested. Might as well send me over some Piggy-Flu while you're at it

EDIT: Oh wow.... Fatal Frame IV was released almost a year ago in japan.... doesn't look like its ever coming out in the west though, at least not america, but its not likely it'll come out in europe before america.
Seems like it got great reviews too
2009-05-01 19:47:00

Posts: 779

We have swine flu. Want some?

Ooh no thankyou. I don't want to be covered in 'rashers'

P.S. will check your levels later. Since the CY update I always have prize collection and photobooth switched off. Unfortunately that means any level requiring the use of stickers found in the level doesn't work. I'll try and remember to switch it on again next time I play your levels.
2009-05-01 20:52:00

Posts: 2210

You can turn it on, grab the switch, and then turn it back off.

There's a short, (crappy) 30 second trailer I threw together on my Level Showcase page:


Check it out if you wanna get a quick feel for how it looks before you play it.
2009-05-02 00:59:00

Posts: 217

So I'm guessing they don't die unless you sticker their actual brain? I had something similar in my first level.2009-05-02 15:03:00

Posts: 427

No... You put the sticker switch on the enemy, with a trigger radius of the body, then attach it to a tiny protected brain. You stick the sticker anywhere on the enemy, and it destroys the brain. Go try it out.2009-05-03 04:00:00

Posts: 217

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